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Everything posted by Taylor_VFA122

  1. I know I definately want a couple but mostly the SMS logos. A New Edwards patch would be pretty cool or a Frontier logo or something would also be pretty cool too
  2. I'm kind of suprised there's been nothing on it so far. I searched a while ago and the only thing I found was a UN SPACY kite patch. Thats about it
  3. Anyone on here ever entertain the thought of having iron on/ sew on squadron patches and logo patches made? Just curious cause I think patches of the SMS logo and the SMS Skull squadron logo would be pretty bad ass.
  4. when will the vf-25 kits be released?
  5. how fast are they going to be cranking out episodes?
  6. thanks for sheding some light grahm. I have the deculture edition and episode 2, so I'll download the broadcast version and then watch them all. Thanks again
  7. is there a difference in episode one and episode one deculture edition?
  8. I downloaded the Gattai version and its pretty good there were a couple of spelling errors but the brain could figure it out. no one answered my question
  9. this has probably allready been discussed before but whats the difference between ep1 and ep1 deculture edition?
  10. Looks like they're all raw. Is there nothing subtitled yet?
  11. Where did you guys download episode 2. Animesuki doesn't have it yet
  12. The VF-0 pilot that was shot down by Nora who promptly gets blown up after making a successful escape from his destroyed fighter. I kind of said "that sucks" to myself as I was watching that episode of Macross Zero. Then there was the Super VF-1A in DYRL during the last battle when Hikaru is trying to convince MinMei to sing. You know, the one that shows up in front of the port window, turns and then gets blown to smithereens. That actually made me laugh
  13. this thread needs more VF-25 and VF-11B
  14. Ok well I should be able to send these to you tomorrow. I have a couple of Zentran gifs also, as well as VF-1J, YF19, and YF-22. Shoot me your e-mail address so I can send them your way.
  15. sweet. I look forward to seeing new stuff
  16. Depending on timelines, VF-0B (cause I like two seaters and the D is ugly and the fact that I hate delta wing planes) VF-1J (Just to be different) VF-11B VF-25 (cause c'mon, the thing is bad ass)
  17. Yeah I saw it and I was like "hmm" Then I opened it and was mildly suprised. What Macross did that show up in? I know I have its stats for my Macross RPG and it says that its in Macross Plus, but I've seen that so many times I know for a fact that its not in it. Also, did anyone happen to see the seller on ebay selling his VF-0S for like 46 bucks plus 14 to ship?
  18. . . . This was not a Glaug. ?
  19. Im pretty sure its on Fire Bomber: Ultimate Fire album. I just listened to it the other day.
  20. That's pretty cool. How do you color something like that and what kind of glue would you use. That Blue Angles F-25 is my favorite so far. It would be cool to see more Macross kits. VF-11, VF-0, and VF-25 . . . hint hint
  21. Ok So I found Macross Frontier on Youtube fan subbed like a week or two ago, and now I can't seem to find it at all, only little battle scenes or AMVs. Does anyone here have Macross Frontier fan subbed in English in DVD format that could copy it for me?
  22. Thanks man. I don't have a high rez pic of it its just a little gif file I stumbled upon on accident. I have a couple of others. I'm not on my home pc so what I'll do is email them to you as soon as I can. Your avatar is pretty bad ass too. Do you have a pic of just the SMS logo?
  23. Any chance of getting some vf-11 wallpapers on here?
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