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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. I'm downloading Venus Wars right now, and will download Votoms and others when I free up some room on my hardrive (these 30+ episode series really take up some space, so for now I'm sticking with OAVs). Any other motorcycle or rebels fighting aliens who have already succeeded in their conquest shows?
  2. No problems with the neck on my Beagle either, but then again, it is the Toynami Beagle. Seems like the Tommy Yune sculpt head, like it or hate it, doesn't flop like the regular Beagle one does (though I prefer the look of the regular one). On a different note, I mentioned a page or so back that I purchased the three black and white CMs MOSPEADAs (Stick, Ray, and Shinobou) and had opened the Shinobou and am EXTREMELY disappointed by it. Well, I'm trying to spread out my enjoyment of new toys for a few days here, so today I opened the Stick. It is MUCH better. Everything seems to line up and snap into place much much better than on the Shinobou. Maybe it's two random examples, or maybe the Shinobou/Houquet mold was rushed and just doesn't work as well. Still, compared to my Beagle, these things are terrible. The Beagle is just amazing by comparison. I'll open my CMs Ray in a day or two, and my Megahouse all-black (stealth) Yellow should be here sometime next week.
  3. Bee n having the same problem. Had mine for about a week now and haven't gotten him to stand on his own yet. I keep being afraid of messing with the ankle too much, since I don't want to break it.
  4. Hmmm... guess we spend more time drinking than watching movies... but then again, I'm not a healthy person...
  5. Just watched episode 8. LOTS of action (of the combat, and of the just plain riding, varieties). A LOT of mysteries from previous episodes have begun to be answered here.
  6. I'd read that before, but forgot about it. I know I read somewhere about Aramaki coming in one morning, and the design of the TREAD was just sitting there all done by Kakinuma, but can't remember where. Maybe in the booklet that came with the ADV boxed set?
  7. Just checked the sites I usually use for online manga or torrents, and I don't see anything for Gunhed.
  8. Why would you possible pay money to see that? At least the other garbage was on tv and free.
  9. I remember those flying bikes in Galactica 1980. But let's not forget Super Force and Streethawk!
  10. I think I've seen some of these toys before, but assumed they were from Venus Wars, which I've never seen but have seen some vehicles from.
  11. That IS a downside... but I'll check it out. Thanks. Any of you all here watched Blassreiter? If you haven't, though it starts with motorcycle racing and zombie-like creatures, it sort of ends up become... I guess I would call it a cross between the anime Witch Hunter Robin and the manga Biomega.
  12. Same situation I'm referring to. I just meant that Aramaki dismissed the TREAD as not just something that the toy company made them add, but made a point out of the fact that he had nothing to do with it. Personally, I think the show would have been better as originally envisioned, with just the bikes riding across the continent, finding weapons and other vehicles as they went, then using them until they ran out of fuel. On the other hand, if you're going to have planes, then Legioss and TREAD are a fantastic way to go.
  13. Ok, haven't been online all day, so will try to reply to everyone here in one posting: RD Blade: Never heard of Gunhed. yellowlightman: Yes, MADOX-1 was exactly what I was thinking of. Thanks. REbirth: Actually, I'm a big big Exo-Squad fan. Not surprisingly, the resistance fighters on Earth are my favorite part of that series. First volume comes out on DVD this month. Should be better quality than my downloads. Gubaba: I've downloaded the first Gall Force movie (Eternal Story) and the third (forget the name), but haven't had a chance to watch them. Looking forward to the first one a lot, including seeing the flying bike type thing that transforms, but from skimming through the third one, looks a little too silly and meant to be enjoyed because of the girls for my taste. I do have Rhea Gall Force on DVD, which is a great, dark, desperate, future terminator type of movie, and like it, and enjoyed Scramble Wars (lol). 505thAirborne: Yeah, Gall Force was another ARTMIC production, like MOSPEADA, Bubblegum Crisis, Megazone 23, and Madox-1. 505thAirborne, again: I have Akira, and enjoy the motorcycle part of it, but haven't watched it in years and need to rewatch it and see if I enjoy the rest. Never seen Gunbuster or Project A-KO... have to google those. mr.chogokin: I've heard of Venus Wars, but only in reference to the monowheels. Is it good?
