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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. Found a teaser trailer for the anime here, along with a more intelligible synopsis: https://www.yualexius.com/2018/10/chinese-manga-armored-gull-revealed-anime-trailer.html Armored Gull is a chinese webcomic by LAS that covers a wide section of the mecha genre, from mechanical limbs, killer androids, the titular power armor Armored Gull, transforming vehicle robots, wanzer mechs and exoskeletons to put your exoskeltons in all fighting alongside or against each other in the seafaring corporate owned mega fleet of Sigma City. Falsely accused of corporate espionage and treason to the state Gwen Pullan a gifted roboticist is rescued/kidnapped by an anti-corporate terrorist group. Caught up in the bloody slum wars between the group and andorid augmented police, Gwen is given an opportunity to fight back by a mysterious third faction in the form of the Exoskeleton Frame Armored Gull.
  2. Looks like there are a handful of chapters here: https://note.mu/weibocomic/n/n22e69371a0d9
  3. I hope so too. Scrolling through his Twitter, it looks like he's done a fair amount of pretty cool looking transforming designs. I'm just surprised. It seems like there are 40+ chapters of this manga/comic released... but I can't find them anywhere, except for a couple download sites with broken links. Can't find any official site, let alone print copies.
  4. Is anyone familiar with "Armored Gull"? I believe it is a manga (well, Chinese, not Japanese, I think), and possibly there is an OVA in the works, but I really can't find any information on it out there. I came across some images from it while looking for other things, and started searching for what they were from... and that's about it. Lots of gorgeous (in my opinion) artwork out there, some people mentioning having read the books, but nothing else that I can find. I did come across the Twitter of someone who says they are the artist, with some nice artwork and some cool computer animations too:
  5. Sorry, I guess I misremembered. I thought the plane at that point in time wasn't transformable, but just a somewhat generic fighter (and a burner vehicle, as you said).
  6. For me, I absolutely LOVE the bikes, and it's all about the bikes for me. That said, I do like the Legioss and TLEAD a ton. I had sworn off collecting anything other than bikes a while ago... but MOSPEADA is kind of the exception when there's a toy that really strikes my fancy. Depending on the final pricing, I'll likely pick up one of each of these. As a side note, Aramaki once said in an interview that they designed the show around the bikes and that was what they really wrote all of the original proposals around. The toy companies were telling them that they needed some planes too, due to the success of Macross licensing, so they basically went back into the office over the weekend and worked out the Legioss and TLEAD in a rush overnight for a pitch in the morning, just to keep the potential advertisers happy.
  7. Actually, Duke from their G.I. Joe crossover line is probably a better example of the synthetic human with a people suit on.
  8. I was pretty sure you were, but couldn't help it.
  9. They make them for the 1/6 scale ones, just not the 1/12
  10. Ooh, you got the test body one. Very nice. Congrats!
  11. I don't know what I'm looking at... but I like it.
  12. I have a few resin model kits. They pop up online fairly regularly, though I think they're recasts of older resin kits mainly.
  13. THIS! Especially with a transforming Armored Personnel Carrier that can fit inside of it or, alternatively, combine with it.
  14. Haha I cheated. It has a white Pretty Armor figure stand supporting it.
  15. I definitely like the color scheme too. It was the second Garland I got, after the Yamato Proto Garland. I honestly would be surprised if Arcadia ever got around to that color, since I don't recall it being in the movie, but you never know. Still, if it's one or the other, the Arcadia is just a better quality figure.
  16. I didn't take new pics today, but found these that I posted when my army color first came in a few months back. The factory color has the same build quality and revision to the break-prone swingarm as the army color. So, it's improved, but still something you have to be careful with. In my particular case, the Yamato is definitely floppier, so a little better than what you see in the pics since I fiddled with the shoulder magnets a bit, but still nowhere even as close as cleanly locking into position or as durable as the Arcadia. I have all of the Yamatos and I have two of the Arcadia. To me, the Arcadia is a significantly superior product; I really just have all the Yamatos because I wanted to finish out my collection of that line and because I liked all the different color schemes. Does that help, or was there something else you were looking to see?
  17. I have both. What are you looking to see? It's identical to the regular Yamato Garland, except for the color and included figure.
  18. Saddle bags
  19. I love the look of this thing so much... and I am probably one of the biggest proponents of going "re-imagined" on this design as much as possible... but the dual exhaust? I think they may have gone too far now.
  20. Assembled another display case last night and started moving things around, getting ready for more Sentinel and Arcadia releases.
  21. I was looking into Full Metal Panic! 0 (zero), but info on it seems spotty (and no translations that I could find).
  22. It's funny, I was literally just reading up on that. Never seen it or read it, but, while looking for English translations of Rideback, I saw that the creator of that series did a run on Full Metal Panic! Looked up the wiki, and saw that both the anime and the manga are adaptations of the light novels.
  23. Definitely looking forward to seeing a more production-ready version of this prototype.
  24. Thank you. I appreciate you checking for me. For whatever reason, when it comes to manga and comic books, I really like getting the hardcopies. I have plenty of books in digital (especially ones I tend to re-read), but would love to complete this set on my bookshelf.
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