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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. I started a thread a few weeks ago about this. Basically saying that I'm torn, because Macross fans get new variants ever couple years, Gundam fans get new variants regularly, but MOSPEADA fans (or in general ARTMIC fans like us) don't, so, as much as I disliked Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles, it is the closest to new MOSPEADA variants that we are likely to ever get. The thread got shut down, because people assumed I was just trying to start fights, as opposed to legitimately voicing my frustration that we don't get anything new. I was really looking forward to Viper's Creed, since, with Shinji Aramaki behind it, it was like more ARTMIC variable bikes. It wasn't bad, and the design did grow on me over the course of the series, but wasn't great either. I don't know who "Knock-Out" is. I know Chromia from Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen (very cool combo of a Yamaha V-Max and a Suzuki B-King), And Prowl and Oil Slick from Transformers Animated (Prowl, I think, is my favorite variable bike TOY), But don't know Knock-Out.
  2. Anyone seen the final episode yet? I keep waiting for a fansub to get uploaded, but still nothing.
  3. I'm obsessed with all variable bikes. While Artmic designs are my favorites, RideBack has a nice "realistic" element to it. As long as it turns into a bike, I'll take Transformers, and even GoBots.
  4. I can post the updated list. Rather not post up all of the pics, as it would take forever. Rather have a site to load them to.
  5. I have some lineart-style pics from the manga, and some pics of some prototypes of models, based on the manga and not the anime. Can post if you want. Haven't heard anything about any toys actually being made. Only thing I've found are some shirts and stuff on HLJ.
  6. They're small, but they match the scale of the 1/18th CMs, Micromans, GIJoe, Star Wars, etc.
  7. I've actually added a good few new bikes, and have many more pics. Still no website to upload everything to though.
  8. Laziness from a website that has barely updated anything in the last 5 years, least of all their forum software itself? Inconceivable!
  9. I actually kind of like a black and blue color scheme for her.
  10. You know, usually I donate money to some cancer & lymphoma organizations, but I think I just found another worthy cause...
  11. In the tradition of all those years where Robotech.com had an April Fool's joke on their main page, we have a new one this year: http://www.robotech.com/news/viewarticle.php?id=387 See? That is FUNNY stuff! Thinking that we would want to meet Tommy Yune and Jay Faerber... ah, comedy...
  12. I'm pretty sure it's an April Fool's joke.
  13. Sorry, guess I'm starting to sound like a broken record. Hopefully we'll have season two based on more of hte manga, but, considering the events that ended so abruptly here, I don't know if here's really more story to tell.
  14. I should've known I could count on you, Lonely Soldier Boy! Lol I agree, definitely inspired by the original, with the same transformation, but some very significant stylistic changes. This you can email me the other pics? Thanks.
  15. Oh, don't get me wrong, I REALLY loved this series. Looked forward to every episode tremendously, but yeah, had a few gripes about the last episode. I just reread volume 1 of the manga. As big as Goblin's nose is ( ), he looks IDENTICAL in the manga.
  16. Ok, gotcha, my mistake. I had the black and white Stick, Ray, and Shinobu. The shocks do connect on all three of mine, but just barely, and they fall off REALLY easily.
  17. Could be. I don't speak any Japanese, I was just basing it one what other people had said.
  18. What, and take that money away from buying Beagles and Betas???
  19. I don't think CMs is really claiming to have made improvements, more like just additions. As for the shocks connecting to the forearms covers (which is the way I always drew it as a kid, since I had no reference material otherwise and it just made sense to me), I don't see how CMs current molds could be modified to do that without some serious cost. If you want that feature (and I agree, it's a huge one), you have to buy the Beagle. They have it, and have it done VERY well, in my opinion. EDIT: Just rechecked the info, to make sure I wasn't remembering incorectly. CMs is just enlarging the chest intakes, and adding an additional rifle, from the look of things. Absolutely no improvements to anything else claimed or implied.
  20. Could we first test the waters by trying to make them replace Tommy Yune and Steve Yune with people who are actually qualified for and competent at their jobs?
  21. Yeah, I missed your edit. I do have some software (Paint.NET is fantastic, it's 100% free and does almost everything photoshop does), and was thinking of just taking screen caps, like you suggested. I was just hoping that someone might have some access to some higher resolution pics, or clearer ones, or lineart, or really pretty much anything. Does anyone on here have a copy of the art book that came with the limited edition of the game?
  22. I agree that it's the same basic design, though there do seem to be a decent number of these more "stylized" components. I was hoping to get a better look at these difference.
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