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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. There was no Megazone 23 footage used in MOSPEADA or in Robotech: New Gen.
  2. No, it did not use any MOSPEADA footage. It was Megazone 23 footage, and new footage commisioned by HG.
  3. I rewatched it last night, and that scene is not there in MOSPEADA. Though HG did have a new ending made for Megazone 23 when they made Robotech: The Movie: The Untold Story: Additional Subtitles Here, I really doubt they paid to have a new, more violent scene of Corg's death made.
  4. My 14 year old son. Poor kid had no choice but to grow up watching all my cartoons/anime with me.
  5. Are you friggin' kidding me??? When I'd finally resolved to stop buying CMs stuff, and just stick to the three black and white CMs ride armors I have, now this comes out! Man, now I'm going to have to go and get these too... Well, at least they're 1/18th by the look of it, so they'll match... Do they at least all come in one package together, so I don't have to hunt them each down separately on eBay? By the way, thanks for finally adding some new news to this thread. It's been dry for a while now. EDIT: Looked at your link. An Eve figure? Nice! http://www.flickr.com/photos/otaku2/355310...57618610357554/
  6. I have to say, this never bothered me. As an adult, I really didn't think twice about it. Look at the real world, with how different different military forces' dress uniforms are, and then compare them from different countries. Seems fine with three militaries in RT, one essentially being North American, one being South American, and one being returning colonial forces who have changed and developed over a couple decades away. As a kid, I thought it was cool finally seeing the different looks and generations appearing together. I also liked the frosted side (sorry, bad joke).
  7. Anyone know what genga are? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=400051241199
  8. I don't remember that scene from the original MOSPEADA. I'll have to watch and check.
  9. Shadow Chronicles may be terrible... just... just terrible... But, without it cannibalizing other, more creative, people's old designs, we wouldn't be seeing new animation with MOSPEADA designs. See, silver lining.
  10. I'm surprised. I know when I first saw it on screen, first thing I thought was that I hope they may a toy of it.
  11. That's right. Thanks. So, anyone know if any toys or models were ever made of it?
  12. Did anyone ever make a toy of that stealth Viper that lasted like 2 episodes (sorry, I'm completely blanking on the actual name/designation for it)? I have the Titanium of the regular Viper that was painted black with blue pinstriping, but it's not the same thing.
  13. If we add in Plus, can we get Zero too?
  14. Don't forget homophobes too
  15. Wow, thanks! I actually searched for this not too long ago, and couldn't find it. I just assumed it had somehow never been released on DVD. Thanks! Ok, bring on the toys!!! EDIT: Rightstuf has it for $7
  16. There was just something really heroic about people signing up to undergo a procedure to gain superpowers so that they could defend the Earth from invasion, while knowing that the procedure itself was fatal after a very short amount of time. No illusion of survival at all.
  17. I think we need a Maddox DVD release before we can expect any toys.
  18. Strike Force Morituri, though I think it would work better as a fairly high-budget tv series, with a fixed ending, rather than a 2 hour movie.
  19. How many people ACTUALLY work for Harmony Gold? I mean, I'm sure they outsource a ton of stuff, like animation work, possibly customer service, etc. So, how many people does it actually take to go to a few conventions, to run an out-dated website where mods to a ton of the work for free, to approve Toynami repackaging products with "Robotech" on the box, negotiate a handful of licensing matters, and maybe have an internal shipping and receiving and purchasing department? I'd be surprised if there were more than 20 employess, including interns (and have worked for companies that handled all of the above with a dozen employees and using some smart outsourcing and shared resources).
  20. I'm not referring to a specific quote, just voicing my personal opinion about the general attitude that I get from them in interviews and press releases, etc.
  21. I feel like the whole business model now is how to make just enough money to keep Tommy and Steve employed and bragging about how creative and brilliant they are.
  22. Just finished Macross Frontier. Absolutely LOVED it. Honestly, my favorite Macross series of all. The last 5 episodes felt rather rushed, especially with the coup d'etat and pirates thing and everything, but I guess they were trying to squeeze into that 25 episode mark for the 25th anniversary. Fantastic final episode, too. I think that what impressed me most here, forgetting whether someone likes the characters or concepts in one Macross sequel versus another, was that I thought the background music was done by far the best in this one. Really enhanced every moment.
  23. As much as I still like the original, and my son uses the old movie's soundtrack for background music when he's playing XBox, this just hurts... it hurts so much... And what's with that weird smiling guy?
  24. I don't think any of that was planned for the show and, on the off chance that it was, I'm going to pretend it never happened... HG is creatively bankrupt, or Tommy Yune is creatively bankrupt? Yeah, I was never clear on how Stick was there but, then again, then weren't really too clear on WHEN, exactly, it was happening. I was under the impression that it was at least a good few months later.
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