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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. I have to say that I continue to be surprised by how little the general fandom seems to like this show (from what I can see, anyway, and I might be missing a lot). I have really enjoyed the half of the series that Netflix put up so far. I do have issues with it, and there are some things I don't like, but I've seen a lot MORE of those same issues in other series which the general fandom seems to view much more favorably.
  2. Are you specifically looking for new designs? I ask because there are actually a lot of slightly older Eve statue kits out there already (as in, I'm always surprised by just how many seem to have been made).
  3. That looks great to me. Thanks for posting those pics, no3Ljm! Already have the display shelf ready and waiting... I really hope we get some news on the Hargun soon. Obviously, from a business/financial point of view, the Proto Garland makes sense as the next release, but the Hargun's the one I'm really excited about seeing Arcadia tackle.
  4. This is next on my list to watch, I think... well, unless I decide on something shorter first before tackling 75 episodes. Currently finishing up re-watching Knights of Sidonia as well as the Frame Arms Girl series on YouTube (not really my thing, but I love the Kotobukiya Frame Arms model kits, and figured, hey, why not? It's not a long series). It looks like YouTube is the only place to find Dougram. Is that correct?
  5. I initially got one Megahouse (the all black convention exclusive "Yellow"), but wasn't a fan. Too much of a partsformer, even for MOSPEADA, in my opinion. I found a good deal on all three of the black and white CMs ride armors, got those, and they really appealed to me, so I kept going with that series. They're finicky, far from perfect, and a lot of the criticisms of them are valid... but I just like them. (I have 7 of them, so about halfway there, but it gets expensive trying to complete these old lines nowadays)
  6. I didn't mean "we WOULD be lucky" as in that it's unlikely; I meant it more that, as a collector, I'd consider us to be lucky, since we've been close before (i.e. the unpainted rough Beagle Houquet prototype). We DID get the CMs Houquet (and Shinobu), so we've gotten there before.
  7. After Beagle and others, I'd agree that yes, we WOULD be lucky...
  8. That would be the one. Like a socially- and learning-disabled child, amped up on too much sugar, with delusions of grandeur. Seeing that he had been made a moderator was all that I needed to see.
  9. I used to go on there around 2002 or so, chat with people, made some friends. I remember at one point this one new person signed up, and started just being an absolute troll. Always types in ALL CAPS, picked fights with people, made idiotic statements, got banned, came back, did more of the same. I left shortly thereafter. Went back on recently just to have a look around. Same guy is there, and is apparently now a moderator. As for the HG license, the basics of it are that they have rights to markets outside of Japan; however, legally, they should still be able to stop retailers from importing to Japan and then reselling elsewhere. There are multiple other threads about the HG thing, so probably not worth going into here.
  10. Video-wise, the only other thing is the Scramble Wars OVA, which is a comedy, Wacky Races, type of thing. It includes essentially all of the ARTMIC properties at the time it was made, so a MOSPEADA has a handful of cameo appearances on screen, but that's about it. Manga-wise, there's what Lorindor mentioned above. I also think that I have seen a few anime magazines from around when MOSPEADA came out that had separate panels, at times up to a page, or sort of comedic MOSPEADA stuff, but I doubt it was anything too official. I know that you said non-RT stuff, but the Eternity comic series "Robotech: Invid War" and the one-shot "Robotech: Firewalkers" (as well as the backup stories in the Annual and Megastorm) are both enjoyable and feature the New Gen characters before and during what was in the cartoon (you can probably skip "Robotech: Escape" and "Invid War Aftermath"). Yes, they're RT, include a lot of RT references and story elements, and are not MOSPEADA... but they're still better than most RT comics and can help to satisfy that itch for MOSPEADA-related stuff you might not have read before. I also really enjoy the "VR-052 MOSPEADA" book put out by "UNNAMED UNT 2nd squadron". It's a fan book with fan illustrations, but it shows a hypothetical development program for the MOSPEADAs, including prototypes that include elements of the MZ23 Garland and the BGC Motoslaves. Just an entertaining thing to flip through every once in a while.
  11. I can't even wear a coat over my suit without the sleeves getting messed up.
  12. This is something that has always bothered me. I'm an anime fan... I'm a scifi fan... I'm a former (and still sometime) engineer with experience relevant to this type of stuff... and I'm a mediocre (at best) amateur artist. I love these types of designs A LOT, but hate how armored figures are drawn with human proportions of the complete armor, instead of human bodies underneath multiple inches of armor and tech. As cool as the scenes were of the ladies putting the armor on in BGC, once on, it went back to proportions that could only fit skeletons inside... skeletons with displaced hips and shoulders. Very cool work here. I love the look of the mod, and how more accurate it is to the lineart for the original MOSPEADAs. That said, I'm still keeping my Sentinels and Aoshimas as is, but it IS tempting to set one up like this for display if I ever find extras dirt cheap. Nice!
  13. I'm pretty sure it doesn't, though that's what I was expecting when it first started. *** SPOILERS FOR BOTH THE OVA AND THE SERIES *** The Noza queen and her 3 "kids" are all alive in it, whereas they died in the series. They're also human. Ditto for the Baron. The White Nuts also don't seem to be familiar with guns, and the mayor and others don't seem like they have any memories of who anyone is.
