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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. I've never watched more than a handful episodes of Gundam, so I can't speak to its popularity, but one interesting thing that Shinji Aramaki once mentioned in an interview is that one of the big deals with Macross was that it had robots that turned into planes, somewhat like taking a design for a plane, and then figuring out how to make it transform into a robot. Previous to this, much of anime had robots first, and then tried to figure out how to make it transform into something, resulting in vehicles which didn't really look like much of anything. Aramaki tried to learn from this for his designs for MOSPEADA. It you look at the three examples offered up by Roger above, maybe there's something to this. The Macross fighters look like fighters. The MOSPEADA fighters look like futuristic fighter. The Southern Cross tank looks like... a box.
  2. It's really all about taste. As much as I thoroughly loved Robotech as a kid, and drooled over the Macross Saga part of Robotech, I just could never get into Southern Cross, no matter how I tried (with the exception of the helicopter, which always, to my personal aesthetic, seemed very cool but misplaced in that show). MOSPEADA/New Generation, however, is what really stuck with me over the years. Everyone's taste is different. I can't understand how some people don't like MOSPEADA, you loved Southern Cross... but I think you are in the minority, with not enough fans to support it then or probably now.
  3. MOSPEADA with armored sidecar? Really? Wonder if it's like the unproduced Bubblegum Crisis motoslave with sidecar. This is the first I've heard of this. Roger, have you come across any mention of this anywhere else?
  4. Ok, so different toys based on designs that we've seen, nothing that was unproduced like things that didn't make it into the anime, or from a possible sequel, had it been more successful? I know Southern Cross had a TON of designs that never saw the light of day, at least not on the show.
  5. sorry to take this off on a slight tangent, but which unreleased MOSPEADA toys are you referring to?
  6. I'm going to get the Toynami MOSPEADA, and hope someone is selling a ki or something with a Beagle head later. I've wanted this too long, despite the cost. Now, looking at just how many details there are in the CMs and Megahouse ones, it's clear to me that this more expensive design is the only one that I will be close to happy with. I hope...
  7. Or does Tommy Yune win, because many of us will once again be spending money on one of his "interpretations" of Robotech?
  8. Cool, thanks.
  9. How can you tell from the outside of the box if it is the metallic version?
  10. I ordered from them 2 nights back, then went to pay by paypal, and the page got screwed up somehow. Now it says my status is "checked out" but paypal doesn't show the payments, and I can't find anything on the Angolz page on how to contact them.
  11. That works. Thanks! Definitely some similarities.
  12. No one has any screen caps, or no one cares?
  13. I'll give it a shot tomorrow. Thanks.
  14. Thanks. I was actually planning on trying the exact same thing with the scotch tape, but you beat me to the punch. I'll give it a try.
  15. You're right. My mistake. Ok, so I'm taking about the blue bike she steals from a guy...
  16. Thanks, clearly the legs weren't fully extended. No, I DO mean the Sue Graham "Shadow Fighter" Alpha. Why?
  17. Though there are some slight similarities to the Morpho 2. Maybe this is more based on 80's views of future bikes, than direct inspiration.
  18. I started rewatching the original Bubblegum Crisis (2032) last night. I noticed Priss' blue bike (her personal one, not a moto-slave) in the first episode (and, to a lesser degree, in the second), before she starts using a red one. Does anyone have any good screen captures of this bike? From what I could see, it looks very very reminiscent of the Yamaha Morpho. I wondr if it may have been any sort of design inspiration for GK Dynamics.
  19. Ok, so I put in some more time with the Shadow Alpha and blue Beta (Robotech Masterpiece Collection). As before, absolutely love the Beta. Still, only complaints are the connector boom sliding out of the Beta, and the slight flimsiness of the stand. To an earlier question, no problems with paint on the Alpha. Nothing broken. Looks great. Got the arms to fully extend. Not sure if I'm getting the legs to fully extend. Leg posability seems a little limited. Transforms fine now that I have the hang of it, but I can't seem to get the arms to fully close, and the lower torso to fully collapse, so that the arms can be fully collapsed in fighter mode. I am definitely happier with this than when I first unboxed it, but still have some issues.
  20. That may well be, we'll have to wait and see. I hope I get my Shadow Beta and Shadow Masterpiece Cyclone before that happens...
  21. I see what you mean. Ok, based on that, it sounds even more like I made the right choice going with Toynami, at least for what I'm looking for. I'll see if I can get the two to connect closer together tonight. The connector not locking to the Beta though... still a big deal to me, especially considering how obvious and easy it would be. Thanks for the input.
  22. Nothing broken on my Alpha (hopefully nothing will break tonight when I muck around with it some more). Seems to be fine. Paint seemed just fine everywhere, but I'll take a really close look tonight if you want.
  23. Don't get me wrong, I'm still glad that I got the Toynami and not the CM's, if for no other reasons that the scale of the Beta relative to the Alpha, and the darker coloring. Just, still disappointed by some elements. Have to get back to finding a blue Alpha now...
  24. Looking at your site now, at the comparison. Obviously I don't have one now, but it looks like the connector holds the Beta more firmly on the CM that the slide-in piece on the Toynami, and it doesn't look like it holds the Alpha any WORSE... what am I missing? I don't know what we need for a display stand... maybe 4 legs joining to a smaller platform, which connects to the connector boom.
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