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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. According to Wikipedia (so decide for yourself whether or not you choose to believe it) Megazone 23 was originally intended to be a series. The sponsors withdrew funding midway through production, so what we know as Part 1 of Megazone 23 is actually more of a compilation of footage from what had been animated for various episodes of the series. This is essentially the same thing that happened to Robotech II: The Sentinels. Now, with The Sentinels, all episodes were already plotted out and I believe that most of the scripts were done as well. Does anyone know if the scripts for the episodes of Megazone 23 are out there anywhere? I'm really curious to see what Megazone 23 was originally intended to be. Thanks.
  2. Cool, thanks.
  3. Is this what you mean? http://www.angolz.com/home/productDetails....95&catId=24
  4. Looked at the Machine Tornader ones. Not really my thing. Prefer more transformation than that. I'm not having any luck finding the transforming bikes for KR Kabuto that you mentioned, though. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks.
  5. Ok, thanks. I see them on the Yamato Japan site, but it doesn't translate worth anything, and the checkout page doesn't translate at all, so I can't really order from them.
  6. Sorry, the topic title should say "Garland" and not "Garand."
  7. I remember a little while back someone had posted pictures of their Garland (I think it was the Proto-Garland, but I'm not positive) with a special set of stickers applied. These are stickers that Yamato makes specially for it. I've looked through the Yamato USA site but can't find them on there. Does anyone know where I can find these? Thanks.
  8. Cool, thanks Drifand. I'll look into these. Not really particularly familiar with Kamen Rider, beyond sort of knowing that it exists, and the general idea of what each series was about.
  9. It seems that the majority of people disliked it, however I actually liked it. I thought it was well written, and if you read it after reading the others, as you're meant to, it really gives a feel of completion to the whole story/cycle. If you look at it as a standalone, and not Robotech, it's well written scifi and I think a lot of the detractors of the book would actually like it. There are some elements of it a little more metaphysical and, to be honest, these were my less favorite parts of the book, however, interestingly enough, these are the elements that were directly taken from what Carl Macek wanted to have take place after Sentinels (in The Odyssey). I read this book in my early/mid 20's, and have to say it really does lend itself to making you think about a lot more in life than you would expect to get out of a Robotech book. Overall, personally I recommend it, but understand why a lot of Robotech fans don't like it.
  10. No, I just looked at both, and it is completely different. The one in Book Four #0 is MUCH more detailed. The whole issue is just the timeline, stretched over 20-some-odd pages, with small illustrations.
  11. It is pretty much the completion of the whole series (even though it came out before Zentraedi Rebellion and Master's Gambit). So, it is part of the Sentinels storyline, but also New Gen and Master's (and, by extension, Macross).
  12. I'm looking to put together a shelf of 1/15th scale variable bikes. So far I have: - 1/15th Yamato Factory Color Garland - 1/15th Yamato Proto-Garland - 1/15th Metallic Priss and Motoslave Besides the other two Garlands and the 4 non-metallic Motoslaves, what other 1/15th variable bikes are there? The Megahouse MOSPEADAs are 1/15th, right? Are the Busou Shinki (sp?) 1/15th? GetRide AMDriver? Revoltech Assemble Borg? Thanks.
  13. That particular picture is photoshop, but there building a real one, trying to make a B-King into that.
  14. Maybe, but there's still no word on the website about them being in, no email telling me my preorder shipped, and we had to pay the same $200, plus shipping, unlike the maybang price.
  15. Stick (no pun intended) a VT-250 engine in one of those early '80s Katanas and you'd have exactly what inspired Aramaki with the MOSPEADA.
  16. So I guess those of us that actually bought somewhat direct and preordered from Robotech.com are getting screwed again...
  17. Why did you sell it? What was it? I couldn't image parting with my R1, and currently entertain myself a good bit fixing up late '80s small bore sportbikes (when work, family, housework, the internet, etc., allow time).
  18. I was actually wondering about the same thing today. Still no news on the Robotech.com website. Not emails about my preorder shipping. Nothing. So, something is delaying things, but it's either not something which they want to admit to, thus no word of what is going on, or it is something which is causing them to have NO IDEA when they will actually be able to ship these, which has caused them to keep silent, rather than giving potentially incorrect information. I was thinking about what could be causing the delay. Now, we know that the boxes have been made, since there's a review of one in MasterPiece Bookend boxing. So, it seems like either: a) Beagle fulfilled their orders, but didn't manufacture enough to fulfill Toynami's orders yet, and they're waiting until they do before they ship anything to Toynami b) Toynami found some quality control issues and is having Beagle fix them before they ship any out, so as not to further damage their reputation, as with the Maia Alpha. c) Something else, which will likely put one or both of these companies in a much less favorable light from us, the fans/consumers.
  19. I agree. I think it makes perfect sense in regards to fitting the movie aesthetic and general sense of purpose to the designs. I'm ok with it.
  20. That, to me, sounds like it would've been a much more fun scenario. I LOVE Cyclones. My only two gripes with Invasion were that it was too directed around a specific story, so you had to do things in an exact order, as opposed to being able to explore around more, and that there was no regular, in game, non-online, multiplayer.
  21. Up next: Robotech: Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles (FINALLY)... After that, I still have Clone, Return to Macross, and a few others to fill in.
  22. No, I didn't. I suspect that one of my girlfriend's cats must've walked across the laptop while I was out walking the dog. Damn cats...
