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Isamu Starkiller

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Everything posted by Isamu Starkiller

  1. He hasn't escaped yet... One of two things are bound to happen, Alto will use Mikhails fold booster pack or the Dimention eater will receed and Gallia 4 will explode ala Alderaan and Alto will be dodging chunks of Gallia 4 as he escapes.
  2. The creature that Ranka and Alto saw in the bushes looked very similar to Ranka's Carby back on the Frontier. And it looks like Nanase is over feeding it too!
  3. So am I, but then again it may just be a holding chamber like in DYRL and SDFM...
  4. White room? Where's that?
  5. LOL re so right! Everyone's a toughguy behind their firewall.... If you think it's bad on MGO you should bring a bar of life boy if you ever play Socom! I'm in a clan already, but maybe we can set up a war between my clan and the SMS skull squadron. Send me a PSN friend invite, and if you want I'll try and coordinate some matches. My PSN is XxSITHappensxX, the clan I'm in is the Kontract Killaz.
  6. I completed MGS4 this afternoon, I really enjoyed it . I do have two nagging questions...
  7. Logitech VF throttle that can adjust like Ozma's to switch modes in game + thrust peddles. This isn't too much to ask since they made the GT force steering wheel and pedals for Gran Turismo. I think it would make a Macross game more immersive.
  8. I thought the same thing, I just began the Outter Heaven mission and I am absolutely floored by how amazing this game experience has been so far. The mission briefing after Shadow Moses is pretty funny, Mei Ling: "Any Questions?" Snake: "Anyone got a smoke?" Otacon: "Snake you ever think of quitting?" Snake: "What's the point, it's not like I have my health to worry about." LMAO!
  9. I noticed that about Johnny too! I'm at the fight against I think I need to use CQC and the , but I haven't had any luck so far. Please PM me with what I need to do, thanks
  10. I think you may have misunderstood me.... I'm saying why make EITHER Macross OR Robotech, there's really no point, it's Hollywood snatching up whatever they can get their grubby little hands on to make money. Why are you going to pay 9+ dollars to sit in a smelly, crowded movie theater with below average sound and (most likely) analog projectors to watch a 2 hour butchering of these timeless anime classics. I'd rather save that 9+ dollars and buy a case of guiness and some nachos and sit in the comfort of my home and enjoy Macross/Robotech on my reclining couch on my 42' LCD HDTV.....but that's just me.
  11. 6, 10, 7 for me....excuse me while I go play these numbers.
  12. I asked this same question about the DBZ L/A movie in production...WHY? Why do we need a live action version of Robotech? It's a poor retelling of the original material anyway. We all obviously enjoy Macross, what's the point? We all know it will never be as good as the anime. If someone with the amount of passion as Peter Jackson has for the LOTR's novels was helming this project I might be a little more optimistic but at this point I really can't see the point in doing this.
  13. I think I saw UN Spacy printed on something in Voices of a Distant Star.
  14. I'm not about to jump on the good ship speculation just yet, BUT, if this theory does come to fruition, that line in episode 3 from Sheryl about luck and her making her own destiny would be such sweet irony!
  15. "Ozma you've switched off your targeting computer is everything alright?"
  16. I throw my support under Klan Klan
  17. That scene may seem out of place but, artistically it did exactly what it was intended to do, remind us of old school macross anime. I think most will agree that when you first saw it you thought of anime from years ago like SDFM. I think that art style was intentional. I also gotta say that was a deculture episode! Maybe my favorite so far!
  18. Overall I really enjoyed M0, but it seemed like it jumped from episode 4 to 5 very suddenly.
  19. Uh ohh looks like Alto made his choice from that last pic...
  20. Did this episode skip the intro history lesson?
  21. I thought I saw multiple transport vessels, one floating over the asteroid, one that called for help and others floating near asteroids in the background. It was a bit confusing, I figured the ships were mining ships. Frontier is starting to feel very much like Aliens, (speculation) Leon secretly working for Mr Bilrer (aka Weyland Yutani), Grace keeping tabs on Leon....
  22. I bought Rock Band for my wife in February and her band is ranked around 49,000 / 100k on the RB site. But the reason I'm posting this is I recently made a new band.....The Deculture Club .
  23. Episode 9 made me a believer, a believer that if anyone can, Klan Klan can! What is thy bidding Klan Klan?
  24. That's my favorite eyecatch so far. I was undecided between KK and Nanase but episode 9 sealed the deal. I support Klan Klan, even though she doesn't need it....wakka wakka wakka
  25. You're right, I'm kinda new to the whole thing so I'm not totally familiar to the time span it usually takes them. I have Shinsen eps 1-5 on desktop and laptop and 5-8 from veoh till Shinsen puts theirs out. Thanks for the reply ^^
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