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shadow strikers

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Everything posted by shadow strikers

  1. Obviously macross super dimensional fortress is first, but after that chronologically what are the series in order. Not from when they were created but when each one takes place.
  2. Sorry I thought there was another one.
  3. Could anyone post the link to the MF movie, not the new one the first one? Please I'm trying to look for it. I don't know if asking for a link is against the rules. If it is, feel free to tell me and delete my post.
  4. thanks for the list, and maybe I might set a stream for this website one day. So we can all enjoy something together as one family.
  5. Don't worry, he is in a better place. But if it wasn't for max, sempai, and hikaru, I wouldn't be the ace pilot I am now.
  6. They sing not only for themselves, but for everyone on the spaceship, or where ever their location is. They also seem to do it in the shows or movie's in order to defeat a enemy. Be it the zentradi, or those evil guys in macross 7. Sorry forgot the enemies name in that one.
  7. I was wondering, no more like asking, if the mods could set up some kind of stream thing to watch it all together? See when I visited one site they had this live/stream thing, were everyone could watch at once. Also if someone changed the volume on their player, it changes for you. Think of it as all of us in one room watching tv but on the internet and with macross. I'm still practicing my punctuation and grammar, so please tell me what I need to fix. I really want to make this more legible.
  8. I'm sorry for going off topic. But I agree those three things should be in the next series.
  9. I'm sorry pete for being a evil sadistic fool. Teach me how to write properly help me unwind the wrong I have written and lets be friends.
  10. Is it so hard for you to see pete that people are just naturally bad, you aren't born good you are taught how to be good. You learn not to make fun of him or her because he or she is different. You learn not hurt people because they did something that you think is wrong. You learn not to kill or steal and so on. In order to change human nature you need to change the law, and vice versa. So lets just come to a agreement here people are naturally bad but we don't have to fight because we are blessed with the gift of abundant food and so on. But we fight because people weren't given a choice. Do you agree?
  11. pete this is how humans rose to the top they acted like the little pathetic creatures they are stayed out of other creatures ways or developed small tools to help protect them selves that's how. Also animals can reason but food and survival come first just like a person. If you had nothing there for you like you do now if you had to acctually take care of the plants your self for crops and try to hunt your food you would be completely different then you are now surviving would be your top priority but because you never lived that life like your ancestors did thousands of years ago you can easily say we are nice we don't get grouchy we don't fight because we need too.
  12. pete why are you trying so hard to make me see good and right? Like I said earlier I won't let you change me so I could bring pain and suffering in the future. It's the only way to teach everyone a lesson. You can't just expect people to change you have to teach them why. Like a child for example you can't just say don't touch that it's hot, they wont learn their lesson till they get burned a little at least once. Or grown adult homo sapiens how to behave and expect them to do it they have to learn. How did we learn not to use extremely destructive weapons we say the deaths and so on so we stopped using nukes on people. How do you learn to care for someone that is being bullied you have to had been bullied at least once in your life to learn what iyt feels like.
  13. Do you know how stupid you are not know its about survival of the fittest if your species can't fight back they will die out we did that now look at us we are even more stupid and weak, but we are at the top.
  14. Another thing in human nature is the need to know all about your self, and everything around you. That and wanting to have everything. So the thing in hong kong with the money seemed to be more powerful then the war instinct. More money is better so in the future you can afford to fight. What I see is them just saying lets work together to get alot of money then in the future we can start wars with other people to take what they have.
  15. Finally - think about how the Cold War ended - not a single shot fired. The bad guys just got tired of not eating and never having any fun and decided - screw this! And came over to the side of the good guys. Isn't good another point of view that isn't 100% true, because what you see as right and true some people see it as wrong and bad. Same for evil, it's just another point of view what you see as bad they see as good. But never is it the most efficient way to resolve a dispute between people. Again - show me at least on historical example where war solved any kind of dispute in a way that was better than not having a war? I never said it was bad or good. Once again you fail to read I said and I quote my self "its unavoidable people love to fight its in human nature", no were in that am I saying that it's bad or good. Also people have been fighting for thousands of years, your far more primitive ancestors fought to stay dominate. Life is about fighting and I know what I am saying now is contradicting to before but its true. If the homo species didn't fight we would still be the the prey for a stronger species, if we didn't fight we wouldn't have been able to eliminate competing species and become top of the food chain you get me?
