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Isamu Starkiller

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Everything posted by Isamu Starkiller

  1. I was more excited that Gen made the cut, Rose never seemed to fit in Street Fighter for me...she wears stiletto's and beats up people with a scarf? I'd rather see Ibuki in Roses spot on the roster.
  2. I reserved the Collectors edition of SFIV, the only things other than the game that I'm interested in are the anime , and the 2 free DLC's. I thought DLC was free....I guess I was wrong.
  3. I've gotta wait til Christmas to open my copy of Valkyria Chronicals and Resistance2. As for LBP perhaps it'll pick up after the holiday season here in the states. Games like Okami, LBP and Katamari unforunately don't seem to do well here, I personally think these games are diamonds in the rough....how many shooters can the industry produce before gamers get bored?!
  4. I've owned all three Playstations and have enjoyed each but I have to question why the online experience is considered inferior to X360 Live? Before some of you jump on the $50 dollars a year keeps the live service superior to PSN, ask yourself where does the proceeds from Qore go and where will all the profits from the microtransactions w/i Home go? In the end PS owners may be paying more than 50 a year to play online.... I don't want to jinx it but I really never had the problems some people claim while playing online...Socom, SSFIITHDR, FFXI on the PS2 all play fine. I was totally turned off after buying the first episode of Qore....I was like "WTF did I give them money for this???" and then the Socom beta fiasco...whoa! So I have mixed feelings about Home, I think as a Playstation community service it has good potential...but I can't justify paying RL $$$ for a digital sweatshirt plus if my wife found out I'd never hear the end of it! I think it would be better if they incorporated trophy support as a form of currency in Home it would enhance the game's longevity and act as a stimulus to the game industry, as people might be willing to buy more games...that's just an idea.
  5. Keep reading though and it's $4.99 to create a club BUT begining no earlier than March 09 they will be instituting a monthly fee for maintaining clubs... Iwas talking about this with a guy in my game clan, if you have a club and it's worthwhile to keep, perhaps setting up a paypal account for the group would be a good idea.
  6. I was in FFXI iso WoW and I think Home is like MMO 101 for a Sims/2nd life crowd. I also mentioned on another board Home will hopefully evolve over time with user created content and more publisher centric content...I like the Uncharted themed zone Sully's bar I think it's called. Time will tell if this was another over ambious poorly executed app from a game company.
  7. I'll try and send a friend invite...I wasn't aware there was a limit on the friends list....or maybe I'll spot you roaming around in Home tomorrow!
  8. Anyone get SSFIITHDR? My PSN ID is XxSITHappensxX if you want to fight
  9. With every remake my hopes of the San Andreas fault severing California into the pacific and making Hollywood the new Atlantis slowly fades.
  10. SSFIITHDR on the PSN 11/25 only $14.99
  11. Here's a link to a compilation of screen shots from SFIV with Dan, Cammy, Fei Long, and....Gen
  12. Can't wait till the 25th, I'll be DLing SSFIITHDR and I'll check out the free remixed hip hop soundtrack even though I'm not that crazy about hip hop. Street Fighter themed UNO cards O.o
  13. OMG my eyes!!! They're bleeding like Le Chiffre!!
  14. I enjoyed QoS, the car chase was very Bondesque, the scene with Agent Fields on the bed face down was unmistakeable fanservice. The aerial dog fight was incredible. Judy Dench did an amazing job as M...again. For those who call it James Bourne you can have your Dalton, Lazenby and Moore Bonds, I prefer the fromage with crackers. A couple people have mentioned that Quantum is a revisioned SPECTER, it could be because I cannot accept that Dominick Greene was the head of Quantum. Also for the first time the title of the movie actually means something, Bond is looking for the smallest peice of Solace after Vesper betrayed his love. The Bond in QoS is acting like most men would after the events in CR, throw in Bonds ego and it's very believable how Bond acts in QoS. I enjoyed this movie very much, as a stand alone film it's not as strong as Casino Royale but the two films together are brilliant!
  15. No, do you you think Calista Flockhart is hot?
  16. Street Fighter IV official release date in the US is February 17th, and in Europe Feb. 20th.
  17. There's a good amount of SFIV vids on YT already some showing the characters alt's. Ryu is topless O.o, Blanka is in safari gear, Balrog (US) is in Apollo Creeds "Uncle Sam" outfit, Bison (US) is is topless with some cybernetic implant on his chest, I haven't seen any other alt's yet. And Gouken IS in SFIV he has a unique mastery of the shoto style...upwards vertical hadokens (opposite of akuma), shoryuken, and a vertical tatsumakisempukayaku (sp?) that has a huge recovery time in the air. For those who like sailor Gouki...Delta red Bison...
  18. I caught a frame of Chun Li in SSFIITHDR where she has 6 fingers!
  19. Chun Li's alt is hot! Gouki in a sailor fuku!
  20. We haven't seen her alt outfit yet... A couple people over on the Capcom unity boards are thinking it's gonna be a gym uniform, I think we might see her sporting Karin's uniform. Guile's alt is weak, Charlies vest >.<
  21. Has anyone here swapped out their HDD for a larger one? I have an 80 gig and it's filling up fast with required game installs, games and stuff bought on the PS store, music and pics saved on it too. I have read it's pretty easy but would like to hear more about it from people who've done it.
  22. Alpha 1 had the character as Nash in Japan and Charlie in the States, but I think the character is considered by most now to be Charlie Nash. And Chris Klein as Charlie O.o I dunno. M.C.D as Balrog is a good casting. Tatoo from BEP...they'll need to keep his speaking roles to a minimum and dye his hair dirty blonde/blonde. Neal McDonough as Bison, I can't see it. I'd still prefer the Shoto story to this, show the fight between Gouki and Gotetsu, then Gouki vs Gouken with a young Ryu and Ken at the dojo. And finish the film with the fight between Ryu and Sagat when he gets the scar. The second movie could begin with a flash back of Guile and Charlie getting separated while on a mission in S.E Asia and then work in the whole vagabond Ryu, and work thru some breif cameo's of the other WW's and end the second with Charlie V Bison and have the fight brutal like Rocky V Apollo Creed rematch, have Ken at the tourney fighting someone and win decisively then spot Ryu "passing thru" and Ken tracks Ryu down where the two come face to face with Gouki.
  23. * Dreamweaver floats in front of Isamu and magically makes the canned bread go from being lodged in his throat to his tummy....that's where the vajra communicate from...and they say they like Ranka and Sheryl's canned bread!
  24. I really hope there's gonna be an option to turn off the announcer in the home version. And I thought the SNK vs Capcom 2 announcer was bad.... I saw some impressive Sakura matches on YT last weekend, one against a skilled Ryu player and one against someone playing Guile who may have never played Street Fighter before in they're life....that was painful to watch (hop scotch over the head taunt to a super)
  25. Wow that bread was delicious! it had bits of pineapple baked righ~ >ACK< *THUD*
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