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Everything posted by ChronoReverse

  1. Yeah, they only last 2.5 minutes at full boost according to the Compendium. Still, you could get a lot done in that time =) Hmm, assuming no drag, a VF-S "Super" could achieve in excess of 34,104kph or 21,191mph in 150 seconds in space from a dead stop. And I didn't account for the loss of mass from fuel expenditure.
  2. I'm thinking acceleration when I talk about thrust myself With that said, slower exhaust velocity can yield the same acceletation as a faster exhaust. After all, it's momentum that matters here. Not sure what you mean by absolute velocity limit though. Ignoring relativistic effects (let's pretend we're not trying to go fast than 0.25c), acceleration is acceleration no matter how fast you're going.
  3. Except you. Because stuff you were asking were either in the compendium or discussed before and sometimes even in this very thread. So you imply using anti-gravity to remove all forces on the pilot. In fact, no one even said this until you did. Why did you mention it? You tore it down right afterward saying that such a system would be detrimental (something that is true). What does that have to do with anything? Engines are heavier than the ejection seat too. We don't know if engines are the most massive components of the valkryie. In any case, thinking about this, placing the engine at the rear of gerwalk, ASSUMING the engines weigh the most in a valkyrie, means that the center of mass is in a better position. Instead of being on one end of the "bent stick" of gerwalk, it's at the corner instead. With the primary thrusters still pointing rear, that means higher speed is possible which allows the lift surfaces to compensate for the lower downward thrust. Not that a huge amount of thrust is needed to hover with valkyries since they can VTOL with just verniers. Also if the weight were shifted that far back, the vents for the downforce works out well.
  4. I forgot to double the number for VF-1S 25000kg / 1000 x 9.8 x 2 = 490kN I used the atmosphere number for the YF-19 by mistake. The rest are just significant figures =P As for the "overboost" the question is whether the VF-25 and VF-27 numbers include that (probably not). But the point still remains about the VF-S "Super". It has more thrust than the YF-19 even WITH overboost!
  5. Hmm, I've been looking at some more numbers for thrust of the various VF's and there's even more funny things... A refresher (so that someone can correct me just in case I made a mistake): 1000kg = 9.8kN assuming Earth gravity F-22: 312+kN VF-0A: 297.8kN VF-0A "Angel": 900.4kN VF-1S: 245.0kN VF-1S "Super": 2842kN <=== Huh? YF-19: 836.9kN VF-19S: 1548kN VF-25: 3240kN VF-27: 5508kN With that kind of power for even the VF-1's FAST pack, a VF-25 with its FAST packs should easily keep up with the VF-27... In fact, the VF-1's FAST packs, with no technology improvment, would give the VF-25 more thrust than the VF-27 assuming you could jury-rig a fit.
  6. My original post said to not do that (have an arrogant tone if you don't do the basic research). However, if it makes you feel bigger then you can carry on. You were responding to talk about anti-gravity being used as inertial dampeners. If you weren't then you shouldn't have even brought it up as you mentioned the (ostensibly new) idea and then tore it down immediately afterward. Since it wouldn't serve to support or counter anyone else's point, it would've just been silly. That's not the point. Some things ARE defined as OT. The stronger materials is explicitly mentioned. The engines of a valkyrie are also explicitly mentioned. There's wiggle room for a lot of things but these two points are stated and hence we have to extrapolate from that point on. Therefore, the way a VF-21 does gerwalk is completely plausible in the Macross universe and is indeed seen all over in places like the QRaus Try to get past this mindblock and combine what's physically possible now and what's physically possible in the Macross universe. This is how someone decided that the OT engines didn't use propellant the normal way: (1) With the kind of accelerations we see in Macross, the engines must either have extremely high propellent velocity or mass (2) It can't be mass since the valkyrie would have to carry this propellant and we'd see the effects of such (3) It can't be velocity since in space the jet would be as powerful as a weapon with no atmosphere to dissipate the stream yet we clearly see that the backwash isn't wrecking things more than a normal engine would (and in some cases it's even less than that) (4) Therefore something about OT is overriding some physical property to allow this (5) We don't know what this is (6) ???? (7) Profit! Mostly true but the 21 still can do gerwalk and that's all there is to it. With the inertial vectoring system, going to battroid does seem to be a better choice in most situations. With that said, there's no indication that the engines of valkyries were particularly heavy. Especially when you consider that valkyries are lighter than our modern fighters. For instance, the twin-engined VF-19 is lighter than even the featherweight single engine F-16
  7. Seems to me someone else here needs top grow up and maybe learn about etiquette. Then you're the only one who decided an anti-gravity inertial DAMPENER will negate all forces. If that's not what you meant, then you missed the point even harder. Even the Zero had Overtechnology in it so it's not like there ever was a valkyrie without OT. And everyone knew that there was a propellant in valkyries. Even the official material mention propellant in passing. It's even been discussed how the engines in a valkyrie must be very different to what our physics allows since the fuel consumption is so minimal (in terms of mass and volume and ejection velocity). Are you talking about that (pretty good) movie that feature robots that had lots of whirly things when transforming as well as parts which disappeared and changed in size (the cellphone lol). As for the VF-21, it can hover for the same reason the QRaus can. The rear thrusters provides enough downforce, the legs are tough enough to take any stray backwash because of ECA and the inertial vectoring system keeps the whole thing stable. Besides, we've already seen how valkyries can hover using JUST the verniers
