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Everything posted by IXTL

  1. XS-08 EVA-02 TV Version released. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread...;extra=page%3D1 Update: More pics. Pls note that the photographer has used the wrong neck piece on the EVA in the 2 pics below. He is using the unarmoured head's neck turned 180 degrees rather than the proper reddish brown neck piece in these photos.
  2. Some new coloured Daimos pics at Howza-life blog. http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/howza-life/arti...1&next=9069
  3. XS-10 L-Gaim MK-1
  4. The jet pack is confirmed to come with Razengan. The wings might come with Enki.
  5. Larger stock images of 魂SPEC XS-01R EVA-01 TV Edition Renewal Version now up at AmiAmi.com. This renewal version now sports the head sculpt of the SPEC XS-03 EVA-01 New Movie Ver. figure among other differences. http://www.amiami.com/shop?vgForm=ProductI...ate=review.html
  6. New image of 魂SPEC XS-01R EVA-01 TV Edition Renewal Version. Thanks to Cybergundam.
  7. Umm... I believe that is just a custom.
  8. DX Reideen out of package pics. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread...;extra=page%3D1
  9. GX-41 and GX-41S Raideen in Box Pics. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread...;extra=page%3D1
  10. TV EVA-02 is supposed to be released later this month. Rebuild EVA-02... my best guess would be the end of the year at the earliest, depending on the movie schedule. The Tamashii SPEC series has enough figures lined up till about Jul or Aug. TV EVA-00 (May), TV EVA-01 Renewal (June), L-Gaim (Jul/Aug?).
  11. Scans of Daimos, Kotetsushin Jeeg and SPEC L-Gaim from the latest Hobby Japan. Thanks to Cybergundam.
  12. New magazine scan thanks to Toysdaily. New T-28 and Black Ox.
  13. Yoko's going to be under the Fraulein sub-line and I suppose GL's wings will come packed with Enki. I wonder if they will do Enki-du and Enki-dudu.
  14. From this month's Figure King. Revoltech Yoko and Enki coming soon. Updated with better quality pic.
  15. Nice galleries of Brave 14 AV-98 Ingram Reactive Armor Ver. & MAS AV-0 Peacemaker Ingram Reactive Armor ver. http://55room.web.fc2.com/patlabor/reactivearmoringram1.html http://55room.web.fc2.com/patlabor/reactivearmoringram2.html AV-0 Peacemaker http://55room.web.fc2.com/patlabor/peacemaker.html
  16. Gallery of Brave 7x Ingram TV Edition with Bonus Parts. http://www.geocities.jp/a5298053/pato-brave-ingram-bonus.htm Bonus parts include -P2 Unit 3 head w/ ECM parts -WXIII Unit 2 head -gloves for Unit 1 -shield with red SV2 logo Unit 2 shoulder parts not included with the set, so you'll still need the Brave 7 Ingram 1& 2 movie version set to use the WXIII Unit 2 head. Also, while the Unit 2 head in the bonus parts set is the same as the one from the Reactive Armor ver., the back portion of the head is green in the Reactive Armor one and white in the bonus parts set.
  17. Official Razengan, YF-19 & 21 pics. http://www.amiami.com/shop?vgForm=ProductI...ate=review.html http://www.amiami.com/shop?vgForm=ProductI...ate=review.html http://www.amiami.com/shop?vgForm=ProductI...ate=review.html I am so tempted to get Razengan, he looks absolutely wicked. The extra accessory included is indeed Gurren Lagann's jet pack sans wings. Looks like those will be packaged with some future Revoltech TTGL figure. The little energy blast thingees to attach to the shields of the Macross Pluss figures are a nice touch. YF-19 looks squat but YF-21 looks fantastic.
  18. More pics from the display of these upcoming Revoltechs. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread...;extra=page%3D1
  19. New pics of Razengann, YF-19 and YF-21. http://hk.rd.yahoo.com/blog/mod/art_title/...rticle?mid=9014 Looks like Razengann will come packaged with Gurren Lagann's jet pack minus the wings.
  20. There are plenty of small differences between the OVA and Movie/TV versions. They just aren't noticeable at first glance and reflect the actual differences in the animated forms of the Ingram in the OVA and movie/TV series. - large antanna on the left side of the head has a narrower stem where it connects to the head - two extra small antannae on either side of the head - chest area around the neck has different sculpting - support struts of the neck are of different design - hard mounted design spotlights instead of the retractable kind on the other versions - shoulder lightbars stretch the full length of each shoulder rather than 3/4 - different shoulder armor design - bicep armor covering has no seam line - thigh armor covering has jagged seam line instead of straight line on the movie/TV versions - different shield design - different, larger hands - different detailing on the back of legs above heels - removeable/interchangeable license plate is a change that the reactive armor ver. also has - screw caps provided, reactive armor ver. also has this - unit 2 parts: red shoulder armor with blue light bar, visor has vertical white line in the middle My one peeve about this release is that CM's didn't make the rotating mini lights in the ligh bar stretch the whole length of the shoulder. They only cover 3/4 since they reused the design of the movie/TV version. Movie ver. light bar OVA ver. light bar
  21. Hi-Res gallery of Brave 15 Ingram OVA ver. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread...ge=5#pid1976599 Unit 1 Unit 2 I'm very tempted to pick this fella up now.
  22. Kotobukiya JGSDF Hellhound released. http://kemur16.exblog.jp/7697816/ Much smaller than I expected.
  23. A short gallery of MAS AV-0 showcasing the revolver cannon and baton storage as well as the articulation. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread...;extra=page%3D1
  24. New gallery of Brave Gokin 14. Part 1 http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/tetsu9118/53623247.html Part 2 http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/tetsu9118/53677669.html
  25. Check out Jeeg's weapons here: http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread...ge=4#pid1957410 The bazooka is ginormous.
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