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Everything posted by IXTL

  1. IXTL

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    Looks like we might see web shop exclusive Ghosts for the VF-27.
  2. IXTL

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    I like the changes although I wish they could have made the crotch smaller and the legs sit a touch higher to match the line art better. Still debating if this is worth the pre-order trouble, what with the higher price tag. The mark up prices for those who miss out with stores like Amiami and HLJ will be horrendous.
  3. Excellent. Now if they'd also fix their production numbers and distribution...
  4. Something new from Bandai. They've provided a transformation guide for the trickier bits of the 171 transformation and a video. A pdf of the instruction manual has also been uploaded. http://www.bandai.co.jp/support/faq/201304/detail461.html http://www.bandai.co.jp/support/files/pdf/4543112806352.pdf
  5. Holy crap! Those MDEs are MASSIVE. No way they can mount in battroid mode with the narrow clearance between the wings and body. The missile/s in the next hard point would probably have to make way too. If only Bandai did the armor packs in the same color as they were in the movie (silver/gray), I'd have ordered them. Lol. VF-172. Thank goodness it's just a typo. I almost thought there was going to be a new DX valk to scramble to pre-order.
  6. You will need the new wings with hard points to mount the missiles.
  7. The CFs did not use armor in the series.
  8. A PM for me too please? Thanks.
  9. Gone now. So about a minute or slightly more.
  10. Hobby Search!!! Yes!!
  11. From the latest Figure Oh!
  12. But the release date is end June, not end July.
  13. Let's see how they fare next month when the 171 CF is released.If we hear reports of them not being able to fulfil orders, then we can start pressing the panic button.
  14. Cheers! Appreciate the heads up. Finally got mine without crazy NY prices.Hope Otacute's stock doesn't get cut.
  15. Yahoo Auctions Japan
  16. I've only got a bone to pick with them about production numbers and distribution. I'm happy with the MSRP pricing and product. If they can resolve the availability issue, I all for them keeping the licence. If not, let someone else have it.
  17. Existing one from the EX.
  18. Low-vis markings look great on the VF-17D. I'll probably sticker mine up with the low-vis UN Spacy kite and Diamond Force insignias. Screw anime accuracy for once.
  19. Screencaps as promised. These are from the 1st MD7 episode, abut 10min in. There were less VF-17s than I remembered. Pardon my fuzzy memory. Only 3 and they were colored like the one hijacked by Laiza Hoilie in episode 3. Probably just Diamond Force. And here's the maintenance/repair VF-1.
  20. There is but it's not very noticeable. IIRC, it's in the first episode where we see the M7 fleet undergoing extensive repair. We see quite a few teal 17s among the fleet. There are also repair/maintenance VF-1s in that scene.
  21. There was a whole squadron of green (or teal) VF-17s with the Macross 7 fleet in MD7. I'll try to get a screencap.
  22. The valk is green. Wasn't referring to the fold booster. http://macross2.net/m3/macross7/variant-vf-17d-teal.htm
  23. D. Are you planning on painting one in green?
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