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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. Yes, those are the ones. I'll give it a try. Thanks.
  2. Jeez, sorry... This is the only forum on here I ever use. If you could post the link to it, I would appreciate it, since I just looked but can't seem to find it. Sorry about posting in the wrong forum.
  3. http://www.yamato-toys.com/event/200903/in...nk=index_pickup
  4. Yeah, it was in the previous thread, a couple pages back.
  5. I'll have to look for it, though I'm honestly more into the other ARTMIC shows I mentioned than Gall Force.
  6. The AVI I downloaded of it just has the race, but I love it.
  7. Yeah, the blue ones are still for sale, though at half the price of what they were originally asking for them (which was f-en ridiculous). I got them on clearance at BBTS for even less than that. The red ones go for absolutely ridiculous prices, but that's because I think they were only ever available at one convention. I don't know, I just don't see them making any more. It is kind of annoying that my Alpha bookend boxes, Beta bookend box, and Cyclone bookend box are all completely different sizes, but don't know if different bookends for each size would really help looks any.
  8. Thanks
  9. Really have no interest in Southern Cross... Just tried to watch Red Photon Zillion, but got too bored after 3 episodes. Is it worth sticking with? I've been able to find up to episode 9, though Wikipedia says there were 31. As for Orguss, I have never seen it, though I had a toy of a black and white, very angular mecha that was from Orguss as a kid (still have it too... for some reason it just appealed to me). I've downloaded Orguss II and am ready to watch it. Problem is, while I downloaded Orguss I and it is SUPPOSED to be subtitled, it is an MKV file and I can't seem to get the subtitles to show up in Windows Media Player. So, I have 2 questions: 1) Anyone here know how to get the subtitles to show up? 2) If I watch Orguss II without seeing Orguss I, am I going to miss out on enjoying it fully? Thanks.
  10. Oh, I definitely still enjoyed it... just would've enjoyed it a whole lot MORE if there had been new footage other than Yellow's concert, interviews, and a few shots of the characters, now "older."
  11. What is it?
  12. I collect pretty much only motorcycle Transformers (and other motorcycle robots/armors) and can say that TFA Prowl probably has my favorite transformation out of my whole collection.
  13. That's probably the origin of Arisia's name in the Green Lantern comics too... So, now that I have a reading order, overall, worth reading? If in the right mood/mindset? Thanks again for the input.
  14. I mentioned this in the current anime being watched thread, but as this isn't a current one, but a pretty old one, figured I'd start a new thread and make people who aren't aware of this... aware... Just watched Scramble Wars for the first time... all 26 minutes of it. Oh my lord... despite not understanding a single word of Japanese, except where the Genom-made racecar dirven by the Boomer was explained to be supercharged and have active suspension, I have to tell you this thing was AWESOME. It's like Wacky Races meets super-deformed ARTMIC characters! Knight Sabers and Priss and her motoslave and AD Police and Leon and a Boomer and the head of Genom from Bubblegum Crisis, Stick and his MOSPEADA from Genesis Climber MOSPEADA, the old school Garland from Megazone 23, the full cast of Gall Force: Eternal Story and Gall Force Rhea, and a whole bunch of characters I don't even know by name... they weren't kidding when they say in the opening "For ARTMIC Freaks!" Sylia gives Priss the finger as she passes her on her motoslave in the lingerie van... GENIUS
  15. Just watched Scramble Wars for the first time... all 26 minutes of it. Oh my lord... despite not understanding a single word of Japanese, except where the Genom-made racecar dirven by the Boomer was explained to be supercharged and have active suspension, I have to tell you this thing was AWESOME. It's like Wacky Races meets super-deformed ARTMIC characters! Knight Sabers and Priss and her motoslave and AD Police and Leon and a Boomer and the head of Genom from Bubblegum Crisis, Stick and his MOSPEADA from Genesis Climber MOSPEADA, the old school Garland from Megazone 23, the full cast of Gall Force: Eternal Story and Gall Force Rhea, and a whole bunch of characters I don't even know by name... they weren't kidding when they say in the opening "For ARTMIC Freaks!" Sylia gives Priss the finger as she passes her on her motoslave in the lingerie van... GENIUS
  16. Just wacthed Love, Live, Alive. As much as I love anything and everything MOSPEADA-related, I wish there had been more new animation and less flashbacks.