  14. It's ok. Not the level of most major lines, or third party lines, but stronger than some knockoffs I've seen. Minimal metal (just some screws); overall they're very lightweight. I think, when my workload slows down a bit, I'm going to 3d print some arms and weapons for them, since it looks like the non-knockoff figures online are asking ridiculous prices. Obviously not my pic, but yeah, when deciding what to include, that one seemed like a must. :-)
  15. The OVA really has nothing to do with the series. If you're familiar with Elseworlds stories from DC, then it's basically one of those. The regular series was set on a futuristic, clean, human colony on another planet. The OVA is, as you know, more of a western post apocalyptic time of setting. Characters have the same names as in the series, but only the humans look the same. Everyone in the band in the OVA is human in the main series, plus the mayor, but their personalities are similar but not the same. Every other significant character in the OVA is Noza (alien) in the series.
  16. First of all, thank you everyone for your ideas on this, and at least taking a look and giving it some thought. nightmareB4macross made the comment aboutt hem looking like something from SirToys. I went on there to look around, and I did indeed find them (almost). Thanks nightmareB4macross! Apparently, there is/was a line called "Music Knights" (can't find anything on them, other than some toy pics; I'm guessing it was cheap toys only, no media). Some ball joints, a couple parts that get detached and reattached in a different spot (i.e. weapons/arms on front wheel get reattached at the elbows, where the upper arm is balljointed and moved at the shoulder and elbow). They come with riders that look to be just slightly smaller than 3.75" figures. In robot mode, the rider stays seated in position, sort of a power loader type of look. From SirToys, there are Music Knights, then there is a line of knockoffs of them (look to be lower quality, a little less detail and painting). THESE appear to be a KNOCKOFF of the knockoff. It looks like they took the red one of the knockoff line, and replaced any of the ball joint parts with just parts-forming parts instead. It looks like my figures are missing the lower arms/front weapons, and have the little wings from the red knockoff in place of the upper weapons. I've attached some pics below of the real line, the knockoff line, and then my green figure as close as it can come to robot mode without having the lower arm pieces. I have say that, though I'm disappointed (but not surprised) that mine are incomplete, for a whopping $7 for the set of three, including shipping, it's not a big deal. I do actually kind of like the look of the original "real" toys and may try to track them down for a reasonable price. They fit in with the whole ride armor/motorcycle mecha thing that I'm obsessed with. Thanks again everyone! I really am liking the weapons that come with the white one, too. And mine:
  17. Just finished watched the Blu-ray (spread it out over a few nights). I have to say that, in the episodes, I didn't notice a huge difference between the picture quality here and on my DVDs. That said, it might just be that my TV isn't hi-def enough to really tell, and I'm also not an expert of connoisseur of these things. As for extras, very bare bones. Color art gallery, where I COULD tell the different in picture quality. All the images were stuff most of us have seen before. There was also a line art gallery, which is what shown for me. I had seen the majority before, but there was some art that was new to me. Still, all said, it's a great value for the price and worth picking up, in my opinion.
  18. It's not that I didn't like the OVA, it's just that it was disappointing after watching the whole series. I thoroughly enjoy steampunk and post-apocalyptic stories (not sure where they OVA fits best there, probably more of the latter), but it just didn't feel like Zillion. The characters had the same names, some (but not all) of the character traits, but that was it. I think it was perfectly decent on its own, and was a nice fun thing for fans of Zillion to see after the series ended. However, knowing nothing about it before I watched it, I expected it to be more of something like what Love, Live, Alive was to MOSPEADA, and thus was disappointed.
  19. They look kind of familiar to me too, but I can't tell if that's because I saw these years ago and forgot them, or if they just have that style/look that is reminiscent/derivative of a bunch of other stuff. Still, 121 views of this topic, and no one's been able to identify them yet. I'm actually surprised. Hopefully someone has seen them before...
  20. Great pics! I'm surprised they're so close size-wise. How do they feel in comparison? Does the E=X feel less solid?
  21. This is being written by Simon Furman currently, right? Explains a lot. A writing style that was appropriate and popular three decades ago, but hasn't evolved all that much since, as falls into laziness whenever he thinks he can skate by on pure nostalgia (in my opinion)... as evidenced by the barely-readable Transformers: Regeneration One a few years back. (Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved his stuff when I was in middle school)
  22. Are these really this bad? I haven't been even slightly tempted to even leaf through one of these or read a preview, since they look awful and just uninteresting to me, but then again, we've had some awful Robotech comics in the past too. My limited experience has been: Comico: loved them as a kid. Eternity and Antarctic: though they look terrible when they came out, read some many many years later and found some enjoyable elements, but mostly the art and storytelling seemed like bad fanfiction. The kind of stuff that should have never been approved for professional publication. Wildstorm: Gave them a shot; enjoyed a few here or there, though substance was severely lacking, mostly out of nostalgia, but overall wasn't worth the money. These are even worse?
  23. Congrats on the find. Love to see some size comparison pics, or more pics in general, if you get the chance. I made the decision to invest in the Arcadia line, so didn't pay much attention to this after that one transformation video went up. That said, as time goes by, I'm starting to consider it. Still, haven't seen any good deals on it anywhere.
  24. Nice pic! How do you like the E=X?
  25. Hi all. I'm hoping that someone can help identify these toys. Recent eBay purchase... they were dirt cheap, and just looked cool to me, even though I have no idea what they're from. Seller didn't offer up much info when asked, just said they were from something local (seller in Thailand), but I wouldn't be surprised if they're knockoffs of something more well known. Toys have a Power Rangers-esque feel in hand. Heads look slightly Gundam-esque in person. They don't really seem to transform so much as come apart, but the peg sizes don't really seem to lend themselves to an obvious robot form. I'd say they were limbs of a combiner, except for the individual heads make me think they were meant to have individual forms. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
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