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Everything posted by whitestar

  1. Just checked mine. It's been in Battroid mode for weeks, and the left hip joint is loose again after having tightened the screws on the hip assembly earlier. It's only been transformed three times, with minimal posing between modes. Alas, it'll go back to fighter mode and stay that way for the foreseeable future. I was going to buy the rest of the squadron if they ever come out, but I've already been disappointed once by buying the earlier versions.
  2. Does anyone know when this will come out?
  3. Here's the video I used as a guide The video addresses the nose/gullet section you asked about. It's a tad tricky, but once you get it down, you'll be able to transform with ease. Enjoy!
  4. if you fully extend the foot in question and point both sections of the foot (front and back) down, you'll have access to the screws that hold the feet assembly together. Tightening the screws should tighten the ankles.
  5. I'll try this too. My left flap doesn't sit as flush as the right flap. Not a huge deal, but I'm glad it's fixable
  6. Was really, really looking forward to the YF-29 but was a bit disappointed when I got it. I think my problem was that the I was so impressed with the VF-19 Fire Valk that I had high expectations with the YF-29. Shoulders were already floppy on mine upon the very first transformation. The fit and finish wasn't anywhere near the levels of the fire valk. What keeps me coming back is the aggressive design of the toy and the tricked out gimmicks. If not for that, this thing would have been consigned to the darkest end of my closet. Lesson learned: Wait for the reviews before purchasing a Bandai valk. I would rather pay premium and miss out on the pre-order price than purchase a valk on its first release and then find out about its flaws.
  7. Has there ever been a planned release date for the VF-19s or f? Better yet, has Yamato officially disclosed plans of releasing the VF-19s or f variants? Sorry for asking a question that may already have been asked
  8. You can tighten the screws behind the hips to tighten up the hip joints. I just did it with it mine and it helped. I foresee the need the do this every so often I bought an item off of their website, and it the order went through without a hitch. They are as responsive with orders that go through their website as they are with direct inquiries. I don't know if this answers your question... Edit: Didn't see the question about pre-paying. Yes, they require pre-pay upfront in order to reserve an item.
  9. That's actually a good idea, but I liked the fact that I didn't have to change hands when transforming from one mode to another. I've gone through a number of pre-orders with Tokyo Hunter before. Great communication and highly reliable.
  10. Chris, yes, the two grey connector plates/prongs are fully extended, but the connection is still not as tight as it should be. Popping out the twin turrets or squeezing both legs in while in fighter mode almost always causes the shield to disconnect. It's especially bad when the twin turrets are extended, and the shield feels like it's barely hanging on. Is there a secret to a tighter connection???
  11. Wondered about the new shield too. Hopefully it fits better than the original shield since mine has an issue staying connected to fighter mode. A bump against the valk can usually send it flying
  12. I have both in hand, so hopefully my post can be of some help. I agree with a previous boarder: vf19 for build and quality. But it really also goes back to personal taste as well. Some people love the newness of design in the yf-29, while some prefer the solid feel that the vf-19 offers. Although I'm in the latter category, I can't deny the fun factor that the YF-29 has: swiveling wing engines, rotating twin beam cannons, and new beam gun pod that splits open. What the vf-19 lacks in gimmicks, it makes up with superior fit and finish. But both are gorgeous in all modes. Good luck!
  13. You're right. Took a look again and it isn't a paint chip. Thanks so much for the clarification, and really sorry about hitting the panic button too early
  14. Ditto. They hit this ball out of the park. Solid feel, solid transformation. Close to perfect QC.
  15. Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a step-by-step video guide to transforming the yf-29? Thanks
  16. I'm sure people are looking for pristine copies. Valid idea, though.
  17. Just got around to opening my package from Amiami and lo and behold, a scratch on the tampo printed "SMS007" on the right wing. All this talk about paint chips and modifications to avoid paint chips is really, really disappointing. You would think that Bandai has learned to use paint that is more resistant to scratching. Not impressed with Bandai's latest offering. It doesn't feel as solid as the Fire Valkyrie. Lesson learned: wait for the reviews to come out before buying Macross products from Bandai. Will post pics later.
  18. If you don't extend the vf-22's feet all the way out, you can balance the height difference between the 22 and the new, shorter 19 kai:
  19. I received my Fire Valkyrie last week and have only begun to fiddle with it. As awesome as it is, I was a bit let down by two things: 1) extremely tight hip joint (the one connected to the fuselage) that made it almost impossible to move the left hip assembly up in its battroid form and 2) loose ankle joints. I disassembled the hip assembly to see what I could do with what seemed to be a left frozen hip joint but I couldn't get to the screws that attaches the hip to the fuselage. So I just exerted brute force and managed to move it to its up position. The ankle joints can be tightened up via screws that hold the feet assembly together. They can be spotted when the feet assembly are in the fighter position (ie pointing down). Despite these two flaws, I absolutely love it. I agree that this is Yamato's best effort to date. So many little engineering gimmicks that make it truly shine. Let's see if Bandai can do any better with the the new VF-29 (or was it YF-29?) Excuse the horrid camera shot:
  20. Yes, EXO's saddlebags do come painted. Not sure, but I think they were cast in that color. If you missed out on the first run, beg EXO to do another, because the Mospeada bikes look absolutley naked without them. I attached a pic of mine.
  21. Got mine yesterday! The only thing I didn't like was the cutting from the sprues and attaching of the small parts. It was a bit excessive. More paint apps would have been nice. I'm working up the courage to panel-line it with either a fine grey gundam marker or fine point mechanical pencil, but the high price tag keeps me. Otherwise, the toy is very solid and a joy to swoosh around the room, much like its Takatoku predecessor. Couldn't do that with the Mac Quarter. (Sorry for going OT, but a previous poster mentioned the Alter Linebarrel. I'll vouch for that being a contender for toty)
  22. I would love a set, too. These look great!
  23. I'm interested in a set or two. Thanks!
  24. That's interesting. My canopy can't close while the pilot figures are in the cockpit, so I usually do without. As for the hip joints, only the right side has loosened up noticeably, the left is still somewhat tight.
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