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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. That makes sense, and I agree that that is a significant difference. From what I remember from the last time that I was shopping around (and I may be misremembering), it was when I was preordering Ray and when I was preordering the Arcadia Garland, more or less around the same time and getting two of each. I ended up going with HLJ on the two Garlands, since I think it saved me like $40 or so. I ended up going with BBTS for the two Rays, since I think it only cost me like $5 or so more but I felt more comfortable with them resolving any issues I might have with defective products, if it ever came up (as happened once years ago). For now, I preordered from BBTS since I have a few other things in my pile of loot that should be coming out right around the same time (fingers crossed), but I'll cancel if one of the other sites offers a significant discount.
  2. I don't know that that's always the case. If you order one from BBTS, you pay $4 shipping. If you order 2 or more, you're still only paying the $4 shipping. The Japanese sites (in my admittedly limited experience) rarely had the shipping price not go up as you added more items.
  3. Thanks! So, I guess I should just suck it up and pay the fees to get them through an agent.
  4. I just can't see how that price is justified. I would think $29.97 (using Walmart's pricing scheme), and then getting discounted from there.
  5. Good to know those pics are from that. Thanks. I've been trying to get my hands on this one, plus the two more after it (it was listed on the cover as Vol. 0, and I came across auctions for Vol. 1 and 2).
  6. Nice find, daBlah! Can anyone translate any of the text? I'm curious what they're from, since they look better than the typical deviantart fan stuff. I wonder if they're from one of the 3 Festival Times MZ23 books (been wanting to get my hands on them, but can't quite justify the costs of using an intermediary to get them through Yahoo Japan Auctions, on the occasions when they show up).
  7. I did not recall that the UK license was separate from HG's other licensing timelines. It really has less to do with ownership of the company, and more to do with where the material is made, distributed, and sold. In the case of Titan, their books that I own are all printed in China (I was surprised by that, to be honest). So, HG could still have Titan make the books, just potentially not be able to distribute them in the UK (if that earlier license termination is correct). The interesting thing is that all this stuff is digital, too. I assume that a UK account could not purchase the books on Comixology after July.
  8. No Arcadia updates lately, so thought I'd share this. Popped up in one of those Pinterest "We found these pins that you might like" emails tonight.
  9. It's tough when you only have one piece of artwork to trace
  10. Starship Troopers 2? I recall that one being just bad, not funny bad. I guess it depends on the mood you're in when you sit down to watch a movie (as well as expectations; that was only the first sequel, and I still had hopes).
  11. Not going to comment on the writing. I think that's been beaten to death (or should be...). As for the art, I think it's pretty decent. Not necessarily my cup of tea, but if you consider this an original creation (which, being so different from the original story, it might as well be) and thus not hamstrung by the original character designs, then I think that this artist is doing a pretty good job. Better than the story deserves. EDIT: Guess the whole thing hadn't loaded when I looked. I take back some of my previous statement: Khyron and Azonia look terrible, especially in the profile shot. Yes to the Neanderthals comment... or maybe some sort of bobble-head mutation.
  12. Looks like most of their big exciting announcements... are things that have been out for anywhere from 6 months to a couple years now.
  13. My initial thought was... something likely to be far more offensive... which is why I didn't post what I was thinking...
  14. The Mach 5 one makes me think of Transformers: Prime Wheeljack for some reason. As for "Black Beauty" there, I don't get the 3 section staff. Then again, I don't get why the artist chose to mark all of these drawings as though they were trademark registered, either... As for "Shotaro", Mayhem Mekanics Otomo is already pretty much 3/4 of the way there.
  15. Don't mess with me like that, getting me all excited that I'll finally be able to watch Discovery...
  16. Minor Megazone 23 reboot update: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2019-03-24/megazone-23-reboot-project-only-remakes-part-i-and-ii/.144973 Basically... it's still in the works. Honestly, I was half expecting that they had quietly scrapped it, or at least put it on the back burner.
  17. Never seen it before, but it's gorgeous. A full set of scaled MOSPEADA ships has been on my wishlist for a long time. The best I've been able to find are just a couple for 3d printing (which, of course, I use to test out each new printer).
  18. Talking about 80s, I discovered that Dallos is available on Amazon Prime last night.
  19. That motorcycle Chromia is actually one of my favorite post-Prime toys, so I was hoping this new Chromia would be a spin on that when first announced (though, if I'd thought about how these are bringing in more of an homage to the G1 cartoon, I should have known better). I don't think I'll be picking this one up, but thanks for the great review.
  20. Stealth was an underrated fun movie.
  21. I hadn't even realized this was a new dub. I just assumed they were adding the old series that aired on Cartoon Network (I think) years ago to their streaming library, as-is.
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