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Everything posted by IXTL

  1. Better scans of Hyaku Shiki 2.0. Can't tell if it has a new design MP articulated hands (doesn't look like the MP-1 - Nu ver Ka or MP-2 Sazabi ver Ka design) or the older 2.0 type hands.
  2. Amazon JP shows 28 Feb for the VF-0D's release. http://www.amazon.co.jp/マクロスゼロ-完全変形VF-0D-フェニックス-工藤シン-塗装済み完成品/dp/B00OASXV04/ref=sr_1_1?s=hobby&ie=UTF8&qid=1424772966&sr=1-1&keywords=Vf-0d
  3. Imo, the color scheme on the Percival is tied with Ozma's as the best among the 29s. However, I don't want to deal with the pre-order grief for a valk design that I already have and is now almost four years old, so I'm giving it a miss.
  4. From Arcadia's VF-0D production diary According to the text, it appears the old Yamato Ghost Booster will be compatible with the upcoming VF-0S/A. Also from the production diary, VF-0A Shin Kudo Type is planned for a summer release.
  5. Transformation photos from Arcadia's VF-0D production diary
  6. GITS: Arise - Alternative Architecture http://kokaku-a.jp/tv/index.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8Ma8duhSWI#t=10 TV broadcast version of the OVAs with 2 new episodes that will lead into this summer's new movie.
  7. https://twitter.com/Mrk_arcadia/status/566161282210877440
  8. Production colors. http://t.co/bDFmpeK12x
  9. Amazon JP says the release is 25 Feb. They are generally accurate with the release dates.http://www.amazon.co.jp/マクロスゼロ-完全変形VF-0D-フェニックス-工藤シン-塗装済み完成品/dp/B00OASXV04/ref=sr_1_1?s=hobby&ie=UTF8&qid=1422346958&sr=1-1&keywords=Vf-0d
  10. More from the Akiba Tamashii showroom
  11. On display at the Tamashii Showroom
  12. http://p-bandai.jp/tamashiiwebshouten/a0011/b0048/item-1000095436/
  13. Would you mind using the earlier thread title? The current one isn't accurate.
  14. Whether or not you are already logged in on these sites, they will still require you to enter your log in details to place the order.
  15. That was how I was able to order the 25A from Amiami. I even had time to use the toilet and think about the order before coming back 5 min later to complete it. Unfortunately, most of the time, you won't even get to see the pre-order button, much less click on it.
  16. One minute?!? I'm sure it was less than that. My page scanner pinged that the order was open at 1645JST and pinged almost immediately after that it was closed. The scans were 5 sec apart btw.
  17. F-yes!!! HLJ order confirmation in.
  18. PPB effect part/s included according to the official product page.
  19. Blame Tenjin.
  20. Proportions and details were overseen by Kawamori. The tampo markings by Tenjin.
  21. It's in the text.
  22. High speed mode confirmed.
  23. May Release. 24,840 yen.
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