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Everything posted by whitestar

  1. Great review eggy99! Question about the figure: is the power cable optional? I don't intend to use the light up feature so I was hoping that you can do without the cable.
  2. Not way excited about the updates in the F91's design either. The rails on the sides of the torso that allow the VSBR's to swing forward seem almost non-existent on the metal build, and the angled out chest grill needs to be flattened out as per the original design. The scary thing is that if they choose to go with the 1/100 scale that the metal build has been using, then this guy is going to be real small.
  3. Ah, so it's just a plain old missile. Darn, was hoping for a more exotic alien weapon Warrhead, i don't have the Kei version but I'm sure it has the same amount. I misspoke - I meant that there's a lack of locked positions, such as the wings not locking (or lack of detentes) in place nor the shoulder pads have a locked position when in gerwalk mode. I can only speak for the gerwalk version since I haven't transformed it into flyer nor tank, but the parts seem to only be held mostly by tension. Not a huge deal. The joints are tight enough, but there's a high likelihood of bumping something out of place when you handle the figure.
  4. Spent a lot of time yesterday transforming the ogroid into gerwalk mode. Not a walk in the park, but what high-end transformable toy is these days? Had trouble with tucking in the head and aligning the back of the orgroid in its gerwalk position, as well as finding the proper way to bend the knees. The good news is that the parts hold tightly through tension, although I echo the sentiment about the lack of tabs to secure parts in place. Question: what is that attachable missile with the lens in front of it? Is that a missile, some kind of camera, or is it some type of laser weaponry? Haven't seen the anime so I can't figure out what that 'missile' is.
  5. Just got back in town and picked this up at the post office. Haven't transformed it yet but I'm realily happy with the tightness of the joints so far. The ankles are a little loose but I can live with it. Wish they would make the other mechas in the show like the m-lovers and the enemy mechs...
  6. ^^awesome, thanks technoblue! So much more excited now that you've confirmed that!
  7. Thanks for the review technoblue! One question I do have is about the condition of the hip joints. I remember one reviewer said that the hip joints on his copy was wobbly - that is, when you pick up the figure from an A-stance, the legs will collapse together due to the weight of the die-cast. Is this the same for the Olson version?
  8. Didn't see my payment request from amiami until today. Can't wait to get it!
  9. Not taking any chances with this selling out again, so I PO'd the reissue and the Olson variant. I find myself gravitating towards '80's and '90's mecha figures...I just don't understand the newer designs that are out there *shrugs*
  10. As much as I want a new Garland, I'm not sure how well this will turn out considering Fewture's lack of experience with transforming figures. With that price tag, I'd rather wait for reviews.
  11. To be fair, the YF-21 relied on a whole lot of anime magic to transform from a battroid with stocky '90s mech proportions to a sleek fighter. No disrespect for the YF-21 though, as its battroid mode is my all-time favorite.
  12. Love that GA, would be nice if the hood had wires in it so that it folds down nicely
  13. I've got that one on PO too at BBTS and that one I'm keeping for sure!!!
  14. Thanks! I preordered one at BBTS but I'm getting real antsy that they might not get this in at all
  15. Yay! Just got my request for payment for the MB strike freedom from HLJ. Was getting worried that I wasn't going to get it at all. Whew!
  16. Just got this in this morning. Very nice, tight joints, can stand without the display stand if you balance it correctly. Is it worth overpaying just to get it earlier? Not sure yet. I'll have to spend some more time with it. I missed the Destiny Gundam when it was first released so I was a little too quick in pulling the trigger to get it.
  17. I see the point, but my sentiment stems from a general dislike of the Mac frontier valks. I know it's a non-popular opinion 'round these parts, but yeah.
  18. Starting to like Draken more as well. Still meh on the vf-31. Shares too many similarities with the previous yf-30. The Draken design, in my opinion, is way more ground-breaking.
  19. Damn, count me in as one who overpaid since I didn't know these were going to be released generally. Silver lining: bought it from some a Japanese seller on eBay who promptly shipped it to me this morning. Won't have to stress about getting one anymore, I suppose
  20. Managed to miss the preorder window....can someone please point to an onsite retailer hat may still have the red frame?
  21. It look like ticket sales has ended Any way to get tickets at the door? EDIT: saw on the front of that webpage that you can get tickets at the door on the day of the event. How big is the vendor room? A lot of vendors expected?
  22. I'm confused...I thought Kawamori had a hand in designing Bandai's VF-19 advanced?
  23. ^^ Push down on the area where the wing joint connects to the hip/air intake. See pic attached. That should eliminate some of the gaps you're experiencing. I'll let Actar answer the shoulder area. What I do with mine is push the shoulder piece in to eliminate the gap you identified, after all the pieces are in the correct alignment. The tough thing about this toy is knowing when the pieces are properly aligned
  24. Nope, that would be me. No wonder the 'serrated' edges weren't lining up on my shoulder parts. Thanks Actar
  25. Actar, do you have any idea what missteps are happening when we end up with drooping gunpods? What are we doing wrong? Edit: never mind. I took a closer look at how the arm positioning impacted the shield and the gunpod when in fighter mode. The key is angling the upper arms at the shoulder joint lower so that it drags the shield down further. Doing so has the opposite effect of raising the angle of the front of the gunpod higher, eliminating most if not all of the droop. Also make sure to squeeze the top and the bottom of the torso assembly together to make that area more compact. Your gunpod shouldn't droop after that, and your shield shouldn't angle up so much when in fighter mode.
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