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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. Think I'd like to see a stealth scheme on the hardsuit and on the motoslave, with some small red spots for highlighting.
  2. NICE!!! So that's a new model kit, as opposed to a custom paint job or an existing kit, or one of the Yamato toys?
  3. It is absolutely beyond me why Harmony Gold has put all of Robotech in the hands of the Yune brothers... Yes, Tommy Yune is a perfectly decent (actually pretty good) artist... but his writing, his continuity revisions, and his directing of Shadow Chronicles are just terrible... But I guess that's a conversation for another topic.
  4. You dpn't think that something like Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040 (sorry if I'm incorrectly remembering the more recent reworking of Bubblegum Crisis) would work for MOSPEADA?
  5. Wow... Thanks! If you ever have a chance talking to him or to Hideki Kakinuma, could you ask if either would still be interested in doing an updated MOSPEADA, perhaps along the lines of the artwork that I believe Kakinuma did a couple years ago, and darker and more serious like they oringinally intended? Seems like, with all the new material out now, it would be a prime time for an OVA at least.
  6. Pretty cool. Where'd you get them?
  7. Nice, I'll check it out. Thank you! Any experience ordering from this place? I've never heard of it before.
  8. Ok, so I ask again, if we're in the USA, how do we get to see these (specifically Viper's Creed and Rideback for me), other than waiting for an eventual DVD release?
  9. Yeah, I saw that, right when I decided to just suck it up and accept the shipping charge and went online to order it.
  10. No, it's not, though that is an interesting read. It's an old interview I read about 3 or 4 years ago online. I've been looking for it ever since, but haven't been able to find it. He went more in-depth on MOSPEADA than I've seen in other interviews, except for the one with the MOSPEADA DVDs, and had sketches from the AD Patrol design stage.
  11. I actually really really want to order the Proto Garland, but their shipping estimate is around $40, which seems really high to me. What did you actual shipping turn out to be, if you don't mind saying?
  12. Yes, it's on that commentary track, and I think I read it in an old Aramaki interview as well.
  13. I know about how MOSPEADA went through several incarnations, starting as AD Police (not the Bubblegum Crisis AD Police), then eventually becoming what we know of as MOSPEADA. I also know that Megazone 23 was originally intended to not be on a spaceship, but rather underground, as the one last city surviving after a nuclear war, but was then changed to have space action sequences. What I can't really picture is how Megazone 23 was originally intended to be a sequel to MOSPEADA (which has been cited in a number of places). Anyone have any more info or a better understanding of this?
  14. Sorry if this was asked before, but does it show who will be on the book for the Shadow Beta?
  15. I don't have the link at hand, but I think I remember reading in one comparison of the two that the CMs is 10" and the Toynami is 12". Does this sound right?
  16. I'll admit I haven't watched Robotech: TNG in a good few years, but I just watched all of the original Genesis Cimber MOSPEADA about a week or two ago, and honestly don't remember this at all... wait, as I'm thinking about it more now, is this in the very very end when you see that she stayed on Earth, as you see her ride off on a bike? Darn, I think you're right... Anyone have a screen cap of this?
  17. Still looking for a blue Toynami Alpha/Legioss. Let me know if anyone comes across one for a not-too-insane price. Don't care if it's new or used, just want it to be complete.
  18. Slightly off topic here, but there are two upcoming anime which I am very excited about: "Viper's Creed" and "Rideback" (as anyone who knows me will attest, I'm a bit obsessed with variable bikes). Both of these, I believe, premier in January. Does anyone know if there is any way to see these, living in the USA, when they come out, or do I just have to wait for a DVD release? Thanks.
  19. I'd rather see a transformable one.
  20. Ok, I'll definitely agree with you on that. Red bikes with red screens... blue bikes with blue screens... green bikes with green screens... might as well buy a half plastic Buell. FZR400, FZR600, FZR1000, and an R1? Wow, you've got great taste. I'm a Yamaha junkie.
  21. Though generally I'd agree with you, I personally like the look of the dark smoke windscreen on my Raven R1.
  22. If you could check and let me know, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  23. Thanks, I appreciate it. Don't need it mint in box, though would like it complete, including having the box for displaying.
  24. Anyone have the Robotech: New Generation bookends? Big Bad Toystore has them on clearance for $70.
  25. Good God! $300!?!?!?!?! Some of the other stuff is insane too. $175 for the bookends that are available on Robotech.com for $99... and other similar things... Well, I appreciate the link. That you very much. Let me know if you see it anywhere for... more reasonable. I fully expect to have to pay a premium, but $300 is way too much. Rather put that money towards a a couple different Garlands.
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