  8. Depends on the model. For instance, the VF-17, YF-21/VF-22 tuck their gunpods inside an ejection slot.
  9. Or they could be intelligent about it and simply have it a function of the g-forces being exerted on the pilot. You don't need the full g-force on you for feedback, it just has to correspond to something and your brain can easily use that. Macross universe. Protoculture. Energy Converting Armor. At least do the basic research before calling people names and using terms like "kiddies". The original Starscream design was a valkyrie interestingly enough.
  10. Weren't those numbers for the plain machines though? I recall the thrust for the VF-25 as 2x<some number> whereas the VF-27 had 4x<a smaller number> where the total of the VF-27 was much higher. Since it's "2x" for the VF-25, that's just the two main engines and doesn't take into account the FAST packs. Of course, the FAST packs seem to be space use only so the Mach numbers don't even apply.
  11. Emilia >> Mylene that's what =(
  12. However, anti-gravity is a potential basis for an inertial dampening system since it can apply a constant force on the entire body (not just the surface) at once.
  13. And? I don't think anyone suggested that the VF-0 drains its fuel in seconds while hovering since it clearly doesn't.
  14. Actually even with Overtechnology it's still the same. When you're flying, the surfaces provide lift as well. If you're hovering, all lift is provided by thrust. Even if your OT engines were super efficient, hovering would still use more fuel. In any case, the VF-0 used conventional engines tuned up to extreme levels.
  15. IF one were able to hit said "hydraulics" during transformation, it wouldn't really matter whether the valkyrie was transforming or not. It's clear that the weaponry of the day easily tears chunks out of even the ECA and it takes the specially hardened projectile shields and/or PPBs to take hits.
  16. It could simply be that the Quarter was a test ship and is unique. Depending on how it performs, a cost analysis will be done and further ships will be built or not built.
  17. The Quarter is great but sometimes you just need a BFG capable of blowing away an entire fleet and that's what the NMCs are for.
  18. And considering they moved a city from space into the interior of the Macross and even kept the buildings, I'd say that their engineer would definitely be able to jury-rig a solution
  19. He basically spells it out that it was the same system that held Macross City in fear. Besides the Ghost X-9 Bioneural chip what other drone did that?
  20. Yup, the gunship of Frontier and the gunpod of Quarter were both destroyed by the same shot. That's not really the issue though. The question is why the Galaxy's Macross Cannon shot was so puny. I suspect not enough charging time but still. Could be. We don't get to see any PPB glow though and it still conveniently blows up solely the big guns. Incidentally, did anyone notice that the Galaxy's head was still there after being hit square with four reaction shells? The explosions of the reaction shell were also quite a bit smaller then usual >_> Also, right after when Frontier is delivering the final blow, notice the bajillion PPBs on it. Another interesting thing is how the head lasers on Alto's VF-25 were actually firing beams. As in lines of death kind of beams rather than bullet-like "fake" lasers.
  21. Yeah, it's just that the full powered Macross Cannon sort of rips right through large capital ships like paper and is enormously wide at maximum output (well, enough that a large chunk of a fleet can be taken out even before sweeping the beam). The shot from the Galaxy was like a quick snapshot that ended up with only a Macross Peashooter level of power.
  22. Haha. They did find a good way to mitigate the Ghost's self-preservation instinct issue. Tying it to a valkyrie makes it sacrifice itself for the main unit! Frankly, I'm not sure why they were made to be different. It was clear from Luca's words that his Ghosts had the same programming and neural chip design as the X-9. Assuming the V-9 are the cyborgs' version of this, they might very well be nearly the same (closer in kin than even the YF-24, VF-25 and VF-27).
  23. In Zero they did say the Protoculture used the Bird Human to modify the humans way back. If we take the similar markings, what was said about the Protoculture imitating the Vajra then it seems to heavily imply the Bird Human was the Protoculture imitation.
  24. All I got to say is that Alto managed to scrap TWO valkyries in this episode (technically one from the previous episode). They keep giving him VF-25's and he keep getting them blown up >_>
  25. Hehe, I knew they wouldn't completely throw away the Ghost X-9 tech. It's far too useful for absolute emergencies (or for cyborgs to use too I guess). BTW, I wonder how Battle Frontier took on a hit from Battle Galaxy's Macross Cannon. Not a full powered shot?
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