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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. I agree with other posters that it is most likely counsel for Harmony Gold that wrote this, as attempting to strengthen their arguments by stating that Tatsunoko and Big West have, through their relationship with and requests of HG, been treating them as having the very rights that they are attempting to persuade the court that they have. As for the general writing style (not typical of an experienced litigator submitting briefs, claims, or counterclaims)... well, from what I've read of the actual documents from the case, there are a lot of things that strike me as sub par.
  2. The only appropriate response...
  3. As I recall, there were a number of pictures shown. It seems like some were later claimed to be fakes. I thought that the MOSPEADA and BGC pics were believed to be legit (though just using old artwork), but it's been complete silence ever since then. No mention at later shows.
  4. Atelier Sai?
  5. "unable to handle the request"
  6. Haven't gotten mine in hand yet, so my opinion is based purely on the pictures, but I have two of each on order. I love to keep things stock, so plan on keeping one of each as is, plus they have enough little details that aren't 100% to my personal tastes, where I'm going to customize those. Besides, you can always auction one off later, while supporting the line with your purchase now.
  7. Email saying there was a new post... I got all excited that you were posting that some Garlands were in stock.
  8. That's concerning. Whenever I get a new transformable toy, I like to give it a go without looking at the instructions first. Did that with my first CMs, Megahouse, and the Beagle. Part of the fun for me personally is sort of figuring out the transformation on my own. Now I'm going to be nervous with this one.
  9. What's that all the way on the right? Is that a Megahouse, with cloth added?
  10. I actually LIKE the downward sloping angle, but I do agree that, when I first saw this pic, I was VERY disappointed by how empty the engine compartment looks. I know that people don't like the visor or other elements, but this empty engine compartment is my biggest gripe so far (not having anything in hand).
  11. I posted the same comments about the Anime Bikes book back at the end of March, and the same thought about having Aramaki bless (or commissioned to update) the designs last week. This has definitely been on my mind lately, and I hope we see something come of it.
  12. I know that there are a few of us on here who have 3d printer farms and run them as a side business. Who has the TIME to do this is another story...
  13. I think that's going to end up being an "agree to disagree" kind of thing. I like the fender, and feel like it fits the new aesthetic.
  14. 2 thoughts: 1) Removable front fender makes me more optimistic for easy attachment of my custom rear one. 2) Ok, painted silver visor makes no sense... but it gets the nerd juices flowing. Maybe it's because I've been toying around with a lot of Kotobukiya kits lately, where the motorcycles can attach as armor to either human figures or drone robot figures... but, since MOSPEADA already had dark drones, this kind of makes me want to have the translucent helmets on the regular riders, and keep the new helmet as-is for a robotic drone MOSPEADA.
  15. Nothing from BBTS yet, but no surprise there. Worth the delay, since I've always had good customer service with them in the past. 2 Stigs and Reis on order. I'll probably wait for Rei to come out before shipping, so any custom 3d printed parts will be delayed a little (but I'll be living vicariously through all of you until then).
  16. I second the "hope so", and also want to add that I, personally, hope that they commission Aramaki to do updated designs to fit in with this aesthetic (and then follow those up with the anime designs).
  17. Still a little surprised that we have no reviews of pre-release samples (not that every company does it, but I tend to find them encouraging to help believe that the release date it real).
  18. I had heard a ton of negative comments about the first releases (and did check out your review of them, as well), which was part of why I wasn't in a rush to get them. I actually started out with the Dark Mospeadas, and only started backfilling my collection more recently. My Dark ones were ok. Not great, but ok. Mainly, I appreciated the engineering that went into them, and love the scale. I finally picked up Ley about a year ago. Because of all the negative reviews, I waited until I found one for a steal. Maybe I just got lucky, but I'd say he's the most solid of all my figures, and DEFINITELY better than the Dark ones. I guess the tolerancing must have been loose on these, so there must be a lot of variability from one lot to another, and I lucked out. I completely respect your opinions and experiences, Jenius, but I've been very happy with these figures so far. Except for Shinobu. No breakage, but the more I think about it and look at her right now, nothing lines up quite right on that one or holds well.
  19. I currently have the original Ley, the two separate soldiers (Jonathan and nameless guy), all three Dark Mospeadas, and the metallic/translucent Yellow (yes, I've been building this very slowly since 2007, only buying them when I found a heck of a good deal online). All of mine are solid, have good joints, and get regularly transformed as I rearrange my 1/18th Aramaki display from time to time. The only one that has ever given me any issues is the metallic (which is GORGEOUS, in my opinion), and that's just because of the chrome paint being a little thicker than the tolerances from the non-chrome design.
  20. So much envy...
  21. Thanks. I'd never heard of them, but it looks like they have a lot of other MOSPEADA stuff, too.
  22. Where's the little tiny one on the left from?
  23. Let's never ever forget: they look really nice next to the Yamato motoslaves and Garlands!
  24. Good stuff right there. A lot of us criticized these figures when they were first released (and legitimately so), but, as times goes by and I slowly fill in my collection (recently got the metallic Yellow), I appreciate them more and more.
  25. It's made by Kotobukiya, part of their "Gigantic Arms" series. This one is called "Armed Breaker". They're definitely toys, and pretty solid, but they come as snap-fit model kits that you assemble yourself. Some transform 100%, some are a bit parts-former-y (then again, so it the Hargun, arguably), but the two that I have (both motorcycles) are pretty fun. They have a lot of designs that, honestly, do nothing for me, but a few really cool ones, like this.
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