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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. Maybe I just never noticed before and this has been a trend for a while now, but it seems like we're seeing a lot less scifi and a lot more fantasy, high school drama, normal every day life drama, and literary adaptations lately. Darker Than Black looks interesting to me. Maybe sort of Witch Hunter Robin-esque?
  2. Just a heads up, the metallic finish on the BGC bikes seems to make them much more resilient and less brittle and, to date, only Priss has been released in a metallic version.
  3. Well, clearly we've got pretty much the exact opposite opinions of these toys. What matter is, much love for the variable bikes!
  4. While I've wanted Yamato to take over the MOSPEADA license for a long time now, let's not restrict them to Treads/Legioss. Start with those, then, like a year from now, make 1/18th bikes to match their BGC and Megazone ones. As for the scale being small, Yamato has never really been a stickler on that. Their BGC bikes are listed as 1/18th, come packaged with the same figures that, when sold separately, had been listed as 1/15th or 1/12th (I forget which now)... but all still match up with the standard 1/18th figures and bikes (like CMs).
  5. Only the hip problem on my first proto, with no problems on my second, but then i've only transformed the thing like half a dozen times in the year or so that I've had it. I got the metallic Priss BGC motoslave about a week later and found that one to be a lot more fun.
  6. I guess we disagree. I recently read ALL of the IDW comics in pretty much one sitting (well, over the course of a week of so, but you get the idea) and overall enjoyed it (except for Hearts of Steel, which I thought was poorly written and illustrated, and a couple separate issues here and there), never having read any IDW stuff before. I think Simon Furman's stuff reads MUCH better all at once, rather than with a month or multiple months between issues. I also read the Dreamwave stuff right afterwards (even though I know it came out first) and, while the art was decent (except Pat Lee... never liked his art, but since I heard about how he ripped off the people working for his company, it has really tinged my view of his creative work even more negatively), I thought the writing was just terrible for the most part, with the exception of a couple specials and War Within. Overall, I've liked Simon Furman's writing for both companies, and Don Figuroa's art for both companies. I don't know, I'm optimistic for the new series and curious to see what this Universe chronology thing does with the whole timeline. Regardless of any of the above though, I still say that I really like what I've seen of the new designs for the characters in the links I provided above, and think that this would be the most successful path for Hasbro to pursue, both with a cartoon and accompanying toys as, I think, movie aesthetic fans will find something to appreciate, G1 fans will likely appreciate the less-silly updating of those characters, and it isn't visually so complex as to turn off kids who liked animated (and for us adults who liked animated, well, it's over, so whatever comes next will be different somehow).
  7. Are people here familiar with the new G1-based series from IDW? I think the designs are the right mix of movie and classics where this should be the future, both for a cartoon and the toy line. http://www.idwpublishing.com/news/article/803/ http://www.usatoday.com/life/comics/2009-0...nsformers_N.htm
  8. If you're talking about RPG artwork, then yes and no. In MOSPEADA there was MANY MOSPEADA bike/armor designs that never made it to the screen. One of these (not sure what the original name for it was) Was adopted by the RPGs and renamed the Devastator However, it only ever appeared in the RIFTS-style fan-made RPG materials, and never in anything that was officially produced (I just skimmed through all my scans of the official RPG books and can't find it in any of them). Interestingly, this design was later taken by Tommy Yune, slightly modified, renamed the "Super Cyclone," touted as a "new" design, used in Shadow Chronicles, and THEN used in the Robotech: Shadow Chronicles RPG book.
  9. I want: Beagle Fuke Beagle Yellow Beagle Shinobu (sorry if I'm remembering her name wrong) Bealge/Toynami Super Cyclone (from Shadow Chronicles, based on unused MOSPEADA dubbed "Devastator Cyclone" in the old RPGs) and All the MOSPEADA spaceships (Garfish, etc) done in the Hasbro Titanium series scale and style, at a reasonable price (love to get that Garfish model that's out there, but $150 is a lot... then again, there's not really anything else coming out anymore...)
  10. Starship Troopers is the only other one that comes to mind.
  11. That's the one I was looking for. Thanks RedWolf!
  12. There was a bittorrent site which I used to use for Anime, manga, Japanese soundtracks, etc. However, my computer died a little while back and I lost everything, and now can't remember the name of the site or a link to it. I do remember that a few months ago they changed their address, I think from one that ended in ".com" to the same thing ending in ".net". Can anyone help me find this site, or suggest alternate sites? Thanks.
  13. I know that this was just some confusion on the website, but that does make me think of the Shadow Chronicles super cyclone. As much as I disliked that move, I was kind of hoping for a Beagle of it.
  14. I got my proto and army for Angolz and was very happy with the price and shipping.
  15. I was referring to special stickers that Yamato makes for the proto-Garland. I found a guy on a Japanese auction site to get them for me, but it still cost like $20... for stickers...
  16. Just keep in mind, those decals aren't cheap either (if those are the ones I'm thinking of, they don't come with the toy).
  17. Not going to tell us where you got them, or is the "interesting place" a clue that I'm just not getting?
  18. Actually, if I remember correctly from the interview booklet that came with my MOSPEADA DVDs, there was intended to be a subplot where people on Earth were developing telepathic powers over the years of being in the presence of the Inbit. This episode, and Ray's "hallucinations", were the only part of that subplot that really made it to the final series.
  19. I'm not going to speak to Southern Cross, since I know little about it, but what are you suggesting that MOSPEADA is derivative of? Yes, a Legioss is derivative of a Valkyrie from Macross, but other than that one mech, what is it derivative of?
  20. I actually only own two Garlands, and they happen to be the Army Garland and the Proto Garland (well, 2 Proto Garlands, counting the new one Yamato sent me after I emailed them about the hip breaking on my first one). While the Proto is definitely a new mold, and that clip for the bike is nice, I personally don't have any issues with my Army one (maybe I just got lucky there), so like them both. It seems like really anything other than the original release is fine. I really wish these had sold better, so we could have gotten more Megazone 23 toys out of Yamato, instead of the other company's non-transforming but very broad selection of mecha.
  21. There's supposed to be a repair kit for the shoulders. I've seen people selling the toy online, with the kit included. BTW, I've never opened the mirrors on either on mine. Too scared they're going to snap right off.
  22. Things are good... AnyTHINGS are better than all those ridiclous busts in Shadow Chronicles... proof that HG aren't asexual, just prepubescent.
  23. I would LOVE Yamato to get their hands on the MOSPEADA license, especially if they did it at what they claim is 1/15th scale (which is really 1/18th), so it matches with Yamato's BGC motoslave and Megazone 23 Garland (though at the moment my 1/18th CMs are posed next to those). To me, Yamato seems the ideal company to handle the level of detail that MOSPEADA requires, be it the bikes themselves, or the Legioss and TREAD.
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