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Everything posted by whitestar

  1. I spoke with an HLJ rep at SDCC and he said something about waiting to see how much they can get before actually opening the product up for sale. Has something to do with the uncertainty of how much they will actually get. He also said that for every number they are quoted, there is an expected number of copies with QC items that will invariably go back, or something like that.
  2. Nippon Yasan has it again, this time at $296 before shipping
  3. I wonder if they fixed the loose shoulder issue that the first YF-29 came with? I just watched a few reviews on youtube for the reissue YF-29 and it looks like the reissues have tighter joints than what the first issue came with.
  4. You know, that's always been a complaint of mine with Yamato Valks. I always have to fidget with the Fire Valk's gunpod in order to get it straight when attached to bottom in fighter mode. Nice to know that Bandai continues to attach the gundpod in two places.
  5. Just got my Yamato VF-17s from the sale. This thing is absolutely beautiful!
  6. Just ordered mine from Nippon Yasan since it showed that they are still available. I'm hoping that they come through!
  7. Wow! That's a thing of beauty!
  8. Does anyone know if the VF-17s reissue is an improvement over the first issue? And is the current stock at HLJ the reissue? They seem to still have it in stock. I've been holding off getting it in hopes that it'll be discounted, but it's been a couple of months already and I don't want to pay through the nose on the aftermarket.
  9. Sorry if this has been asked, but will the super parts for the vf-17 be sold separately or as part of a 17s bundle?
  10. Excellent! Thanks for the updated video, veef. Transforming these new fangled valks are tough enough without having to decipher the japanese instruction booklets. So glad we have you as a resource
  11. Thanks Raptor One, I'll have to get this when I order the VF-17s from HLJ.
  12. Can anyone tell me what tool I should use to trim the stickers? I plan on stickering the vf-17 up when I get it, so I want to make sure I have the right tools to do it right. Thanks!!!
  13. Finally opened my VF-19s and I'm really, really happy with mine. I'm not as bothered as some with the ankle issue when in gerwalk mode since I don't really put the valk in that mode too many times. i was bothered at first by the tailfins (not sure if this is the right terminology) not connecting with the wings as securely as it did with the fire valk, but i just transformed it into battroid mode for the first time yesterday and I was really blown away by the overall tightness of the joints. The face on the valk is is pure sexy!
  14. Does anyone know if HLJ is the better deal with its FedEx discount or is Amiami? All these pictures are making me pull the trigger on buying it instead of waiting for the eventual discounts months after. Not happy about the lack of tampo either
  15. Could it be because they want to give us the ability to choose which decals goes on the fighter? I noticed that there were NUNS logos decals (if I remember correctly) bundled with the Fire Valkyrie, so if one was inclined to assign the fighter to a NUNS squadron instead of a UN Spacy squadron, they could do that. I agree, it's a let-down to have to put the decals on ourselves, but how else can Yamato explain this oversight??? But we're assuming that Graham received the final production version which does not have tampo'ed decals. I'm really hoping like everyone else that a mistake was made on Graham's copy.
  16. Anyone got a shipping notice from hlj yet? I don't order from HLJ much and I'm unsure of the timing between getting the initial payment verification and getting the shipping notice.
  17. Competing for top spot would be the 1/3000 SDF-1 along with the 1/60 Fire Valkyrie. But between the two, I would have to choose the Fire Valyrie because it's tight (fit/finish and looks) I can't believe I haven't picked up the Sound Force booster thing yet
  18. Best comment ever
  19. Same sentiments here. I think I'll just enjoy it in fighter and gerwalk mode from now on. I'm still working up the courage to transform it back into fighter mode
  20. I would also love to get my hands on those exclusive 1/12 accessories that you speak of.
  21. Glad that there's renewed interest in Votoms. I love the DMZ line. The Rabidlydog is one of my favorites. Too bad they didn't do a Brutishdog For anyone contemplating getting the Strikedog, get while it's available. You won't regret it! Here's a quick pic of my Rabidlydog.
  22. That looks great!
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