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Everything posted by IXTL

  1. From Toysdaily. GX-42 Kotetsushin Jeeg
  2. No news yet and there probably won't be any until the first news about the 2nd Rebuild movie hits. By then we'll probably also see SPEC versions of Rebuild EVA-03, EVA-05 and EVA-06 as well. Going by the TV and movie releases of EVA-01, the Rebuild movie version of EVA-02 might have lesser accessories/weapons since it is only meant to represent the EVA and its weapons as they appear in that specific movie while the TV version covers all 26 episodes and EoE. I'll patiently wait for the Rebuild EVA-02 SPEC though. The Rebuild EVAs have a nicer sleeker body armour than the TV ones.
  3. New official photos of XS-09 EVA-00 (Blue) TV Edition. http://www.amiami.com/shop?vgForm=ProductI...ate=review.html
  4. I've got XS-03 EVA-01 new movie ed. and XS-04 EVA-00 new movie ed. They are perfectly fine QC wise. The one with QC issues was XS-01 EVA-01 TV ver. Bandai are now going to release a renewal version with resculpted parts in June called XS-01R EVA-01 TV ver. Renewal.
  5. Another CM's MAS Peacmaker gallery. http://www.geocities.jp/a5298053/pato-ma-peacemaker.htm
  6. The complete CM's Patlabor family.
  7. CM's M.A.S. AV-0 Peacemaker gallery from Hyper Dimension. http://hyperd.blog66.fc2.com/blog-entry-517.html EDIT: Another gallery here: http://blogs.dion.ne.jp/drill/archives/cat_169759-1.html
  8. Mecha Action Series AV-0 Peacemaker out of package. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-58231-1-1.html
  9. Some Daimos scans over at Howza-life blog. http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/howza-life/arti...1&next=8383
  10. A couple more scans.
  11. New CM's Patlabor figures on the way. Brocken and AVS-98 Economy.
  12. New magazine scans. Thanks to Toysdaily.
  13. SPEC L-Gaim magazine scan. http://hk.rd.yahoo.com/blog/mod/art_title/...rticle?mid=8482
  14. From cybergundam.
  15. A couple more Tamashii Nation 2008 galleries. http://www.moeyo.com/2008/03/post_4817.html http://www.moeyo.com/2008/03/post_4818.html
  16. I guess they will be releasing an expansion set (like the EVA positron cannon) for Gurren Lagann since the wings and tiny drills that were on display with the figure at wonderfest winter are not included. They could also package those accessories with another figure like they did for Giant Robo and GR-2.
  17. More Tamashii Nation 2008 Pics. http://toycan.web.fc2.com/goukin.html
  18. Tamashii Nation 2008 exhibition. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=8367 Includes pics of Daimos and new Jeeg in colour plus SPEC L-Gaim prototype and special SOC set displays etc.
  19. More pics of Gurren Lagann and Regult Battle Pod at Cybergundam. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam
  20. Review and gallery for Brave 14 Ingram Reactive Armor Ver. http://hyperd.blog66.fc2.com/blog-entry-504.html Looks like CM's at least got a couple of things right with this release despite some of my other peeves. - Screw caps provided - License plates are now interchangeable. Unfortunately the white numbering on the upper arms of the Ingram are sticker labels so putting them on will sort of limit the Ingram to that particular unit no. At the same time, it seems they haven't put in enough time or effort checking the design of the Ingram in P2. These are somewhat minor things but considering the price of this thing... - the Ingrams did not have their neck antannae while in reactive armor. Fortunately it is removable. - the reactive armor is missing the red SV2 badge on the collar. - they provided 3 pilot figures but they're all wearing the wrong color jackets. The support personnel, Shinohara, Shinshi and Hiromi wore the green flak jackets while the pilots wore their regular orange ones since they were protected inside their units. The figures are also wearing the wrong headgear as they had a new design headgear with visor in the movie. CM's just repainted the figures from the earlier releases. - mentioned this in an earlier post, they did not provide the white piece for the back portion of unit 2's new head design, only the green piece that it sports while in the reactive armor. It will look a bit off if you place it on the Brave no.7 body (with the unarmored shield provided with the Brave 14 set) to emulate the look of unit 2 in WXIII as advertised in CM's promo pics.
  21. The price for reactive armor ingrams is the same as all the other releases. 13,440yen. It is still less worthwhile than the earlier ones since the die-cast content is reduced as the arm and leg die-cast armor has been replaced with PVC/rubber and the electronics have been gutted from this release. Another peeve of mine is that it is not possible to create the unamored unit 3 unless you have bought the TV edition which has the unit 3 shoulder armor parts and even then the "3" design on the shoulder of the TV version is different from the "3" design on the side of the head of the movie version. It also seems that you cannot create a perfect unit 2 from WXIII because the new head design with Brave 14 has only a green piece for the back of the head and they did not include a white piece for its regular unarmored body. If my guess is right, the white piece will only come with the limited edition re-release of the TV version set that comes with bonus parts (shield with newer SV2 logo, unit 3 head, newer unit 2 head design, gloves).
  22. Brave 14 Ingram 1 & 2 & 3 Reactive Armor Ver. out of package pics. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-56569-1-1.html For some reason, the unit 2 in the pics has got the wrong head on. Its using the first movie head design rather than the newer design from P2 and WXIII as shown in promo pics and the packaging. I hope it was the photographer who got it mixed up and not CM's that packaged the wrong head. EDIT: According to the poster at Toysdaily, Brave 14 doesn't come with the lights and electronics of the regular version. To create the look of WXIII Ingrams, you have to combine parts from the Brave 14 set with the main body of Brave 7. Only the chest portion of the reactive armor is removable to access the cockpit. There's also mention of a bad smell from the rubber used on the reactive armor. May have to reconsider getting this. I might just go for Brave 15 OVA version instead.
  23. That's Wave Corp's WHAM Ingram. It looks absolutely horrible. I'm surprised they're putting out a product like that when they're facing competition from CM's Corp and now Yamato. The rubber sheathing for the joints doesn't look good either. Looks like CM's made a smart choice using cloth for the joint coverings.
  24. 13 months to be more exact.
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