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Everything posted by Taylor_VFA122

  1. the YF-19 and 21, and the VF-0S are all 1/60 why does the 1/60 VF-1S look so tiny?
  2. Any idea where I could have a ROM and a PS1 emulator to play something like that?
  3. I'm looking for both really. I just want to know where I can find this stuff and what I need to play it lol
  4. Does anyone know of any Macross games similar to Super Robot Wars Alpha or anything side of top scrolling aside from Scramble Valkyrie and the original NES Macross, for the PC that could be downloaded or anything?
  5. I didn't read all of this thread so I dont know if it was mentioned before. But I watched the Raw when this episode came out, and have been reading about the "Why does Brera hate Alto?" posts that frequent it or not. But, did anyone catch the flashback that occurs (it was like "black and white") of Ranka when she was younger with her parents and they're holding what looks like a little boy? Is it possible that Brera is related to Ranka? I mean he did save her once.
  6. VF-25 Messiah VF-1S Strike Valkyrie VF-11B Thunderbolt YF-19 Alpha One VF-0 VF-2JA Icarus
  7. Zinjo where did you get your avatar and are there more? Such as Super Alto version?
  8. Better still. What's a hydra? I mean I know what it is mythologically, but was it ever mentioned on this show before?
  9. Man where can you get one of those??
  10. VF-27 "oh crap its faster than ours"
  11. I just love the fact that the sms skull squadron anitmated gif is animated and its my start up animation. its bad ass
  12. they both translate into the same thing?
  13. Hey real quick, whats the Japanese translation for LISTEN TO MY SONG!! ? its becoming a running joke at my work
  14. I'd have to agree. every tinme I start my phone up and see it (which i did at least 20 times today) I want to jump into some Vajra killing action
  15. Awesome that worked out perfectly. Now I have that as my phone start up animation, and I have the Take off theme as my start up music. I just need to figure out what to do about a shut down animation and a shut down music theme. I saw someone on here have an animated gif of Ozma flying in and going batroid and launching tons of mini missles. It was from episode 7. If anyone can find it and can resize it 176 x 220 that would be awesome. any suggestions on what macross frontier song clip I should use to shut the phone down with?
  16. Darrtallion is it possible you can resize the animated gif to 176 x 220? I just uploaded it to the phone but the image failed because it was the wrong size.
  17. Dude you rock! that thing is awesome
  18. Hmm as it appears I dont have the right programs to resize .gif files. So does anyone out there have the animated gif of Ozma going from fighter to batroid mode and launching a ton of missles as seen in episode 7? I think someone on here has it as an avatar. Thing is, I need it in 176width x 220height. same thing with transformation of the vf25 sequence as seen in episode one. Can someone help me out?
  19. I wish someone had the SMS Skull squadron logo in an animated gif. like spinning or something with a black background
  20. I would if I could send text messages. I have a razr and they're pretty east to hack with the right programs. I'm about to change my opening animations to the Ozma VF-25 transformation sequence! haha
  21. sweet man thanks. I basically added a glow effect to it and then hacked my cell phone and put it on as my background logo it looks bad ass
  22. was this when they were all in class or something?
  23. thats pretty cool, but what is that in the background?
  24. hey guys I'm looking for n SMS SKull Squadron logo thats 176 x 146. Can anyone help me out?
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