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Everything posted by IXTL

  1. The armor pack for the CF (which was only seen in the Sayonara no Tsubasa) is the same color as the EX version. But Bandai knew that and planned ahead, making the wings with hard points part of the armor pack set. You could mount the all the armor parts from the EX set onto the CF, but the under wing missiles will require teal wings with hard points.
  2. I can't believe how excited I am for the 171 CF even though I already have the 171EX. The changes are so minimal - new cockpit canopy and visor - and yet...
  3. On display at Tamashii Nations 2012. I spy the wing tips of a renewal RVF-25 to the left. Renewal version?
  4. Unveiled at Tamashii Nations 2012
  5. I don't think the price actually dropped. The yen price is still 25,500 yen. Same as it was when they first dropped it to match HLJ's price. It's probably just a currency fluctuation between USD and Yen prices.
  6. Here's another one.
  7. Test shot on display at the 52nd Japan Model Hobby Show
  8. IXTL

    DX VF-25G

    Amiami has balance stock. Price increase from 10,290yen to 13,960yen. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-2394&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_seriestitle%3DDX+Chogokin%24pagemax%3D100%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  9. You're right. The figure has the correct missile launch openings on the leg covers but Yamato probably left the "Little Rock" missiles inside since they were already present in the earlier releases. I wouldn't be surprised if the shoulder's opened to reveal the Kai's internal speakers too.
  10. Holy Floating Head interview on the YF-29 30th anniversary version. http://www.tamashii.jp/t_kokkaku/14/ Some changes to the final product: - Green canopy and fold quartz parts will now be purple - Number changed from 007 to 030 More pics at the above link.
  11. IXTL

    DX VF-25G

  12. IXTL

    DX VF-25G

  13. Heheh But yes, Yamato could do a lot better with their stock photos. I've held off getting the 17S in anticipation of the 17D but the D head sculpt is kinda of "off" from most angles. It's disappointing since the 17D head in the line art is one of my favs. Guess I'll wait till both S and D are on sale before deciding which to get.
  14. Unfortunately, those photos aren't Yamato's. Amiami took photos of a sample they received.
  15. You're most welcome. +1 for pilot name stickers, although I can't see anyone doing these for sale. DIY printing might be an option. A pity they didn't have a Kinryu one for the 17S. I wonder if the 17D will just have Gamlin again or if we'll see Dick, Mory, Docker and Physica pilot name stickers too.
  16. Oldick and Matthews! I don't recall the replacements having names. Docker just called them newbies (at least that was what the sub I watched called them) iirc.
  17. Nope I wasn't referring to the folding of the barrel. Look at the lower image. One shoulder pack is raised and the other isn't.
  18. The shoulder packs do extend up slightly, which is what this image is trying to show. Would be better if it could slide up even higher though.
  19. That's probably it. Their yen price remains unchanged at 26,985 yen.
  20. Lots of new photos of the VF-17D and super packs over at Amiami. Selected pics.
  21. Hobby Search pre-order now open. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10198331
  22. Hobby Search pre-order open. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10198337
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