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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. Wow... Doing some resin 3d printing, opened a new bottle of 91% IPA and got a small splash for about 30 seconds onto one of my Sentinel figures, and the coating immediately discolored and peeled/bubbled...
  2. This new ones appear to be priced significantly below what AmiAmi was asking (which I simply couldn't justify spending at the time), which is why I'm being slightly optimistic on maybe getting my hands on one of the new sets. Then again, as a convention exclusive, they'll probably be tripled in price by the time they hit the secondary market, anyway.
  3. Now how to get my hands on one...
  4. I think Furman is borrowing ideas from the novels (which, full disclosure, I loved... when I read them in my tweens), but, at the end of the day, I don't think this is about the original series or the books. This is meant (in my opinion) to bring in new fans. I think they hired Furman because of what he did at IDW: he did the original launch of Transformers for IDW, bringing in a new generation of fans and creating a new universe with new mythologies, totally separate from even his own previous Marvel work. Really, only the character names were the same. This worked for new fans, and he ideas were actually interesting enough where old fans were able to enjoy it as its own, separate, unrelated thing. The difference is, he had unexpected ideas then, and he seemed to genuinely care about what he was working on. This time... he's just sitting with his laptop in a pub, writing out just enough words to pay for the next round of beer.
  5. I bought both of the first ones, doing my little bit to support the series of releases so that we will hopefully get Mellowlink, but I'm a little disappointed that there's still no word on that coming...
  6. I'm a little over halfway through REVISIONS (added on Netflix USA earlier this week) and am enjoying it so far. There are some common anime tropes that don't bother me, since I feel like their playing with them a bit and acknowledging them, but they might bug those who have seen more similar shows than I have. The mecha in it remind me of some of the motoslave concepts from BGC that never made it into the show, which I'm enjoying, too, even though it's more about how people of different maturities react to a very difficult situation. Forgot to mention that I find the "evil monster" mecha to have an interesting design, though the faces look like they were built by Toa Heavy Industries.
  7. Got mine today, but haven't watched any of it yet. I had heard that the original prints were destroyed in a fire in the 90s, and that's why nothing has been remastered. Don't know if there is any truth to that.
  8. If you're paying someone else to do it, then I think you're way off. Most designers I know run around $100/hr, and even 3d printed prototypes are a chunk of change, depending on materials. Then again, I suspect designers in China are cheaper, as are prototypes, so who knows? I'm just basing this off of industries that I'm familiar with, in the US.
  9. I loved the original Watchmen series, and I actually greatly enjoy the movie. I had no interest in the recent sequel comic series, so didn't read it, so have no idea if this is its own thing or an adaptation of the newer comic.
  10. I think it's funny that you point this out, since this has been something that has gotten my attention on some of the 3P toys that I've picked up over the years. A handful of them (Perfect Effect, if I'm remembering correctly, though I may not be) have at times added in comics that I think slightly strengthen potential arguments for being genuinely original works... while others that I have seen really just seem to be stoking the infringement fires.
  11. Yeah, I hit both of the ones near me, and neither had it. Keep in mind, I don't think that the comics are actually "free" to the shop. I think comic shops get them at a very reduced price, with the understanding they are not allowed to charge for them, so it's sort of like the shops and the publishers splitting the cost in order to try to draw new customers/readers in (not positive about this, but this is what I was told). So... if the shop doesn't think anyone is going to be interested in Robotech, they won't order copies, even for FCBD.
  12. Apparently, starting with the FCBD issue, a new writer is joining in to "co-write" with Furman (in quotes because it depends on one's definition of "writing").
  13. ... and I'm still waiting to be incredibly envious, when you get it.
  14. Stylistically, it's definitely very reminiscent of the Festival Times books. Is this a new MZ23 manga, which is reprinting some of that work? Super tempted to preorder it (assuming I'm reading the Google translation correctly).
  15. I had the English dub playing, with subtitles on too, while I was doing work on the other monitor. So, probably about 50% watching it and reading the subtitles, and 50% watching it off to the side while listening to it in English.
  16. I'd say official, since it's in the MOSPEADA Complete Art Works book: Here's a closeup of the second one: There are also these different size comparisons in the old ARTMIC Design Works B-Club Special:
  17. I'm kinda jealous...
  18. Watched some classics that I had never seen before (slowly working through that list). Cromartie High School (on Amazon Prime): Every once in a while I look through Amazon Prime's catalog of anime and find some classics that I didn't know were there. Last month it was Dallos, and this month it was Cromartie. I have to say that, on the surface, this is absolutely NOT the type of anime that I like or would every watch. The only reason that I was even curious was because I assumed that Cromartie on the old Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles was a reference to this. I was very surprised that I actually really enjoyed this show and found a lot of it genuinely funny. Armored Trooper VOTOMS (last month's new Bluray release of all of the original TV episodes and summary/highlight movies): I FINALLY finished my slog through this one, and I do mean slog. I watched it all, but it just didn't do much for me. I had never seen it before, but decided to chance it because I enjoyed Armor Hunter Mellowlink and because I know that this show has a big following. It just didn't do anything for me, though. It felt like about 20ish episodes of concepts that got unexpectedly approved for 52 episodes and then stretched out to fit that run. There were separate elements of the show that I liked, and I did appreciate the different phases/locations, but everything just seemed to get dragged out, while some of the moments or concepts that had the most potential for exploration (in my opinion) were kind of glossed over. By the time the series was done, I figured that maybe I should have just watched the summary/highlight movies instead, but those skipped even more of what I thought was important. The extra movies did have some nice opening/ending credit scenes, including one fun post credits scene.
  19. Don't dare distract them until we get a full set of the current ones!
  20. In fairness, this design improved on what (I assume) they were "homaging" (that's not a word, but I'm tired...):
  21. Even though this is a fairly old and stagnant thread, I just came across this pre-order Kotobukiya and it made me think of this show. Probably the closest to a toy (other than the one statue coming out) that we're going to get (even though it isn't all that close, in fairness... still, slightly reminiscent in vehicle mode). https://www.otakuhq.com/figures/13867
  22. As much as I have enjoyed Garth Ennis' work, I just couldn't get into The Boys when it first came out in 2006. Reminded me a bit of Brat Pack, which felt like shock for shock's sake (in fairness, that's a typical Ennis criticism, but somehow here there seemed less humor with the shock). Still, I'll give the show a shot on Amazon. As a side note, I'm glad Simon Pegg will at least have a cameo, since the main character of the comics was explicitly based on him (think how Samuel L. Jackson got the Nick Fury role because Nick Fury in the Ultimates comics was based on him).
  23. I'm not sure how they could recover from that, considering that he said he didn't send out the price from the raffle that they ran yet because 1) he didn't account for PayPal taking their cut from $300 they raised (which is like 4%), and 2) no one seems to appreciate that it will cost him around $30 to ship it from his home in the Philippines.
  24. Not to my knowledge. This was last month. I'm about a painful hour into it so far. It is clear that the money from each crowdfunding doesn't actually go towards that project's deliverables but to pay off financial miscalculations from the previous funded-but-not-produced-because-of-lack-of-funds project... but he insists that is not the case with the Robotech license... any money from crowdfunding it would go towards molds... but they were (as of 3/2/19) still intending to crowdfund someday, once they're done talking to HG, but can't comment on it... ugh... He keeps talking about around a dozen projects that they're working on, but have no money for... and apparently all the company's hopes and dreams are based around money from the future sales of a figure that was supposed to retail for $25 and was limited to 500 pieces.
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