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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. Yes. I wrote a review of it in this very thread, a little ways up.
  2. You know, I understand why Rand/Ray is coming out next... they have the molds all ready, the only new pieces are the gun and the head (unless I'm missing something) and molds cost A LOT... But I still wish Yellow/Lancer were coming out next, then Rook/Houqeut, THEN Rand/Ray. That way, it's easier to justify spending $200 on a 95% identical toy, and it's more likely that it would incorporate improvements from the Scott/Stick run.
  3. Are the legs and ankles really stiff on yours? I want to pose him like I see in everyone's pics, but I can't even get him to stand up. Ever bend of the legs leaves me afraid of breaking him. Also, the thigh armor that connects to the rear wheel in bike mode, on the rider's left side... does it seem to all of you that it sits awfully far back and away from the main bike body?
  4. Those are actually pretty cool. Have to admit, one of my favorite models is one that I built as a kid and still have. It's a model of the Spruce Goose, with about a 2 foot wingspan (not sure of the scale).
  5. BTW, my Beagle finally arrived yesterday. Heart almost broke when my son picked up it while I was getting the base out of the package, then put it on the edge of the table, and then the cat knocked it off the table and onto the floor... Going to give it another evening of transforming before I start posting things I feel need fixes in the Beagle fix thread.
  6. I was considering it, just to be a completist... but think I'll be a completist with my Beagle and Megahouse MOSPEADAs instead... just have to stick to only blue and Shadow Alphas & Betas (sorry, blue and Dark Legioss and Tleads)... hopefully...
  7. You buy a lot of lottery tickets, don't you?
  8. Yamato's website says that the Boomer is 4.24" and the AD Police are 4.00". It also says 1/15th scale. So, that means the Boomer would in reality be 5'4" and the AD Police would be 5'0". If we assume that it should really be 1/18th scale, and not 1/15th, then the Boomer would be 6'4" and the AD Police would be 6'0". I think that this proves that Yamato's 1/15 are really 1/18th, at least when it comes to BGC... not sure about the Megazone 23 Garlands... ... and I should've ordered the 1/18th CMs MOSPEADA to match my motoslave, instead of the 1/15th Megahouse MOSPEADA...
  9. I know, but I'm thinking of the bodyguards for the Genom execs, who, even compressed and in their skin, still looked to be well over 6' tall, maybe closer to 7'.
  10. Yeah, I always figured that the bodyguard ones were like 6'6" or 7', and then when they kind of bulge out to normal boomer look they were more like 7'-8' tall.
  11. There's also the question of if the Boomer is REALLY 1/15th scale, or if it's scaled to match the Priss figure. Remember the debate about the Motoslave saying 1/15th, but the separate figures originally saying 1/18th.
  12. You're both probably right. It would be different if these toys had real skeletons to attach parts to, but really most toys are just shells, more exoskeletons with joints than anything else. I don't even know what you would make pieces out of if you wanted to make your own.
  13. Would there be any way to take a beat up Legioss or TLEAD and make them into an Inbit, while maintaining the joints? Or would trying to mold on new shells to that skeleton just be way too much work?
  14. Sorry, slacked off. I need to post up my review of Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles.
  15. While I'd rather have a vinyl Inbit than no Inbit at all, I still prefer toys with actual movable parts and joints rather than vinyl.
  16. That would make more sense than the acronyms do!
  17. I'm definitely getting it, through prefer a US site if at all possible.
  18. Cool, thanks. I'll have to see if I can find it on eBay or anything.
  19. I know I asked this in the previous thread, but can't remember what the reply was, and am having trouble finding it now. What was that page taken from? I LOVE these designs!
  20. I'm just going to keep denying it and refusing to look at the dozens of pics proving it IS indeed a TLEAD... sooner or later, someone will find that one magic pic that calls it a TREAD first... just have to keep waiting... keep denying...
  21. I think we're at the point where any and all of that is down to personal preference. It looks like the Beta was named, by the creators, as the TLEAD, so this is probably the real name. However, I still prefer the name TREAD. I prefer Ray to Lei. As for Scott, Stick as a nickname sounds better to me, but Stig as a Nordic name makes some level of sense too, but I don't know if their is any merit to this, or if this is a coincidence and something that ADV made up.
  22. There were several pictures of this in the previous thread. You can make it LOOK like they're linked up, but they don't really link up. As for the Aoshima Alphas, I've usually seen them for the same price as Toynami, or even $10 or $20 more (I think because of lower production numbers).
  23. I need to rewatch. Sadly enough, I only just rewatched the movies about 3 weeks ago, but really mainly paid attention to the Garlands.
  24. Now I REALLY can't wait for my order to come in, and to set up that metallic Boomer next to my metallic Priss.
  25. I suppose, though I'm sure you could find a way to write it in.
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