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Isamu Starkiller

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Everything posted by Isamu Starkiller

  1. I'm fairly certain the clips we've seen so far in the trailers are part of a new full length anime.
  2. I'm getting RB2 my wife, her Brother and I have some hilarious sessions we recorded and put on Youtube, I'll add the link later, but for a measley $5 I'll get 99% of my RB1 songs + all my DLC + all the RB2 songs! That's alotta drumming for me ^^
  3. 1/1LVL you're absolutely right about arcades, here in the states they've gone the way of the drive in movie theater. I am a bit surprised to hear it didn't do so well in Japanese arcades...I think everyone knows it's coming to the PS3 & X360 with additional content like the anime, Sakura, Dan, Fei Long and probably Cammy too. Not to mention it'll be online and have additional DLC down the road. Who would waste money at the arcade?
  4. Yes, and the timing of some sections would require ultra fast reading skills. They sing from their tummy's O.o did Ranka really say that?
  5. That brings up a great question to the old school fans, how do you feel about the Macross franchise going mainstream? I started out with Robotech then when I learned about M+ I researched Macross and "reeducated" myself. I discovered I actually was a fan of a classic anime that had a very cultish following. I've grown up with videogames (owned a atari 5200) and have seen that industry go from niche to mainstream, and I dispise Johnny gamers' lack of knowledge of videogames beyond Madden 03,04,05,06,07,08,09 and NBA2k3,2k4 etc. I think I'd prefer Macross to remain out of the mainstream as it would eventually become Capitalism Fodder, "Macross Alpha Gold 2" FTL
  6. I'm actually glad to see politiks are discouraged here at MW, too many other boards I belong to are pulled into an ugly cesspool of bickering and endless arguements over politics, the Galactic Senate, a Star Wars message board is a perfect example.
  7. Obviously you haven't actually seen 2g1c because not only is it worse than an R it's breaks the boundries of XXX, it is by far the WORST thing I've ever witnessed two humans do. Even Joe Rogan cringed while watching it! As one human to another DO NOT watch it, you won't want to look at women for at least a week.
  8. OMG Alto's VF-25 going down in flames soooo reminded me of Shin's VF-0 after Sarah folded away!
  9. LMAO! Hypothetically if James Cameron were to helm a SDF: Macross project I think it would have the proper attention to detail as well as the best chance of keeping faithfull to the source material. If that were to happen it would be a total BO sucess. The story has very adult themes and by BO trends war movies aren't very popular these days. But a space opera with themes of love and cultures breaking barriers might just be what the doctor ordered. It could make Titanic $$$ if done right. As far as my countries image outside the states is concerned, it's unfortunate we are lumped up by our lowest common denominator, but if that's the way we're seen, that's a shame.
  10. Hey thanks for that, I'm from New York...yeah I get it, "America Sucks". Can I jump on that train? I must be the exception to the rule since I've enjoyed Macross since I was a child.
  11. Apologies if this has been posted already, if not...... 21st Century EX Gear FTW! EX Gear
  12. I believe she kept Dr. Hasford's (sp?) wheel Chair from Macross 0
  13. I definately think we are following in the PC's footsteps, and I got the impression early on in Frontier that humans were on the brink of making the same mistakes as the PC. Thru the various Macross Series we have a rough idea of the PC's existance and fall that I think a compelling series next could be the the high point of the human expansion and the first signs of history repeating itself by the fall of the human race throughout the galaxy....just a thought.
  14. *smiles knowing I don't suffer from S.O.S or R.A.W (Ranka/Aikun Worship).
  15. As much as I enjoyed Frontier, SDF: M will always be my favorite, there's just something trully human about the characters and the love triangle in SDF:M. I'm not saying Frontiers triangle isn't good and for me it is resolved Alto needed to find his reason for joining SMS just like Hikaru needed to remember why he joined UNS Ranka/Minmay. But Alto loves Sheryl and cares for Ranka. Anywho you can't beat an original IMO because without it all the references and fanservice wouldn't mean anything....and I think part of Frontiers magic is those references and fanservice. 1. SDF:M 2. Macross Frontier 3. Macross Plus 4. Macross Zero 5. Macross 7
  16. gah c'mon how long does it take to put up a horibble raw?!?!?!?!?!
  17. was it a hologram of Minmay or her in the old wrinkley flesh and blood?
  18. Not only was MF great, the discussions we've had while the show was on and the new peeps we've "met" thanks to Frontier was great also.
  19. Zentradi are as good with the up keep of their teeth as they are with their ships...
  20. I'd need to open a chain of Nyan Nyan chinese resruants and be sure to oversee the opening of the one on Frontier...then again if Frontier gets blowed up in episode 25 I'll never know!
  21. One way ticket to South Ataria Island and bring my laptop with me! Dream Weaver you always come up with great discussions!
  22. Time....must....go....faster! Can we skip wednesday and go straight to Thursday 9/25?
  23. Very cool find! Reminds me of Ralph McQuary's (sp?) early art work for Star Wars..
  24. Who or what appears is the culture shock that's been mentioned previously.
  25. Well we'll find out in 4 days. I'm in the camp that wants to see a direct connection to M0 but I've enjoyed this series so much I won't be disapointed if there isn't.
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