  17. Probably not (actually probably less successful), but I think it would have been more interesting.
  18. This may be true, but it seems that: The RPGs just didn't whatever they wanted, like fanfics. The comics initially followed the novels, but then went off on their own and did whatever they wanted. The novels, from interviews with the surviving author and with Carl Macek himself, actually followed Macek's vision pretty closely. They consulted with him quite a bit. In fact, a lot of the details that differed between the novels and the animation, which so many hardcore fans complain about (like the thinking caps, not to mention End of the Circle in its entirety) were based on things that Macek WANTED in the original Robotech, but the existing animation simply didn't allow for.
  19. Yeah, I really can't decide if I want the Rand/Ray or not. I know I'll WANT it at some point, being a completist, but the same mold, just a different gun and head, and same problems as my current Beagle, with likely no fixes... makes it tough to swallow that pricetag. As for the hlj.com thing, I've never ordered from them, so don't know how they are. On the other hand, I remember looking online months ago and them seeming to have the best prices, selections, and shipping, but now that doesn't seem to be the case. I've had good luck with bigbadtoystore.com and with angolz.com. Haven't tried over-drive-inc.com, since they always seem to be sold out of what I'm looking for.
  20. I originally watched Megazone 23 (part one, then a few months later parts 2 and 3) a few years ago, and was sorely disappointed. Got them based on my love of MOSPEADA and wanting to see this "cousin" to it... and just felt like I had wasted my money. I rewatched all three about a month ago, and have to say that I really enjoyed them. Part 1 felt too rushed and convoluted at the end, which makes sense based on it being truncated from a series into an OVA. Part 2 is very good as a standalone, but yeah, is a little too disjointed from Part 1, feeling like a totally different studio and team doing their take a few years later. Kind of like Bubblegum Crisis, and then Tokyo 2040, if 2040 were meant to take place immediately after the original BGC. Part 3... well, the first part of it didn't really do much for me. Never been a big fan of the whole cyber thing, unless handled really well, like in some of Gibson's better books. The second part was much better, did a nice job of incorporating some of the original backstory which never made it into Part 1, while also briding the various parts. I agree that the whole "hundreds of years later" approach always puts me off, and it was no different here, but I still thought it was well done, though could have been explained better (like the fact that Eve, with the human body, is actually the assistant to the person who created the Megazones and who Eve the program was based on, frozen all these years... and the Bishop character came out of nowhere!).
  21. That style of writing really isn't my thing, based on how you describe it. On the other hand, sometimes I get into a mood where I really enjoy early and mid 1900s pulp writing, so I may give them a shot anyway when the mood strikes me. So what is your recommended reading order? And thanks for the input, btw.
  22. Not a current one, but I just watched Lensmen: Secret of the Lens. Wow. Really good, and WAY better than I was expecting. Made me want to go and read the old books it was based on. Funny how horrible Julius Schwartz ripped it off when creating the silver age Green Lantern. As for current stuff, absolutely LOVING RideBack, and Viper's Creed is starting to show some potential.
  23. Sadly, yes. Issue 2. Page 28.
  24. The second issue is pretty much all original. I don't know if it is original to the writers, or original to what Carl Macek wanted but wasn't able to put in because of the animation. I suspect it's the former.
  25. Getting back to the earlier talk of making one's own Invid/Inbit figure, anyone here remember this custom MOSPEADA, made from a Get Ride! Amdriver Griffon? Wonder how it was done.
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