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Everything posted by IXTL

  1. They've also got more pics of Michael and Luca's VFs.
  2. Wave's WHAM Helldiver figure?
  3. New pic of 1/60 VF-25G with Super parts
  4. For some reason that is the biggest issue I have with the DX figure. I can overlook the short landing gear and high hips etc but the leg placement in fighter mode is making me think twice on getting one.
  5. According to the product description for Grimlock, he will have a waiter mode (i.e. apron plus tray) to homage this scene from S3 episode "Madman's Paradise". He will also have a brainwave transporter, used in the episode "Grimock's New Brain". The right fist will have an LED powered by 3x LR44 batteries which will light up his sword and blaster. The dino and bot mode eyes can switch between G1 toy colour (red) and G1 cartoon colour (blue).
  6. New TakaraTomy products for 2009. MP-8 Grimlock, Alternity Megatron, Mickey Mouse x-over, Henkei.
  7. More pics of 1/60 VF-25F, S, G and RVF-25 from the trade show. http://hk.rd.yahoo.com/blog/mod/art_title/...ticle?mid=14930
  8. VF-25F with Fast Pack colored pic previously seen here now unblurred.
  9. New TakaraTomy product RUMORS (take with grain of salt): http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers...p-grimlock.html - Alternity Nissan Fairlady Z Megatron (blue and silver versions) - MP-8 Grimlock (13,000yen, March 2009)
  10. No shotgun afaik. None of the pics from Yamato have shown Ingram Unit 1 with it. Perhaps when they remold it for Unit 2, then they'll throw in the shotgun. It's Ota's weapon of choice when piloting Unit 2 in the Oshii films anyway. Hands are articulated so no need for alternate ones. The figure will have the cable from the crotch and the stun stick. The revolver cannon will also have loadable rounds. A larger pic in final colours w/o watermark.
  11. From Toy-World.com.hk The legs are painfully short. The right hand is almost low enough to grab the revolver cannon from the leg compartment even without extending. The biggest flaw in an otherwise fantastically detailed piece.
  12. Yamato 1/24 Ingram in final colours. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=14736
  13. New official pics. http://hk.rd.yahoo.com/blog/mod/art_title/...ticle?mid=14719
  14. No. 64 Ekidu No. 65 Pierre
  15. Official stock photos of Alternity Nissan GT-R Convoy A-01 Ultimate Metal Silver edition and A-02 Vibrant Red edition. http://hk.rd.yahoo.com/blog/mod/art_title/...ticle?mid=14303
  16. New official images of Yamato's 1/24 AV-98 Ingram Unit 1 http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_059/index.html The Noa figure is nicely painted but not articulated and appears to have a swappable head.
  17. S.F.O. Series 002 Taran
  18. S.F.O Series 001 Ryu
  19. Official Street Fighter Online (S.F.O) Revoltech pics. October release.
  20. Fist of the North Star No.001 Kenshiro Gallery http://taste.style.coocan.jp/hobby080902.htm
  21. According to the scan, Ryu and the claw girl go on sale Oct 15 and Chun Li and axe guy in Nov. Zangief has no date yet, presumably Dec.
  22. Thanks to D Type.
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