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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. Well, they were both designed by the same person, so it's not surprising. I like the similarities.
  2. Hey there, amazed you remember. I've just been too busy with work/family/dating to even give it much thought. Maybe somebody here would like to lend a hand, take what I've compiled?
  3. From what I remember (I may be wrong, and thinking of Megazone 23) there was talk of there being enough material to publish a second book, but it was all going to depend on sales of the first.
  4. Agreed. I have the metallic Priss and absolutely love it. I wish they'd release metallic versions of the other figures too. I guess Yamato is done making any Bubblegum Crisis or Megazone 23 figures/vehicles?
  5. I wish they'd make some MOSPEADA ride armors, to go next to my Yamato Megazone 23 and Bubblegum Crisis toys... EDIT: Oh, and Viper's Creed too...
  6. I think it's been like 3, not 6, but either way, as much as I'd like to complain about how long it's taking him... heck, he's the one doing it, on the side, just for the fun of it, so he has the right to take as long as he wants, lol. As for it being MOSPEADA accurate, I've thought about that too, but don't really know how they would accomplish that. The idea for the bike came from a VR250 Honda, from what I recall, though that bike looks nothing like the bikes in MOSPEADA. Functionally, it's probably more like a Ducati Multistrada (the new one) than anything else. As for realism, well, at least he's working directly with Shinji Aramaki and making it match the cover art to that most recent MOSPEADA book, so don't think we can ask for more than that.
  7. Aren't the Busou Shinki (if I'm remembering the spelling correctly) a similar concept? Those toys also have a couple variable bikes.
  8. Very cool, but I don't know what this is from, and I don't think it comes with the figure.
  9. Lol, glad to hear it man. I still owe you an email, btw.
  10. Nice! Congrats Lucas! So, I can assume the bike transforms, right?
  11. I have the three black and white CMs (Stick, Ray, and Shinobu) and the all-black Megahouse Yellow. Frankly, while the CMs are great because of how much stuff is out there for them, the collectability, and the fact that they're in scale with all of my Yamato Bubblegum Crisis and Megazone 23 figures, they're just not fun. Purely display pieces. The Megahouse is actually kind of fun... but somehow, one is enough for me.
  12. I feel like the green ones were, at least maybe in orbit attached to LEGIOSSes, during the final battle, but I may be remembering wrong.
  13. I thought this was canceled because the Betas weren't selling well enough? I hope it's real, because this was the only one I wanted in addition to the blue one I already have.
  14. There are a few of us (ok, maybe just me) who actually like the aesthetic (and keep in mind, I've liked G1 and Beast Wars and the prototype pics from TransTech, but no other ones really worked for me, so I'm definitely not into the very cartoony and organic looks), just not the storytelling of the movies.
  15. I personally never bought from him, but someone I spoke with had issues with him. They were buying a set of figures from him, limited edition ones, and when the set arrived the accessories were not with them. When he was contacted about it, he said that he never specified he was selling the accessories too, and had actually sold the accessories separately to someone else, and refused to budge on the issue.
  16. I bought the blue alpha and the shadow alpha. I also bought the blue beta when it came out. The shadow beta was the only other beta I was planning on buying. I'm actually pretty bummed out by that. The Beagles are obviously the showpiece of my collection, with the CMs bikes (no Legioss or TLEADs) displayed with my Megazone and Bubblegum Crisis bikes, plus a single Megahouse, but still was hoping to have the matching set of alphas and betas.
  17. I got mine on ebay. Just had to be patient and wait for one to come up for what seemed like a reasonable price to me.
  18. Love the Trailbreaker. He was one of my first 2 as a little kid, and has had a place in my heart ever since. Very nice work. What did you do, other than paint?
  19. I gave a girl a dutch gundam once... very messy... I'm not proud of the above.
  20. What if the creators of Macross are secretly behind this show, using their existing computer animation technology to do the space scenes and vehicles... they hired some Chinese high school kids with no consistent style and some DeviantArt pages to do the most amateurish job of character design and motion animation possible... made sure that the mouth movements and dialog don't even sync up in the original Chinese... then plan to export it to the USA and other Harmony Gold controlled territories on the cheap, so that Harmony Gold can't stop it, and then finally allows Macross Frontier and the new movie to come to those territories, for a small cut, in order to compete with Astro Plan? Yeah, I know, there's no way... but it's the only thing that makes sense for me for the existence of this show...
  21. I don't want to waste space quoting your entire assessment of MOSPEADA. For what it's worth, I LOVE MOSPEADA, both for what it was, and for what it could have been. To clarify, I think the show was good, with some great ideas, but suffered from some poor budgeting and rushing of episodes, as well as too many changes from the toy company that was originally funding it and deviation from what it was intended to be. What is was originally meant to be was a retelling of the European theater of WWII, starting with the 3rd reclamation force being like the D-Day Normandy invasion, and then following Stick and a resistance group he put together as they traveled through the Americas, mimicking certain historical campaigns. The Legioss and TLEAD were meant to be minimally present, just occassionally found, repaired, used until fuel ran out or they were destroyed, but really be about a group of fighters traveling on bikes. Characters like the blond biker were meant to appear and die for greater poignancy and to show how easily people can die in war. Unfortunately, very little of this came through in the end. As for Macross, I agree Macross had some great ideas and had the funding to execute them well, but that in no way detracts from MOSPEADA being a good show in and of itself. If it matters, I liked the original Macross, like Macross Zero more, and absolutely loved Macross Frontier, but have no patience whatsoever for any of the other Macross sequels.
  22. In my avatar? New Garland and MOSPEADA from the cover of Nandy's "Animation Bikes" book that came out about a year or two ago, drawn by Shinji Aramaki.
  23. I actually disagree. I thought the beginning was barely watchable, but the last story arc was excellent. Wish there'd been more of that.
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