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Everything posted by IXTL

  1. Not quite. Alto's 171EX didn't have the red markings in that scene. It had the regular grey and black markings instead.
  2. New pics! http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/release_115/index.html
  3. Bandai will likely reissue the 25 renewals at some point. Question is, will they bundle the super/armor parts with the reissues or even make them available through the web shop again?
  4. IXTL

    DX VF-25G

    There won't be any announcement until closer to the renewal 25G's release in September. It will inevitably be a Tamashii web shop exclusive.
  5. About 15 years I think. M7 debuted in '94 (did Bandai have the licence right from the start?) and Yamato only released their first M7 valkyrie (VF-22S Gamlin) in 2009.
  6. I wouldn't count on it. Bandai will make every effort to get you to buy the exclusive parts for the CF. Another incentive to get you to buy the exclusive would be to include reaction missiles that attach to the wing hard points. The armored CF 171's in the second film were loaded with reaction missiles rather than the standard payload seen on the 171EX.
  7. The CFs only sported armor packs in the second film and yes, the packs are the same. That's probably why Bandai decided to make the hard point wings only available with the exclusive parts. To make the 171EX parts set non-compatible with the potential future CF release.
  8. I can't either. I tried updating my payment method but still left it as credit card. Now I can't make payment at all and have to wait for them to resend the payment request. Sucks. And here I was expecting to make payment today and also placing the order for the armor parts. Now I've got to wait to be really sure I get my 171 before ordering the armor.
  9. And the first review is up. hima-toy.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/06/dx_vf-171ex---e.html EDIT: Hands are perfect transformation! Whew, that puts an end to that.
  10. Order for Tamashii webshop exclusive Armor parts opens 29 Jun.
  11. It's mentioned in the article that the parts will be web exclusive. The link to the Tamashii web shop is also provided in the scan.
  12. The VF-25G did use wing mounted speakers in the Gallia IV episode. Wonder if Bandai are going to do a renewal version of those parts.
  13. I got one too. Then let go of my HLJ order.
  14. I've let my HLJ pre-order go. If Amiami don't come through with my pre-order, I 've still got another local source. If both don't come through, well... c'est la vie.
  15. Anyone here been shafted by Amiami with regards to them not fulfilling pre-orders? I pre-ordered one and I'm considering letting my HLJ pre-order go.
  16. I thought of that but then Amiami say "In cases of manufacturer stock shortages, pre-order items will be offered on a first come, first served basis." and I'd be pretty far down the list if I ordered now and they don't have enough stocks to fill the orders.
  17. What a surprise! But I've already got 2 pre-ordered from different places.
  18. Yes. She'll most probably be in the flight suit seen in the finale of the TV series, when she piloted the 25G. So basically expect an undersized standard SMS pilot figure.
  19. Thankfully no. Had mine for a few months now and it's alright. I hope it stays that way since it's too expensive a toy to just give way like that. What did crumble though was the plastic ratcheting ring of the launch arm stand which was holding up my 19S for the past few weeks. It's the bit where the bottom of the metal shaft joins the plastic part of the stand. It no longer ratchets, meaning it can't support heavier valks like the VF-19. The arm just spins around freely. Still works fine for the lighter ones like the VF-11 at least.
  20. A sidetrack from all the pre-order angst and anxiety. Just an FYI since I don't think many have noticed this. The official Tamashii site and various online retailer product pages for the 25G all don't list the assault knife or display stand as part of the set. I do recall Mikhail using the 25G's knife at least once in the series. It was the episode where Ozma went on about how much of a man he was and Fire Bomber's "Try Again" was playing in the background. The stands have been standard with the renewal 25's and the 171EX so a little odd for it to be excluded now. I do hope it's just an error or it'd feel like another finger to the fans by Bandai, what with them already making these figures nigh impossible to buy.
  21. This month's Figure King magazine feature. Thanks to Toy-world.com.hk for the scan.
  22. From Yamato's blog. http://www.yamato-toys.com/blog/index.php?logid=367 Battroid torso revealed.
  23. A little clearer.
  24. GA Graphic's pics are up.
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