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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. While I know he's meant to reference the tetrajets, there's also a bit of a cool BSG Viper vibe here.
  2. I have no experience with Ultraman at all... but dang if all of the artwork above in this thread isn't absolutely gorgeous!
  3. I liked that one a lot. Not anything groundbreaking or super memorable, to be honest, but just enjoyable and well made.
  4. I don't own any of the stuff being shown here, but I do own a bunch of the Tsutomu Nikei Sentinel/1000Toys stuff, and the MOSPEADA stuff, as well as Robox and... something else that I'm forgetting right now. Everything of theirs has been excellent quality and I have been very happy with. Even the Robox, which should be the most boring toy ever, is really well designed with lots of fun little details and gimmicks. At this point, Sentinel pretty much gets my money, no questions asked.
  5. Just finished Gun Gale Online. It was fine... but really didn't do anything for me. The last episode took some darker turns which I guess were supposed to be shocking or entertaining or whatever, after the more innocent (though still violent) previous 11, but... meh... just didn't do anything for me. I think I prefer a different style of storytelling.
  6. They have. When it first came out, it was stated that it was not a reboot, and the director said he avoided certain things because they would have required it to be a reboot, but Hasbro officially said a few weeks ago that it is now a reboot.
  7. I've watched it a couple times, and I like it. I will say (and I know I'm being nitpicky here) that I don't view it as really being an "adaptation", since it really follows very few beats from the manga. To me, it's more of an original story set in the Blame! framework, with appearances by characters that we know (though Cibo is somewhat different in her journey in it). It takes a lot of cues from Blame!, but is almost like Blame!^2 or NSE: Net Sphere Engineer, where the characters we know are more passing through the story, but it's in the world that we know from the original.* Even visually it seems to have gone with some designs more from those sequels than from the original (with Nehei's supervision and approval). It really is the electrofishers' story. To that point, the BLAME! Movie Edition: The Electrofishers' Escape comes out on April 2nd. * By the way, if you're like me and do the no-rush shipping on Amazon and rack up a bunch $1 digital credits, check out "Blame! Academy and So On". It's a cheap buy, and has a bunch of Nihei's short stories, including the ones I mentioned above, some humorous ones, and Battle Lepidopteran Hawk Moths, which reads like Nihei practicing for Sidonia.
  8. Looked for that one, but it doesn't look like it ever got an English-language release. Haha, I actually started this thread because of picking up Aposimz, them re-reading Biomega (which I had read when it first came out), and then entering into a Tsutomu Nihei binge, including Blame!. Biomega is still, to date, my all time favorite manga. The back half of the story goes a bit out there (figuratively and literally), but I just love the first half so much, and am good with how it ends, that I don't mind. That's one that I have in multiple editions just because I like it so much.
  9. In fairness, I don't think Furman has given a crap about anything he's worked on in the last decade.
  10. I wonder if we'll get Mellowlink/Merowlink in vol. 2?
  11. Just finished two series, so I figured I'd post. I finished Knights of Sidonia. I definitely enjoyed it a lot, especially all of the details and backstory that didn't make it into the anime. It was also great reading the 1/2-1/3(ish) of the story that took place after the anime, too. I will say that the last 2 (of 15) volumes were a bit disappointing. Lots of battles where the excitement came across in the pages of the manga surprisingly well, but they felt a little bit rushed. After a bit of a slow burn for the first 6 or 7 volumes, and some interesting new character introduction in the next half dozen or so, the last couple just felt like he decided that it was time to wrap it all up. I also finished off the 10 volumes of Mobile Suit Gundam: Thunderbolt that are available in English (two more on preorder). Despite some warnings in this thread about it being too grim-dark (and I respect those opinions), I liked it. It felt more like an attempt at showing realism of different people who might be involved in these situations, and less like grim for the sake of grim. I was also a bit surprised to find Daryl becoming more likable as the series went on, while Io seemed to go back and forth between showing a more likable side, and then just going full-douche. I like it, and I'm looking forward to the last two volumes... but it's still not one of those things that makes me want to go seek out collectibles or anything based on the series. Other than those... I read vol. 4 of Aldnoah Zero Season 1. Unfortunately, while I thought vol. 3 was a big improvement over the previous two, the final volume was pretty much back to the earlier lower level. I have enough affection for the series where I wish they had translated season 2 and the spin-off into English, but I can't say I'd recommend the manga to anyone other than a completist. I read vol. 2 of Mech Cadet Yu and found it to be just as well done and fun (though too quick) a read as the first collection. Looking forward to the release of the third (and final) collection. Next up: Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin. I've heard good things (both here and elsewhere) and think that will cap off the Gundam portion of my manga reading (since I'm stuck with what's been translated into English, and the other stuff looks to just be adaptations, while this is more tailored to manga from the start). Always open to more recommendations, too!
  12. Did it get canceled? i wasn't sure what was going on with that. I had it in my Amazon Wishlist, and about a week or two ago they added a cover image to it, and then a few days later it switched to "We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock." It is on Blu-Ray discs, but no, I don't think it was remastered or anything was done to it at all for this release. I watched the first couple episodes late last night. In fairness, it looks just fine on my decent size tv, not noticeably pixelated or anything, but nothing special. Pretty much not significantly different from the recent BGC and Zillion releases, to my uneducated eyes. Still looks better than the stuff out on youtube. Hey, for $35 for 52 episodes, I'm not complaining at this point.
  13. My blu-ray of the series and summary movies came in today. Haven't put it in yet to watch but... 52 episodes spread across 2 discs?
  14. I don't like the fact that these look (from this pic) like statues with movable arms and nothing more... but as someone who read the Sentinels books at a very impressionable age and still appreciates those storylines because of it, I'll probably buy them if they're at a reasonable price (I think Breetai is $30).
  15. I've avoided any and all of the SAO stuff, even when I'm in an anime rut, just because it is clearly (from the trailers) not at all my taste. That said, I finally started episode one of Gun Gale Online last night and am so far ok with it. Just ok. I think I'll watch it all the way through, but I feel no temptation to check out the rest of the franchise.
  16. Just surprised. MAAS Toys may have a history of making infringing (in my opinion) products, but at least they have a history of making products. MEP doesn't seem to have any history at all.
  17. So does this mean than MEPTOYS is actually officially licensed to use the Robotech name and characters? https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/90032
  18. I guess some people like it... doubt I'd agree, but hey... https://www.bleedingcool.com/2019/03/05/robotech-18-hints-that-theres-something-else-to-minmei-review/ I will say that I do dig the cover.
  19. These look like a cleaned-up version of the Joy Toy Tiekui (I have a couple sets of those), just scaled down possibly.
  20. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the first Invid War series was solid (up until the artistic change at the very end) and better than pretty much everything that came after. *** getting down off my soapbox ***
  21. Now now, according to everyone that responds to posts on Facebook and many other online locations, if they just put the words "not-" or "inspired by" in front of it, then they're fine. Totally. It's like, fair use or something. (if not evident, that was sarcasm)
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