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    Obsessed with variable bikes (MOSPEADA, Megazone 23, Bubblegum Crisis, Viper's Creed, Rideback, etc.)

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  1. Really excited for these. It's funny, when I first saw MZ23 two decades ago, I wasn't that into this mech. Since then... yeah, I've become a big fan, have custom made some of my own stands-ins for my collection, but am really looking forward to the real thing.
  2. Agree here, especially on the Omnibots. Downshift has been a favorite since I was a kid, and I played with him both as a Transformer and, when not caring about scale, as a MASK toy. I'm not a fan of XTransbots, but this was a no-brainer for me. On the general topic, I'm a big believer in NOT infringing on someone else's IP, big or small. That said, if there is zero activity on it by the owner, sometimes us collectors really want that itch scratched... As long as I know it isn't causing the IP owner any damage.
  3. Overall, it depends on what you're going for. In my opinion: - Want one to display, toon accurate? Beagle. - Want the full set, toon accurate? CMs. - Want full set, and open to/actually like updated designs? Sentinel. - Want toon accurate partsformer? Megahouse. - Want updated design partsformer, and into just slapping a ton of weapons onto a figure, physics-be-damned? Moshow Toys. - Want to actually play with it, and have it only be in scale with JoyToy? B2Five. - Want to play with it, but not have any fun doing so, and you're a completist? SMALL '80s Henshin Robo. - Want it to not be much fun? Matchbox. - Want to make me jealous? BIG '80s "Perfect Mounting Real Change" Henshin Robo
  4. I'm fearful that, as the guest of honor, there might not be opportunities to actually meet him or get anything signed. Does anyone had prior experiences with this show and this level of guest?
  5. Were you uncomfortable with BBTS? I know they have a delay compared to others, but they gave me some absolutely amazing customer service when I had an issue a few years back, and very much earned my business... except for when I find an item elsewhere for substantially less money.
  6. Yeah, I was keeping quiet, but definitely remembered that. FWIW, my BGC figs are the only Yamoto items that I legit play with here and there, and not just have as display pieces.
  7. That's really disappointing. It probably doesn't actually matter that much. As much as I LOVE the Sentinel figures, I just use them as display pieces. I think that the B2Five figures can be considered legitimate toys (and partsformers), but other than them, I don't think a single collectible that I've purchased has been anything but a display piece since the Yamato BGC Motoslaves... but still disappointing.
  8. I seriously love bad-@ss female heroes, and love the BGC designs, but I'm starting to feel like I'm an outsider in the fanbase because I DON'T want them over-sexualized.
  9. I'm still hoping for a regular one, and for the Bulldog too. But, truth be told, it's all about the DREAD...
  10. Gorgeous work. Definitely hope you make it available, whether for free or purchase. Looking forward to printing a couple.
  11. While it wouldn't account for the full height difference (maybe 1/2 at most), shouldn't the ankle on the right be extended?
  12. As for the Moshow stuff, it still just looks to me (both original rendition and slightly more streamlined one) like they're trying to take Sentinel's design and tack on as many bigger guns and more more more more as they can. I'm still going to buy it, and hopefully love it, but it looks like it could use some paring down.
  13. Was just digging out Kaneda bike and Otomo to take pictures of this.
  14. I am absolutely giddy excited to see versions of the MOSPEADA that I've never seen before. Thank you so much for sharing this! Now, if I can someday come across the sidecar version mentioned in the Imai files...
  15. I'm not sure what you mean by this, so would love for you to explain. I asked a question about people's thoughts on a specific series, which I am... let's say, pessimistic about, though I have yet to read it (I buy the trades, generally). Your response was just a comment pointing out your opinion of Robotech licensing in general. A fair statement, but not really relevant, and more of your general disdain for Robotech, which seems well documented here. (I, obviously, don't know you, and have nothing against you personally, or the opinions that you share, even if I disagree with them on some occasions. I think I just get frustrated when people venting their hatred over a property seems to get in the way of any genuine discussion... additionally (full disclosure), I'm reading your reply on the same day as reading a reply to a motion for judgment on the merits in a case, with a similar argumentative style, so, hey... visceral reaction)
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