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Everything posted by IXTL

  1. VF-1S Max on display at Hobbycon. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/011991/
  2. VF-11B w/ super pack test shot on display at Hobbycon. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/011991/
  3. New pic of VF-25F with Super pack. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mnews/011986/
  4. The arrows on the head are red on both but the dot is yellow on Roy's and red on Hikaru's.
  5. A couple more pics of the exclusive 1/72 PLAMO VF-25F clear ver. (w/o decals). The inner body frame doesn't show quite so clearly in these pics. http://blog.lalabit.com/hobbycenter/archiv...2/post_417.html
  6. Model Proshop Exclusive 1/72 VF-25F Clear version http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=17818
  7. GA Graphic's preview/review of v.2 1/60 VF-1S Hikaru (w/o strike parts). Jan 09 release. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mgangu/011823/ Finger's crossed that the shoulders on this release and the Hikaru and Roy 1Ss with strike parts coming later this month are problem free.
  8. Most likely a ploy by Bandai probably to get people to buy exclusive super pack for Alto since the set comes with a display stand. Same thing will probably be the case when Ozma's armored pack is released (probably also exclusively through the web shop).
  9. From Hobby Midori 1/72 RVF-25 PLAMO Feb 2009, 5,800yen
  10. That seems to be the most plausible scenario. Finally allowing us to see EVA-04 animated and in action... possibly before getting blown to kingdom come and disappearing off the face of the earth in an accident involving the S2 engine.
  11. Evangelion 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance preview screen caps S2 Engine Powered(?) EVA-04 w/ shield and Lance of Longinus vs 6th Angel Ramiel(again?) I wonder what's going on and why Ramiel's back again. Perhaps the time loop theory proposed by some fans might be true. Instead of EVA-01 and EVA-00 battling Ramiel, NERV dispatches the S2 equipped EVA-04 (note the absence of umbilical cable) to fight this time.
  12. MP Grimlock's bot mode looks good in color but the cartoon styled dino mode will always be the toy's greatest drawback for me. Also, I'd much rather they'd scrapped the light up energo sword. That way the articulation in the right hand wouldn't have to be sacrificed for the LED and the sword wouldn't be transparent (not keen on the idea that you'd have to turn on the LED for the sword to be red). Not a fan of such gimmicks in a high end collector's toy. Anyhow, ~$150 is a lot to spend on a transforming figure which has only one mode I like. There are quite a few other figures released in the coming 3-4 months that I'd much rather spend the cash on (DX超合金 VF-25, Alternity GT-R & Fairlady Z, re-issue 1/60 VF-1S and possibly VF-11B etc.)
  13. Colored stock images of MP-8 Grimlock http://www.e-hobby.co.jp/cgi-bin/omc?port=...amp;code=mp_08#
  14. They've had it the last couple exhibitions they were displayed. They were only missing in the first few toy shows.
  15. Hi-Res pics of Wave WHAM Ingram Unit 1. Already released BTW. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-80765-1-1.html
  16. It seems the plug hole for the shield on the right arm will not be present on the finished product. Close to finished piece vs test shot.
  17. I've just read the article again. It mentions that the VF-25F reviewed is close to the finished product. The G and RVF are still the same hand painted test shots that have been seen at exhibitions and in the latest Figure King issue. The RVF-25 test shot is not stable enough to stand with the super pack on which is why it's been photographed supported by the stand almost all the time.
  18. The unpainted white plastic and gray/purple on the gun pod don't look too good on Alto's valk. The finished 25F (which I'm assuming this is) still looks hot though. I'd like to see pics of the 25F and Super pack with fully tampoed on markings soon.
  19. The article mentions that Luca and Michael's valks will come with discount coupons for purchasing the exclusive "Ghost/Reaction Missiles" and "Gallia IV Rescue" sets from the Tamashii Web Shop.
  20. Alternity A-02 Megatron feat. Nissan Fairlady Z resin prototype http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B001I9046W No arm cannon which was in the concept art.
  21. Re-release for Roy's VF-1S w/ Strike Parts in December. Hopefully the shoulder has been fixed for the new release. http://www.hobbystock.jp/item/view/HBY-ACF-00001341
  22. Grimlock looks more like a mechanical gator than a t-rex in that pic. Cartoony dino mode, narrow bot mode with oversized arms, (relatively) small size and huge price tag, MP-8 isn't doing much for me so its a pass. Alternity Convoy and Megatron, now there's two TF figs I'm eagerly awaiting. I really like that Megs gets his fusion cannon.
  23. The F, G and RVF look much better in these pics but the neck on the S is still not visible. I hope its just a mistransformation or a problem with the test shot or it'll look much worse once the armored pack goes on. Michael's valk is looking really good. The only one I'm planning on getting at the moment since it comes with the super pack and display stand all in the same package (don't want or need the Tamashii Web shop exclusive Gallia IV expansion pack).
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