  16. I am not talking about macross I'm talking about humans if you read my posts. Though even if we are a infection, and pest you guys kinda grew on me. Dang now im starting to like you guy's if this "love" and so on keeps up I may end up using my plans to bring peace. Well they're easy plans to follow nothing to hard or to dramatic but it could bring peace. But if I stop you guys or anyone from showing this "love" then I wont change into a good person and I could use the plans for evil. Like I become a high ranking admiral or something and "accidentally" start a 20 year war.
  17. I'm talking about people 6.3 billion and growing. 07/01/09 6,768,167,712 08/01/09 6,774,705,647 09/01/09 6,781,243,583 10/01/09 6,787,570,618 11/01/09 6,794,108,554 12/01/09 6,800,435,588 01/01/10 6,806,973,524 02/01/10 6,813,511,460 03/01/10 6,819,416,692 04/01/10 6,825,954,628 05/01/10 6,832,281,663 06/01/10 6,838,819,599 07/01/10 6,845,146,634 here's the definition for infestation ill provide two. 1.The presence of a large number of organisms in an area or field 2.invade in great numbers We sure are we just can't stay in one place, we sure can't stop growing in size and destroy rare or valuable resources and land. All's we do is scurry off to a location mate and mate and mate growing and growing. Then spreading off infesting the whole planet with disease ridden pest. That's all we are we are a pest we just steal from the land then move on only caring about our selves. So like any pest and infestation what do you do you end it, i.e where war and action take place. I really could careless about people. And the great part about this is in Christianity, I'm still going to heaven because all the requirements in that religion are you follow the 10 commandments and believe Jesus is your savior. Yes I know it a primitive practice to believe we are so special we are loved by a great being. But I don't want to take the chance so I follow it. That and after 16 years you get hooked on it because of Christmas and all the stuff.
  18. Pete fighting is in human nature we fight for space what we want and so on. You can't say fighting brings nothing because it brought you your home where you live and so on. It's what kept you from having to be ruled by a queen or king. Also fighting could be more then just shooting and so on it could fighting verbally. Even that brings you stuff, another thing to add 200,000 years ago when even more primitive homo species then our selves lived all's we did was fight to be dominant and so on. If it wasn't for fighting we wouldn't have been competing for dominance and become the pest and infestation we are now.
  19. Once again you fail to read. I said it can't be helped because of human nature you love fighting whether you agree or not sub consciously you do which is why we are arguing now. Also the picture's doesn't show how great the human race is females are females that's nothing that makes this species special. When I said a list of ten things ten things that are actually 100% fact proven that makes you think humans are great and it has to be 100% true not based off your opinions.
  20. Thats a song now lets look at real life. War is unavoidable other wise we wouldn't fight if wanted too. But because the primitive instinct kicks in, they all start going on with man I really want that land or the resource or those objects. It's not anyone's fault but it's hard or impossible to remove 200,000 years off biological programing.
  21. Macross Addict support/talk group. Hello, my name is shadow strikers and I'm a macross addict. Bought figures games movie's, and every night it's a macross dream. SUPPORT GROUP: Don't worry shadow we will help you along with the rest of the crazies here. Shadow: Who the **** you calling crazy B*** you be F*** crazy Support group: no I'd be F*** goofy
  22. But war is unavoidable so how does it make it futile. Because it's only human nature to fight for dumb things and kill your own species and try to conquer. Just like in the anime the zentradi built for war it's what they like and so do people they like war. Don't tell me that isn't true because if you do your lying, why else do they all fight? But I understand what your getting at, macross is a love story kinda like a soap opera, with love drama and the occasional fighting scenes to help the love and plot go on.
  23. So would you get off my back on the grammar and punctuation, at least im trying to be like the old people. Also if you can read plain english and understand some txt acronyms, then you'll be able to read them.
  24. Well why didn't you just say that earlier. I would of been easier if you did as followed, No shadow striker we all hate you but here's how its played out. They don't need new wars, and mecha every time they want to make a new series, other wise it would make the plot seem poorly made. My grammar and punctuation isn't great but I'm actually a smart kid if you ever see me in rl.
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