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Everything posted by IXTL

  1. Was probably QC checked before leaving the factory.
  2. IXTL

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    Yes, the limit at Hobby Search was 1 per customer. Not impossible to get around if you create multiple accounts with different shipping addresses.
  3. IXTL

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    It's now sold out. Lasted over an hour.
  4. IXTL

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    Available at HS. 18,000yen http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10227289
  5. IXTL

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    Review. hima-toy.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2013/08/dx_vf-27r-sp-05.html
  6. IXTL

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    Not since they had their Macross sales when Yamato was still around.
  7. Renewal Super Parts for the renewal VF-25G and RVF-25 were not released prior to the upcoming Oct/Nov web shop releases. The version 1 Super Parts for these two valks were bundled.
  8. I could see them doing something like that. First release with missiles and FP. Second release with fold booster and stand. Or something along this line.
  9. Side view of fighter mode.
  10. Looking at everything laid out there, I've got a bad feeling the MSRP will be close to 35,000 ~ 40,000 yen.
  11. On display at the Akiba Tamashii Showroom.
  12. Available again @ Hobby Search. 12,600 yen. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10218093
  13. Just the bendy ones.
  14. IXTL

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    NY sends payment reminder/requests 2 weeks before the release date.
  15. HLJ has better customer service and they allow cancellations and returns/refunds but they are terribly slow at getting shipments out the door. Amiami has what is perceived as poor customer service (terse sounding responses, no cancellation policy, no international customer support) but they have very competitive prices and ship items quickly (from my experience).
  16. Lady time?? Damn... you and Yamato must have been much closer than I thought.
  17. They don't physically separate the stock but it's blocked off in their inventory.
  18. Did you use the "Ship When Available" instead of "Private Warehouse"? I can't recall the process for the former since it's been quite a while since I last did that. With private warehouse, the shipping cost is indicated upfront when you select stored items for shipping. You pay shipping cost almost immediately after requesting it then the status changes to "...order has begun shipment processing".
  19. HLJ are very slow in shipping out orders. My last order with them took about 5 days from shipping request to actual shipment. The status even changed from "...begun shipment processing" to "being double checked..." after 4 days. They finally shipped it out after I emailed them about the delay. I can see why Graham hates using them.
  20. Hi-res scan from Dengeki Hobby. Drool away!
  21. These should be the images. They're from this month's hobby mags.
  22. Amazon Japan
  23. Available again at Amiami. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-03110&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_seriestitle%3DDX+Chogokin%24pagemax%3D100%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
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