  23. I feel like an idiot now... Thank you Vostok, I really appreciate it! Just don't know why it switched like that for me in the first place... Sorry all.
  24. Worlds of Robotech (Worlds of Robotech - Amazon World - Escape from Praxis, Worlds of Robotech - Crystal World - Prisoners of Spheris, Worlds of Robotech - Cyber World - Secrets of Haydon IV, Worlds of Robotech - Feral World - Nightmare on Garuda, Worlds of Robotech - Invid World - Assault on Optera, Worlds of Robotech - Macross Missions - Destroid, Worlds of Robotech - Smith World - Sabotage on Karbarra, and Worlds of Robotech - Graphic Novel): All of these are written and illustrated by the usual Sentinels team of the Waltrip borther, which the exception of Worlds of Robotech - Macross Missions - Destroid. Worlds of Robotech - Amazon World - Escape from Praxis: Art and writing are fine here, though neither is very interesting. This really feels like a filler issue. Nothing really new happens here. We've seen all of it before in flashbacks in the regular Sentinels book, it's just elaborated on here. Worlds of Robotech - Crystal World - Prisoners of Spheris: Kind of an interesting one. This is our only view into the Spherisian culture really, though it is pretty minimal. Some of it somehow reminds me of Kryptonians as they were portrayed back in the '70s. The only really interested thing here is that we see a cyborg, along the lines of Dusty in New Gen, though it's unclear why the Invid use him as a servant. Visually, he looks like a cross between Edwards and the Cyborg Superman. Worlds of Robotech - Cyber World - Secrets of Haydon IV: This issue has so much potential, but it just doesn't really deliver. We have a lot hinted at here, and I'm sure this would be the right way to do it if everything were to be revealed in the regular Sentinels book but, reading it after I read the last issue of Sentinels, which ended before things were ever revealed, it just becomes frustrating. Read the novels for some of the revelations. It is a little interested just how horrible the Regiss is here. We've seen her other places, and under the original authors of the Sentinels comics, portray somewhat sympathetically, the recent stories have reason shown her in a much more sinister light. Worlds of Robotech - Feral World - Nightmare on Garuda: Kind of nice to see a story with what goes on while the main characters moved away. The interaction with the Hin is an interesting idea but, in the end, it seemed like an excuse to have a zombie-like tale. The conclusion comes all to quickly and easily. Worlds of Robotech - Invid World - Assault on Optera: I enjoyed this one. Nice, dark, but fun story. Like most of these, it really doesn't end up contributing anything to the ongoing storyline though. It is worth noting just how horribly this one rips off Starship Troopers (the book, not the movie), with the designs and the attack tactics. Worlds of Robotech - Macross Missions - Destroid: Eh. Really didn't care for this one at all. Like the other work by William Jang that I've read, the artwork is VERY inconsistent, sometimes nice, sometimes terribly amateurish. Characters can rarely be told apart, and dialogue is just terrible. His work always seems to me like a fanfin, and not an official Robotech comic book. As usual, lots of technical terminology is thrown in, but it doesn't make it any better of a story. I wouldn't bother with this one, unless you really love Macross and want to see the more obscure background events that could have been going on, or are a completist (like me, at this point). Worlds of Robotech - Smith World - Sabotage on Karbarra: As the Optera story ripped off Starship Troopers, this one rips off Blade Runner. Even the vehicles are the same. We basically have a film noir type story, following a murder investigation. The discovery that comes from this investigation is just silly, I think, and does nothing for me. The issue is, likely intentionally, full of cliches. This is the type of story I SHOULD enjoy, WANT to enjoy, WANT to like the characters, but it's all too flat and quick. Worlds of Robotech - Graphic Novel: This is a compilation of all of the above books, minus Worlds of Robotech - Macross Missions - Destroid, which wouldn't fit anyway as it has nothing to do with Sentinel worlds. All of the material is reprints, with the exception of short paragraphs on each planet before each chapter, which are nice and well written. This is a good spot to briefly discuss these books as a whole. Let's ignore Macross Missions - Destroid, as it really doesn't belong here in any way, shape, or form. These books are kind of a fun read. I do, as a fan, really appreciate them spending the time on creating them and giving the Robotech universe a larger, more complete feel. I am disappointed that they're all kind of filler, throw-away stories that really have no bearing on the regular series at all, with the possible exception of the hints dropped in the Haydon IV one, though those were obviously never followed up on. The art and story match the regular series, and they are all still written and illustrated by the Waltrips. The art does feel a little rushed and sloppy in some places, but I guess a lot of material was coming out fairly quickly at this point in the run. We do see story elements that are just getting silly in some places, which I think is symptomatic of wherever the comics diverge from the novels. As for the ripoffs of Starship Troopers, Blade Runner, and others... well, your enjoyment will depend on whether you see them as ripoffs, or "homages." It is a little disappointing that we never got a Worlds of Robotech issue for Peryton. As it stands, the only view of the comic book version of Peryton that was ever published was a minimal glimpse in Book Four #0, and a single panel in the Haydon IV Worlds of Robotech issue.
  25. This is the only section of the forum I look through, so sorry if this is in the wrong place, but what's going on? As of late last night, when I click on a topic, it doesn't take me to the page I want itself, but rather to the first posting, followed by a list of replies to it, where I have to click on each one individually if I want to read it.
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