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Isamu Starkiller

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Everything posted by Isamu Starkiller

  1. Sorry no tears for Mikhail, but I did have an "Oh Dam!" moment. On another note what is Klan gonna wear when she gets out of the Macronization chamber?
  2. This may be a strech but this picture may actually reveal who Alto ends up with at the end of frontier.... One's a Winner one's a Loser....
  3. Neither, he's gonna go home to his mommy. No? Ok I voted Sheryl.
  4. LMAO @ Sheryl Nome....almost as good a pilot as Misa!
  5. My list based on the series I've seen... Maximilian Jenius Milla Fallyna Jenius Isamu Dyson Alto Saotome Hikaru Ichijo Ozma Lee Roy Focker Guld Bowman Shin Kudo D.D. Ivanov Klan Klan Nora Polyanski Michael Blanc Brera Sterne Nene Rora Kanaria Berstein Luca Angeloni Quamzin Kravshera Raramia Rerenia Kakizaki Hayao A few differences, I dropped Brera down a few more notches because he might not even be in the cockpit of the VF-27! I put shin Kudo one notch above D.D. because both were enraged both went headfirst at the Birdman, one survived, one got blown to bits. I also brought Guld up a few because of his competative nature against Isamu his skills may have actually improved and I believe he is better than D.D. Ivanov. A dogfight between Klan Klan and Nora Polyanski would be epic IMO.
  6. Pretty cool Frontier AMV...be patient...it's not Zero. Mac F -Valley of the damned AMV
  7. Wow it's tied between Kaifun and Grace!
  8. Well I had to leave for work before Shinsen put out their raw but from the 9 minutes I saw of Horrible (no medal this week guys) The scene in the totally felt like the
  9. LOL Dryers icecream! Jumbo super hot hotdogs= date food
  10. I think Sheryl will wake up in the Saotome home similarly to how Shin Kudo did on Mayan, except alto will not be sliding down a tree to make his grand entrance.
  11. Who's gonna get the gold for first raw avail >.<
  12. HA! And I prefered Sharons music better Info High > opps I did it again
  13. Marge was Sharon's assistant Manager right?
  14. That qualifies her for the worst IMO....
  15. If you're gonna reach for the top og the Galactic charts and sell out concerts venues in Macross you need MEGA talent and......a special type of someone who knows the ins and outs of the industry, a manager that will stand by your side through the good times and the bad. Someone like these 5 managers. Which of them do you think deserves the gold medal for worst manager of all time in Macross?
  16. I broke down and began DLing ep's 12-18 from Lunar today. I put em on the laptop, so I'll save a seat for Shinsen on my desktop....
  17. Ai Kun for ambassador for peace negotiations!
  18. Every day I check Shinsen, everyday another tear hits the floor....Prince of Tennis really?
  19. Thanks Whispo you the man!
  20. Is this a serious thread?...*chuckles and leaves*
  21. Kanaria made apple animals in ep 18, side effect unknown...
  22. Nice one! Anychance you can make one from ther new OP? Like around the part in the pic below?
  23. there's at least 3 of whatever we're looking at in the second pic, my guess the true horror of the Vajra as mentioned a few episodes back...
  24. Thanks for the OP screen caps, they'll make nice wallpaper. And besides the ?
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