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Isamu Starkiller

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Everything posted by Isamu Starkiller

  1. I have another idea similar to your's Grace worked on a project with Dr. Mao Nome and Ranka's Mother Ranshe, what if the project was to call to the birdman. By creating Vajra to set up the path to destruction and knowing Ranka is a blood relation to Mao. But Ranka is unable to project the song of destruction alone (emotion meter), When Grace finds Sheryl in the streets they use her as the other peice of the puzzle to move the project forwards. With the proper situation Ranka and Sheryl are set to meet by "fate" and a proxy war (too much MGS4) is waged when those close enough to Sheryl and Ranka are hurt the two will sing Aimo (song of dispair retcon) and the Birdman will return. Only peice of the puzzle I haven't figured out is, if this is what Mao is trying to do, why? Just my latest speculation based on ep 18.
  2. Also if someone can get a hi res screen cap of this so I can set it as my wallpaper that wold be great.
  3. Yeah But that Monster nose art is like taking the pic below and putting it on a gunship
  4. Laughed at the scene when the adam's apple! And then Kanaria makes . Also just realized something to add to the Deculture cookbook! Coffee = iminent enemy attack. And I was totally expecting that scene to show up sooner or later when Sheryl finds out Sheryl you've just been Punked!
  5. Maybe Horrible will get the raw up soon, I noticed they had a raw for something else yesterday. EDIT: Horrible FTW! First to the starting gate
  6. DECULTCHAAA!! That's awesome!!! And it looks tasty too!
  7. Leon definately went to the Grima Wurmtongue school of manipulation!
  8. Any idea where that nest of eggs that is obviously gonna hatch thousands of AI Kuns located? Ranka better start making more valk cookies!
  9. Didn't Mikhail buy Ranka a Zentradi hippo cow icecream cone at folmo mall?
  10. Updated! I haven't seen M7 so I rely on those of you who have to add M7 food references. Gotta go watch M0 again. Those villagers must've eaten ALOT of pineapple salad
  11. Oh boy, wait til Misaforever sees that!
  12. Nice! Thanks, I need to convince my wife that on top of the raws and subs, that we need the MF BD's!
  13. A guy I work with is driving from NY to FL tommorow morning after working a 12 hr day 7PM-7AM. It's his last day (night) with the company and some friends bought him a cake.... I think he'll make it safe and sound!
  14. It's great to see new fans to the Macross universe and your perspective is refreshing and leads me to think that Macross is trully timeless and reminds me of the story of the Birdman from M0 being told to the villagers of Mayan. Perhaps we fans are sorta doing the same via message boards like MW.... And welcome aboard hikennoace
  15. Kinda like having the mystery of the force dashed by midicholians....
  16. I'll add that to the list on the first post ^^ EDIT: Made it a virgin Pineappletini
  17. I only speak for me and my wife, we grab the first avail raw then wait for shinsen's subs as they were the one's we began with for Macross Frontier and would like the consistancy of having them thru the series. This in no way to be taken negatively by other subbers, as they all work hard for us fans and should be thanked for their time and efforts. Pineapple cake for all!
  18. After watching MF 17 "Goodbye Sister" I thought it would be fun to list all the various foods seen throughout the Macross series and list the benefits and detriments of listed foods. This actually began in the "Who's gonna die in Macross" thread. Pineapple Salad = internal bleeding/death Pineapple Sauce = temporary recovery / eventual death by impalement and sucked out into space/ confess true feelings Pineapple cake = massive blood loss/ miraculous survival against insurmountable odds Pineappletini (virgin) = squished by Vajra Giant Tuna Head = no libido / faux marriage, almost kiss and almost double suicide Steak = Killed while on duty Pizza = extra life Radioactive fish = Increased Libido Glowing drinks = get kidnapped by Zentradi near Saturn Fizzy drinks = get kidnapped by vampires Irish coffee = get invited to a sixteen-year-old's birthday party Appale Genki = get your blood stolen by Ritsuko Appale Genki missile = Anti Vajra weapon Budweiser = get your head blown up by some kid in a Valk Bitter Valk cookies = Getting stood up multi-colored carrot = death by PPB knife! Unrippened apple = ditching girl to go bird watching "pretend" food = sex with your Superior Super Chilli Chilli Hot Dog = date food with an "almost girlfriend" Plastic display food = free food, three bridge bunnies, and disco fever!! Zentran hippocow soft ice cream = band magically appearing out of nowhere Picnic Sandwiches = getting stood up the whole day without a message Macross shaped wedding cake = an all-out alien attack on your wedding day. Regular Tea = LaSalle "Special Herb" tea = ice breaker White Zinfandel = conjures memories of the past seeing nyan nyan tuna buns = lighten up! eating nyan nyan tuna buns = despair! Daikon and chikuwa soup/stew = makes one friendicidal especially if that friend skips town on you with their "brother" Spicy Miso Jellyfish potstickers= Jellyfish Sashimi w/ Banana sake= Apples=Stowaway on wrong ship Onigiri= You have not arrived at your destination Petite Cola = invites creepy stares from lecherous older men?
  19. Does anyone else see the forshadowing in that scene when Alto's paper plane gets torn apart by AI Kun?
  20. Don't blow out the candles!!!! Must add to Macross cook book....
  21. It's gonna be Nanase! She's like a sister to Ranka and....and I dunno.
  22. I missed the Yak Deculture info. Has it been released for DL yet, if so what date so I can look for it on Tokyo Toshi
  23. Humanoid or not there was definately something going on there. I think Ranka's illuminating tummy and the Vajra illumination in the tube are connected somehow....emotion energy perhaps.
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