  14. Gotcha. A little different from what I had heard, since I seem to remember in an interview Aramaki saying that he came in one morning and the TREAD was sitting there ready and designed, based on the toy company's requests. Not that those details matter.
  15. Wasn't there an old anime, also designed by Aramaki, about a kid who finds a military powered exosuit? Not Megazone, though the basic premise is a little similar, though this battle suit doesn't transform.
  16. Heard of it but never seen it. Is that the racing one?
  17. I'll check it out, thanks.
  18. I liked Ex Machina, and am downloading Appleseed now. Thanks.
  19. Thanks again. I'll check out those books more closely. As for Kakinuma, ok, now I know who you're talking about. I can never remember his name, but I remember the story about him designing the TREAD. I guess, since I know that Aramaki designed the MOSPEADA itself, I just assumed he did the transformable motorcycles in those other shows too, and not Kakinuma.
  20. Ok, so I started a thread a little ways down here, about how terribly disappointed I am with Shadow Chronicles, but how it is the only thing that feeds my need for new MOSPEADA-esque material. Well, that quickly devolved into some Harmony Gold bashing and arguing, so got closed down. Can't blame the mods for doing that. ... BUT... I would still like some advice. As I said before, with no new MOSPEADA material coming out (you lucky MACROSS people with all of your sequels and spinoffs!!! So jealous at times), I would like some advice. What else can I watch to feed my need? Something else that a MOSPEADA fan might enjoy? Love the underground rebel group fighting aliens who have already conquered Earth part of it. LOVE the transforming bikes part of it. I've already watch MOSPEADA (obviously), Love Live Alive, Megazone 23 (all parts), Bubblegum Crisis, Bubblegum Crash, AD Police (old one and newer one), Red Photon Zillion, Blassreiter, and am currently watching Viper's Creed and Rideback, working my way through Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040, will soon start Starship Troopers (anime, not Roughnecks, though I've seen that too) and Orguss, and am currently downloading Get Ride! AMDriver. So what else would people recommend for me to watch?
  21. I'll take a look at the beginning tomorrow. Thanks for the tip. Honestly, never played an RPG, so never really read the books. Borrowed a friend's Robotech one about 20 years ago to see the cool New Gen and Sentinels designs. Now I downloaded all the Robotech and Bubblegum Crisis ones, but just did so to see the designs of mecha in them. I'm not familiar with Kakinuma. What else has he done? I REALLY thought the Garland was Aramaki. You're sure it was Kakinuma? Did he work on MOSPEADA too? Thanks. And I still want Yamato to make a toy of this!!!
  22. So, I just got my first CMs today. I bought a three-pack containing the black and white Stick, black and white Ray, and Dark Bartley/Shinobou. Have to say that I am VERY disappointed. I'm probably spoiled by my Beagle/Toynami Stick/Scott, but these just feel so incredibly flimsy and everything lines up so poorly. Really disappointing. We'll see how my Megahouse all-black Yellow is when it arrives soon, then I can compare the three companies. Jenius, love your site, read it regularly, but have to say your reviews of the CMs didn't make them out to be nearly as fidgety as mine are, or at least the Shinobou that I've opened so far. Temped to sell them, and I'm like you, part of me wants to own one of every MOSPEADA/RT:NG toy out there.
  23. Price is probably ok for a garage kit, maybe even a good price., it's just more than I'm willing to spend on a model, when there are transformable alternatives available.
  24. As long as we get all of them sooner or later. Sooner because I want them... later so that I can afford them.
  25. Or Yellow/Lancer. Remember that some sites listed that as the next release, even before Ray/Rand, and that is a significant amount of re-engineering too... But yeah, the profile pic is definitely Houquet.
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