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Everything posted by IXTL

  1. P-Bandai MG Altron Gundam EW More MG RX-78-02 Gundam The Origin Ver.
  2. I hope all the armor variations are included in the MG RX-78 Origin kit but knowing Bandai, I'm expecting a P-Bandai expansion set instead.
  3. MG RX-78-02 The Origin Ver. HGBF Super Fumina
  4. MG Altron is displayed alongside other P-Bandai kits. Pretty much confirms P-Bandai.
  5. https://twitter.com/Mrk_arcadia/status/628427128745299969/photo/1
  6. https://twitter.com/Mrk_arcadia/status/626675255898083330/photo/1
  7. MG Altron Gundam to be revealed in this month's Gundam Ace magazine. http://figsoku.net/blog-entry-11734.html
  8. I would have preferred if Magneto got the leading good guy role in this film rather than be the villain's minion. Would have been a nice parallel to AoA.
  9. Box
  10. The 8% tax is the local consumption tax. If the toy is shipped overseas to a foreign customer, the local tax is not charged. Check all the other major online Japanese stores, they don't add the local sales tax onto their pricing. Foreign buyers would however, pay the tax when they buy online exclusive stuff like TWE through proxies. Also, I don't believe the packaging has a clause like that.
  11. About Amiami's pricing. They add the local sales tax (currently 8%, to be raised to 10% in Oct) on top of their pricing. They shouldn't do it actually and other Japanese export stores don't (e.g. HLJ, Hobby Search etc.), since the toys are for export.
  12. Hobbysearch is usually slow in my experience. They can take up to a week after payment to ship a pre-order item. Used to happen to me every time when I still used to be able to get my DX Chogokin pre-orders from them.
  13. http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000098265/
  14. P-Bandai RG Z'Gok Mass Production coming soon
  15. Fighter mode views The front landing gear folds in half to stow.
  16. That photo is from last November which shows the painted prototype. The latest photos from last week's Tamashii Summer Collection and the current Tamashii Akiba Showroom should be close to or the same as the production version.
  17. On display at the Akiba Showroom
  18. On display at the Akiba Showroom
  19. https://twitter.com/ARCADIA_Co_Ltd/status/605198185779240960/photo/1
  20. Landing gear is still unpainted.
  21. IXTL

    Hi-Metal R

    Package design
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