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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. Just saw a comment on FB, saying they are scaled to the Toynami Alphas (supposedly).
  2. At 1/55... I have no idea. I am ABSOLUTELY a stickler for scale with my displays, and all of my MOSPEADA stuff is organized by scale. That said, I do have the one shelf that is the random stuff that doesn't scale with anything else (I'm looking at you, Gakken and Megahouse), so, if this is cheap enough, I might just get one for a background piece on that shelf. Since he is working on a number of Sentinels characters, it would have been nice if the Inbit/Invid actually scaled together.
  3. All depends on the price, I think.
  4. MEPToys new announcement:
  5. Gotcha. I hadn't paid enough attention to even notice that (honestly, I'm mainly following this thread in the hopes of news that KC is doing some Legioss/Alphas). So, yeah, if KC already has a deal in place with Tats for the use of Macross, then yes, it shouldn't be a problem. Sorry for not having paid attention to that.
  6. I'm not following your logic here. HG and Tats may be join copyright owners, but if KC only has a contract with HG, then I don't see why Tats would be obligated to allow KC to continue manufacturing products under their trademark. This is more like if only one of the two members of the married couple took out the mortgage.
  7. That's a fair price for it, but, at this point, it's really only for big time MOSPEADA fans or completists. So, basically, if you have to ask if you should have gotten it, then it probably wasn't for you.
  8. This is why I'm surprised that so many companies lately seem to be making deals with them. I'm not surprised that HG is trying to cash in while they can; I'm surprised that the other companies are willing to invest in products that might have a very short shelf life, and few re-colors, depending on where IP ownership goes.
  9. Just came across the FB page for the guy who is MEP Toys: https://www.facebook.com/meiccoms Entertaining 1/16 Legioss there that he's 3d printing. I have to say, I'm not a fan of the faces or proportions of most of the figures (except the Inbit/Invid prototypes), but seeing how genuinely enthusiastic he seems to be about this stuff, it kind of makes me more into supporting his work. Though it's not of interest to me, there's some Southern Cross stuff in the works, too.
  10. Guessing that time has made them re-focus their efforts.
  11. Oh, I vaguely remember that, now that you say that. I had just assumed they were repackaging the MegaHouses, as opposed to making something original. I mean, Harmony Gold...
  12. You don't mean the Kidslogic statue, do you?
  13. Yes sir. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/6317849846/ It was $60 when it first listed 3 or 4 weeks ago, then went down to $40 recently. However, seeing how OVA 1 is now down to $18, I might wait a bit. I paid $35, even with the preorder price guarantee.
  14. Way back about a decade ago, I had an issue with a toy from BBTS, and they took care of the problem for me right away, hassle-free. Since then, I tend to use them unless their price is $20 or more greater than another seller (after shipping is factored in).
  15. Looking at the upcoming OVA 2 Blu-ray release, it's still at $40, and it's only 290 minutes (though it looks like this one is legitimately all HD). The first (tv eps.) one was 1630 minutes, for $25, with OVA 1 being 595 minutes and currently at $18 (I paid $35... so much for pre-ordering). I appreciate getting high def and not just standard def on a Blu-ray disc, but this seems a bit excessive.
  16. They've been posting preview pics (through 1000Toys) of what they're going to be showing, and it's primarily Punk Drunkers figures (plus a new color Robox with dog and Zoichi from Biomega, which I'm very excited about). EDIT: I think I was mistakenly thinking of pics they post from a show this past weekend, so there may still be hope...
  17. Unless I see something unexpectedly BAD, I'm in for at least one blue one pretty much no matter what. What little we've seen so far really appeals to me, and I have confidence in the team behind this.
  18. That's one of the things I like about motorcycle transformers. They CAN'T hide things, so they work them into the design. Sure, most will just throw the wheels on the back, but some will come up with cool things like the wheels in the legs of Animated Prowl.
  19. I am not very well educated on Kawamori's work beyond Macross, but wasn't he not using real-world aircraft? Mostly his own designs, which definitely took a lot of cues from real-world aircraft? More artisticly "cool", and modified to make for interesting transformations?
  20. I'm probably the exception to the rule, but, where I collect almost exclusively motorcycles, they are all displayed in alt mode. The only ones in robot mode are the duplicates.
  21. I thought it was well done and enjoyed it just fine, though I'll be honest that I kind of lost interest towards the end.
  22. These are the Kickstarter ones, not the event-only ones (that come in three versions)?
  23. It's disappointing, a bit surprising, and I'm frustrated with myself. I'm surprised it had such an effect so quickly. This was really, essentially. instantaneous... like in a movie when someone gets acid thrown on them. Frustrated with myself, since I NEVER leave these things anywhere where something could happen to them... but, of course, this one figure was on my desk to remind me to get back to designing some custom accessories when time allows.
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