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Everything posted by kamotekid

  1. No love for Black Widow? Anyways, they serve terrible food there.
  2. bumping this. it's February, we would really love some updates.
  3. http://defense-update.com/products/c/F-16-CFT.htm here's what i found regarding its performance impact.
  4. ex-gear control was shown in the very first episode when alto was folding sheryl's poster into an airplane.
  5. i think sheryl's a ranshe clone... and that maybe those glowing critters in ranka's tummy has something to do with how to cure sheryl's illness. just speculating.
  6. i dunno if anyone noticed that the purple stone in sheryl's earrings looks similar to the stone on mr bilrer's ring?
  7. i express my gratitude to the effort made by the groups subbing macross frontier. both for gattai & aia-iz keep up the good work.
  8. can anyone please help? i can't install the game.
  9. jacques, you might wanna read this same thread some pages back.
  10. ^^ yup, i thought the head unit on mikhail's/michelle's vf25 looked like shin's vf-0
  11. how do we know that the earring is from mao of macross zero? dunno must've missed that scene...
  12. awesome but too short. need more episodes!!!
  13. hi, been lurking for a while. actually, you're both correct. city area is named Battle 25, and the macross class ship up front is called M25. will try to post screenshot once i get home. edit: oops, i guess i was wrong with Battle 25. here are the screencaps: shows "macross 25" and here it shows "frontier" dunno if battle 25 (connected to macross quarter & frontier) is actually pointing to the city area. oh well.
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