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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. Not so much unicycles, I think, as using wheels for feet. At least half the new characters in this movie don't have regular feet, but rather ride on wheels when "walking." Maybe they enjoyed Rideback too? Maybe they're basing designs on Transtech Cheetor? On a different note, I love the motorcycle mode (a combo of a Yamaha VMax and a Suzuki B-King, in my opinion) but think the robot mode leaves a good bit to be desired. Maybe this was only ever intended to be a scout class design, and not deluxe class?
  2. New pics of Chromia from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, for those who are interested:
  3. I think so. He was being very... antagonistic, let's say... to other members in a thread or two a couple months back. As for the content of this link, it is very interesting to see the other side of the story, or maybe just a much fuller view of that side. As Roger himself had explained it a couple months back, about half of this information was not presented. At the time, he only said that he got his hands on the material, the original owner gave it to him asking him not to post it, and that he hoped he could talk Harmony Gold into publishing it. None of the other details, such as empty promises, were mentioned. At the time, Roger was also being very rude and atangonistic to people on this board and others, so it was difficult to feel exceptionally sympathetic to the little bit of the story that he was presenting at the time. Assuming that all of this is true, I will not continue asking for the pictures, but, as a fan, I do hope that they someday soon do become available to us, even if it is as a self-published book, or even a website which accepts donations to offset Roger's financial burden and frustration.
  4. No issues here, but I don't really open and close mine much. Mostly just have the boxes closed on a bookshelf, and the toys displayed on shelves on my desk.
  5. In all fairness, The Art of the Shadow Chronicles book, which I bought (for the pretty pictures, not the text, which was pretty much all fluff in my opinion, but I do like to own hardcopy books, even if I already have jpegs on my computer) had a lot less than what you suggest. As far as I know, it still sold reasonably well. I really think this book would sell very well too.
  6. Very expensive. Like they're new one in the Neiman Marcus catalog... Actual performance reviews of their bikes are not bad, but not good enough to justify the price tag, at least from a functional point of view. Seems like most people who buy them do it just to own one, not really to have a bike to put through its paces.
  7. Who's the black and white Autobot in the second one?
  8. I'd probably do the new 950 if it was me, but the 250 is for my gf, who is pretty tiny.
  9. A member of the boards here just sent me an email with some relevant information that is actually worth being aware of. I won't say the members name, but I'd encourage them, if they feel comfortable with it, to post what they sent me.
  10. Man, look at all the variants we could have had, if this had been more popular, like something like Gundam.
  11. Looking forward to it.
  12. Nice! We see the MOSPEADA that became the Devastator in the RPGs and then the Super Cyclone in Shadow Chronicles. We see the 2 other Inbit forms that were put in as "new" Invid mecha in the Robotech: Invasion video game. And is that the space MOSPEADA that I've heard about? Fantastic! Thank you so much again!
  13. FINALLY getting to see some of this stuff... been waiting so long... THANK YOU
  14. JasconC, Thank you so much for posting this stuff! Seriously, you have no idea how much it is appreciated. I've been looking for this kind of stuff for so long, and have saved everything I can find onto my computer, but know that there is a whole lot more out there. Again, thank you so much, and please please keep it coming! Oh, and I've only seen 5 of these before, everything else is new to me. BTW, is this the lineart that Roger has been hoarding, because he thinks Harmony Gold will pay him for it for a book? The stuff he took photos of, so now somehow thinks he has the copyright on? Thank you again!
  15. Boy, that would be great. Paying money to go to an anime convention. Taking the time to go to a panel. Then listening to some idiot spend 7 minutes talking about being on the set of Jackass...
