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Everything posted by whitestar

  1. You can also try sticking electrical tape to the surface that Chronocidal points out, as a non-permanent alternative.
  2. Does anyone know how long the preorder will stay up?
  3. I hope the gun pod attaches to the underside of fighter mode in two points. One of my biggest gripes with the vf-19's
  4. OMG, throwing money at the screen right now! Perfect companion to the pumpkin patch/Bodolza fortress limited release!
  5. Battle 7! The former Yamato's already produced so much of the valks from Mac 7, why not complete the circle???
  6. 'Chastise' might've been too harsh a word, so I'll back off a little bit with Amiami. But as much as I understand their business needs of having a preorder paid, I'd rather support a business that's 100% supportive of the customers. HLJ allows you to cancel preorders. So do businesses like Amazon. And from my recent experience with NY, so do they (although I might've been one of the lucky few, don't know for sure). This doesn't mean I won't be buying from Amiami ever again, but it sure pushes them down my list of preferred vendors. /soapbox
  7. It was actually easier than I thought. I just said that I was no longer interested in purchasing the product. They then sent me an email that notified me of the cancellation of the order. Hassle- and guilt-free. Not the same BS that I got from Amiami, who essentially chastised me for canceling a preorder. Whatevs, Amiami
  8. Cool, thanks CoreyD!
  9. Sorry if this has been discussed before, but how does one cancel a preorder with NY? I snagged a VF-25A at HLJ a few days ago at retail (mind still blown), so I have no need to get one at NY's higher price. I just sent them an email asking them to cancel the preorder.
  10. I do hope they tighten up the tolerances with this one (ie: loose shield attachment in fighter mode, loose wing boosters, etc) Third time's a charm as they say! Edit: I just saw the fast packs in the game screenshots. Yay!!!
  11. Does anyone think they'll make the super pack for the CF Vf-25a??
  12. Love it!
  13. Had one in my preorder cart with NY but it sold out as soon as I tried checking out, grrrr. I think I'll have to sit this one and hope that it becomes more readily available later
  14. Ordered my RVF-25 from Nin-Nin and have found it be satisfactory. Got my package in a reasonable amount of time but the price is as bad as NY.
  15. Hoping that the Michel's VF-25g gets reissued as well
  16. Does anyone know where I can pick up a renewal vf-25g besides NY?
  17. Just got mine from Nin-Nin, haven't had a chance to transform to other modes to check for issues. The wing boosters on the v1 rvf surprisingly fits:
  18. Do the wing boosters on the v1 fast packs fit the v2 renewal valks? Not talking about the rest of the fast packs ie leg armor, etc; specifically wondering about the wing boosters (don't know what else to call it!)
  19. Snagged one before it goes any higher!
  20. Thanks Chronocidal!
  21. I just checked NY and they're def out. I've got the 30th in my cart and I don't know if I should wait for the super pack to become available again before I pull the trigger Btw, is there a difference between the original and the reissued version of the 30th yf-29? Seems that both are available at NY
  22. Besides eBay, are there any other source for the 30th yf-29 super pack?
  23. Does anyone know of a good source to preorder the fast packs for the CF vf-171? Thanks
  24. The brown VF-1A cannon fodder (TV vers.) also has brownish feet, so you're not far off from an already established color scheme.
  25. I remember reading somewhere that Planet Zola was UN colony, or something like that. Also, I think I saw the lineart for the VF-19p in the Master File book that had the UN Spacy logo printed on the right wing. I'm probably one of the few that loves the VF-19 in all its versions. I totally agree that it's a great mold. My favorite out of all of Yamato's offerings.
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