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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. I think they could have, but it would've required more development time (removing the "fast" from the three choices, and possibly costing some of the "cheap"). If the Alpha was designed anywhere near as well as the Beta, I'd have almost nothing but praise. Still don't like the connection between the two. I thought I had read that the CM's connection was even worse, though I'm having some trouble picturing that.
  2. I just loves JT Marsh's eframe that changed into a motorcycle... Too bad it never made it into the show.
  3. So does any one have any affordable stronger stands that they could recommend for the Alpha/Beta combo? Any fixes for getting the connecting boom to hold the two together better as well?
  4. It is the rear landing gear, like you said. I'll try what you suggested tonight. I think I've been very gentle with trying to get the arms to pull out fully and with the landing gear because I've read so many stories on here about these things breaking. As simple as it is, you do make a good point: if it started out in fighter mode, it can get back to it. I'll try to play around with it some more tonight. Thanks.
  5. I wouldn't worry about it. I used the non-broken one last night, and no tumors yet. The issue is really, I THINK, about there being these more-or-less carcinogenic materials that it's made out of, not that leach into your drink. Drink out of the mug, just don't grind it up into your breakfast.
  6. Wow, very helpful stuff. I really appreciate it. I'm going to muck around with this over the next few days and let you know how it turns out. I think I'm frustrated because: 1) I've wanted these since I was 9 2) These things are pretty pricey, even if limited product runs somewhat justify the cost 3) Having worked as an engineer for a decade now, from design through project management, I get frustrated when I see something produced with these kinds of issues while knowing that they COULD be remedied at the factory (just look at how nicely the Beta works) Thanks again.
  7. Yeah, I did spread the feet/thrusters and recess the "connection points." It's definitely clear that that is where the Alpha's arms arm supposed to fit into, but mine don't even come close to it.
  8. Ok, so my package from Robotech.com arrived yesterday, containing a blue Beta, the Shadow Alpha, and the two Mars Barse mugs. I didn't have much time to mess around with everything last night, but here are my initial impressions: Mugs: The one that didn't arrive broken is really nice, though the label on the bottom that says that California law requires them to tell me that it coontains substances which has been found to be carcinogenic really isn;t as reassuring as your might think. Guess I won't be eating that mug. Now I have to find out whether it will be expensive enough to ship back the broken mug where I should just glue it together instead. Alpha & Beta: These are my first Toynami products, so some of the commments below may seem like old news to people here. Shadow Alpha: Very nice and heavy, feeling lots of diecast. Feels like it SHOULD be sturdy. That's pretty much it for the pros. For the cons: 1) I can't get the arms to fully extend 2) Can't get the landing gear to stay deployed 3) Cannot get it to transform back to fighter mode. It seems like the legs/lower limb assembly just won't slide back enough to let the arms lock in with the legs without the arms having to be extended, plus the entire front of the fighter seems to be angled down strangely. Nothing really seems to lock into place to any real degree. Am I doing something wrong? Any advice? Beta: This thing is nice. I am very impressed. Very solid, and I LOVE the transformation. Yes, I know it's simple, but everything locks into place so nicely, and stays there. Yes, the legs are loose, but it still stands up and holds position, so it's not really more than a minor annoyance. The cockpit doesn't seem to fully close, and the gap under/behind it in fighter mode is kind of noticable, but again, not a big deal. In general, I really like this one and wish that the alpha was up to the same standards. Alpha & Beta together: First of all, I opened the Alpha first, and was actually surprised by how small it is. Maybe it's because it's my first time paying so much for essentially a toy, but I expected something bigger. Now, putting the Beta next to it, after I had opened the Alpha, really impressed me. The larger size is fantastic, just what I wanted to see (and what I heard the CM's were missing, which kind of sealed it for me on getting the Toynami instead). I do have some complaints however. 1) The stand is just way too flimsy. Yes, it holds everything well, but is so weak that the GORGEOUS Alpha/Beta combo tilts and swivels around a good bit, just because of the stand flexing. 2) The connecting boom between the Alpha and Beta, both in fighter modes, doesn't lock into either one! It just slides into the Beta, but doesn't lock, no press fit or anything. It just freely slides in and out. On the Alpha, it just kind of cups the Alpha, but again, doesn't really hold onto anything. Pretty much any position but on the display stand, and the two fall apart! 3) There is a big gap between the Alpha and Beta. The Alpha doesn't slide all the way back into where the Beta has recesses to fit Alpha, so they don't really look like one larger craft, just like two separate ones barely touching in a couple spots. Again, am I doing something wrong here?
  9. Nice. Thanks for all the info everyone. I appreciate it.
  10. I prefer the more brooding face too. I know it's a cartoon, but I still don't like my cartoons too cartoony... It is true that I, like most people here, will probably leave the helmet on almost all of the time. I just feel, for $200, it should be perfect, and I know this head sculpt is going to bug me.
  11. Look at this: http://wildcats.pupui.jp/mt/archives/2008/...eview_pa_4.html
  12. The Beagle one, not repackaged by Toynami, is MUCH less cartoony.
  13. This is the first time I've seen the head sculpt for the Toynami/Robotech version, which I ordered last week. I am REALLY disappointed. Why is it so cartoony? So, do I cancel and get the Beagle instead? Isn't the Beagle more expensive?
  14. And they were legit items? Not Hong Kong knockoffs (I guess there have been some high quality ones circulating last month or two, more so than before)? Shipping was reasonable? Thanks.
  15. Cool, thanks. Anyone else?
  16. Good advice, thanks. This is the Yamato you're talking about, right?
  17. Good point. I'm kind of a medium level fan of Megazone 23, I guess, at least compared to MOSPEADA, which I am a huge fan of, but for some reason, I'm feeling inclined to get the Proto Garland and the Factory Color (white) Garland, but no other recolorings.
  18. Anyone ever ordered from angolz.com? Any good or bad experiences? Shipping issues (seems like the have typically expensive shipping, and what looks like a free option as well)? Thanks.
  19. Does anyone have any opinions on how the Aoshima models and the Yamato ones compare? I know the Aoshima ones need to be built (glue, paint?), and the Yamato ones don't, the Aoshima are 1/24th scale and the Yamato are 1/15th, and the Aoshima are between half and 1/4 the price of the Yamato ones, depending on where you shop, but are there any other differences between them? Any opinions as to which to go with (quality, look, scale, durability, matching with other variable bikes)? Any input here is appreciated.
  20. Girlfriend just texted me that my "toys just came." No, that's not dirty. Should mean I have a blue Beta and a Shadow Alpha waiting at home for me right now... I feel like a kid on Christmas. Kind of sad, huh? Still have to find a blue Alpha...
  21. Yep, finally coming to DVD in a few short months. I don't think HG actually sued, btw. It was just Matchbox cashing in on old molds I think.
  22. Sorry for thread-jacking there. I'm going to let that topic die, and let's get back to the purpose of this thread... My Toynami blue Beta and Shadow Alpha should be arriving tomorrow... though the shipping info hasn't updated since the 19th. Can't wait.
  23. Actually, what I'm referring to are some perfectly polite comments I made. Nothing rude or anything of that nature, and completely in line with the TOU, stating my personal opinions on some things (pricing of the Beagle, back before I knew that the non-Robotech Beagle was even more expensive elsewhere, as well as disappointment with Shadow Chronicles) which were deleted on a number of different occassions. These were fully in line with the TOU, and I did not insult Tommy Yune, simply said that I was disappointed with the poor quality, and stated examples of why.
  24. You mean the site where any negative comments get censored or deleted? Yeah, that's definitely a better place...
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