My list based on the series I've seen...
Maximilian Jenius
Milla Fallyna Jenius
Isamu Dyson
Alto Saotome
Hikaru Ichijo
Ozma Lee
Roy Focker
Guld Bowman
Shin Kudo
D.D. Ivanov
Klan Klan
Nora Polyanski
Michael Blanc
Brera Sterne
Nene Rora
Kanaria Berstein
Luca Angeloni
Quamzin Kravshera
Raramia Rerenia
Kakizaki Hayao
A few differences, I dropped Brera down a few more notches because he might not even be in the cockpit of the VF-27! I put shin Kudo one notch above D.D. because both were enraged both went headfirst at the Birdman, one survived, one got blown to bits. I also brought Guld up a few because of his competative nature against Isamu his skills may have actually improved and I believe he is better than D.D. Ivanov. A dogfight between Klan Klan and Nora Polyanski would be epic IMO.