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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. I'm not trying to be antagonistic here, so hope it doesn't come across as such. Despite how adamant you are about this, it simply is not the case. Megazone came out after MOSPEADA. There was no Megazone footage used in MOSPEADA. New Gen of Robotech edited out a few scenes for content from MOSPEADA, it did not add any even more violent footage in. If you still disagree, find proof.
  2. Clearly I'm getting all of the motorcycles, and Sideswipe looks too cool to pass up. I'll get the ice cream truck for my kids (personal in-joke with them). I have to get Jetfire, as my son and I both loved the old Jetfire, and I love the SR-71. If I get Jetfire, I may have to get the matching Prime (tough I have two different sizes of Prime from the previous one and wasn't too impressed by either).
  3. So there's no hope at all? And I was actually getting really hopeful about this...
  4. Well, since they missed the 23rd anniversary, which would've been nice, since it's Megazone 23, maybe they could still put something out for the 25th in 2010?
  5. Definitely worth Netflixing, don't know about buying it though.
  6. That would be great. Thanks.
  7. I had heard about something like that being the case, but had never seen any designs for any additional robots, except for, if I remember correctly, a couple space versions of existing stuff.
  8. I watched it (subbed) a couple months back and liked it a lot. Gave my thoughts on it in the "current anime" thread.
  9. Well, I disagree, but clearly we just have different tastes. For me, I like it and it's different from the other designs. I like it for being on ONE Garland. Now, if they were doing that on all of them, then yeah, I'd agree with you. I don't think I'm familiar with what you mean. Vanity City designs?
  10. I don't see why you think so. I actually like the robot mode, and like how it's different from the other stuff on there. If anything, I don't like the cruiser riding position of the bike mode.
  11. ... and there goes THAT surprise...
  12. The bike or the robot mode? I see it has the same arm transformation as the BGC pic I posted up above.
  13. Yeah, there's a definite similarity to that, and a lot of other sport tourers.
  14. The Cross Line one looks like it would be at home in TF: ROTF (or Rideback).
  15. WOW!!! Thank you SO MUCH for posting all of that, and going to all of that work. LOVE IT! My favorites are: - The sketches for alternate covers for the Animation Bikes book. The book itself has some alternate covers in it, but not those. - The Hargun toy prototype - CROSS LINE GARLAND - GARLAND 1+1 - SPORTS GARLAND - MANEUVER SLAVE A-TYPE Does anyone have any additional information about that new Megazone 23? This is the first I've heard of/seen it.
  16. I'd love to see that too.
  17. I just went online to order the Maneuver-Blade from HLJ. Finally convinced myself to spend the $500, and it said you would get 5% off if you preordered it before tomorrow... and it's sold out. Order stop. I am so f-en mad right now.
  18. What can you tell us about the book that comes with the limited edition of the PS3 game? I've considered getting the game just for the book, but can't find any info on size, page count, or content. Thanks. EDIT: I'm also curious about the "Maneuver Book"
  19. I can't find a pic, but it's clear how it transforms, so here is a poor poor photoshop job of how the underside would look, minus the nosecone flipping up to cover the head.
  20. Of Jetfire or Snoop?
  21. Pics of what I mentioned above: EDIT: Adding this as an edit, so I don't fill up this thread with my replies. Since you have Robotech: Art 3 shown because of the Megazone references, you may want to include the Anime Bikes book that has a couple pages of Megazone in it. You can see the cover in my avatar (has a new version of the Garland drawn by Shinji Aramaki next to a new version of the MOSPEADA).
  22. I have two completely different US releases of Megazone 23 on DVD. One is part of that collection, the other came out a good few years before that and was just a single standalone disc. I also have a couple Megazone books that I picked up off of eBay. I'll see if you have those on your site already. BTW, how is that GBA game? Worth getting, just for the Garland appearance? Also, have you looked at this site? Some cool info. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/megazone23/megazone23.htm EDIT: Just looked at your site. You do have the two DVD editions and all the books that I have on there already. Here's something you may not be aware of. The Bubblegum Crisis RPG, among a lot of unused ARTMIC designs there, had a Highway Star with a transformation HIGHLY similar to the Garland.
  23. The only kibble is "her" chest.
  24. I know we probably have a lot of GoBots haters here, but the GoBots SR-71 (Snoop) wasn't too terrible. Boring robot mode, a little thick in plane mode, but no kibble.
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