  16. Here are some crummy cell-phone pics of my stable. I'll take better ones as soon as it gets sunny out. Not a big stable, but it promises to keep growing. First we have my 2005 Yamaha YZF-R1, Raven edition. Love this baby, just wish I had opportunities to put her to work at her full potential a bit. Next to her is our 1987 Yamaha SRX 250. I say our because I bought this for my son (14) and I to fix up together. She was a bit of a junker, but we've pretty much collected all the parts we need off of eBay and our goal is to get her up and running and on the road by the time he's 16 and then he can learn to ride on her. Finally we have the 2004 Yamaha Virago (V-Star) XV250 that I bought for my girlfriend last summer. Fun little thing, and made me appreciate the relaxed-sort of watching the world around you as you ride that you can do on a cruiser, but the few times I've ridden her (the bike, not my gf) I swear I look like one of those big bears at the circus that rides around on the little tricycle. Someday I hope to have an MT-01, but that would require importing.
  17. So disappointed by the ride armors from CMs, I can't possibly imagine spending MORE money on a CMs product that the Toynami ones. If they were cheaper then Toynami, I'd consider it. The drone might be the only CMs to make me buy it, since I'm sure Toynami won't make one, but then again, the friggin' thing is going for $150!!! I'd buy it if it were regular Toynami Alpha price or cheaper, but not 2-3 times the price.
  18. Makes me think of Futurama's Bender's Top Ten List of words... I think it was #2: Pimp-mobile (pronounced like 2 separate words)
  19. Vinyl Boomer with light-up eyes for sale on eBay. I'm perfectly happy with my Yamato Boomer, but came across this and thought maybe someone else on here might be interested. http://cgi.ebay.com/BubbleGum-Crisis-AD-Po...%3A1%7C294%3A50
  20. Should I post a separate topic, looking for someone who can translate that page?
  21. When they go bowling in the village all of the background characters and girls in the bowling alley are speaking Polish. The signs in the village are in Polish too.
  22. Yeah, this thing is amazingly cool. I can't read any of the Japanese, and the Google translation is virtually useless, so I don't know too many details beyond what you can see in the pics. I assume it will come painted. Too bad the rider in the cockpit isn't removable. I'm trying to figure out the scale of this thing. The only dimension I see is that it's 170mm long, which comes out to about 6.7". Based on the design and transformation and everything, I think we can assume the "real" size of this thing to be similar to the Garland from Megazone 23. The Yamato is 9.85" long and is 1/18th scale (they claim 1/15th, but based on the rider it is clearly 1/18th). So that would put this thing at roughly 1/26th scale. Does that sound right? That price is crazy though. Where I already had enough trouble justifying $200 each for the Beagle MOSPEADAs, I don't know if I can justify $500 for this... Can anyone tell from the Japanese whether this is the only one they're making, or are they going to make the other variants for the other riders, and the red one and anti-maneuver-roid one from the last episode too?
  23. Was this made after Avalon? Would make sense, with main characters speaking Japanese, except when flying, when they speak Engrish, and ackground townspeople speak Polish.
  24. Complete GORGEOUS pics of the Studio HalfEye Maneuver Blade, including trasformation. Very cool stuff. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-93920-1-1.html EDIT: OFFICIAL page: http://studio-halfeye.com/works/maneuver_b...mblade_top.html
  25. Just watched Macross Zero and Blue Gender. Macross Zero: Pleasantly surprised by it, since I haven't had much interest in Macross in many years. Gorgeous animation, and an Earth-based story, which appealed to me. Blue Gender: Ssaw an episode on Cartoon Network years back, but stopped watching when I realized it wasn't a MOSPEADA sequel, lol. Decided to check it out now, after watching the Starship Troopers anime, which I liked a lot. It was actually very good, much better than you would expect from a lot of people's apparent hatred of it. Fairly realistic mecha, realistic casualty rates, nice and gradual character development. Really the only fault with it, in my opinion, is the ending, which made minimal sense (though I'm sure everyone who has seen it has theories on it, if they care), but that's pretty standard of a lot of anime, especially ones like this which were cut short by 10 episodes. I'm watching the Blue Gender: The Warrior movie now, though so far it's almost a shot-for-shot remake of the show, with identical looking animation, same voice cast and dialog most of the time, etc., just some minor conversations that are different, and Yugi's hair.
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