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Everything posted by Heron

  1. GAR is an anime character archetype. http://ckwiz.blogspot.com/2008/01/what-is-gar.html
  2. So much like the SV-51 versus the VF-0?
  3. Okay thanks guys!
  4. Is Earth still annihilated (as of 2050's) or due to the wonders of OTEC, Mother Nature and good , old human know-how, is it well on the road to recovery?
  5. Strangeness is relative.
  6. Well, let me know what your final thoughts are.
  7. LOL! One day you'll figure it out. Hmm I wonder what Brust means in Hungarian?
  8. Wrong. D.D. "Daisy" Ivanov's SV-51 was Black. See image below.
  9. Thanks Superbrust!
  10. VF-27 Dajjal
  11. N00bish question here but for the life of me (or lack of one) I cannot locate the French Macross timeline information that described the dissolution of UNS into NUNS.
  12. When Alto is pissed or raging, He calls the Sniper Mikhail. When he is at peace and friends with the womanizing bastard, he calls him Michel.
  13. Another great sub job by AiA. Looking forward to episode 10...
  14. Beam Sabers for Variable Fighters? Hell they already have the shields...
  15. I will do everything in my power to topple the despotic regime that is B.O.I.N.G!
  16. Yes, but as Azrael has pointed out numerous times, many people fail to read.
  17. Does any of this make sense: At the end of episode seven, Brera folded back to Macross F with more than one VF-27. If he is connected to Grace, then the VF-27 squadron may have arrived with the Galaxy Liner when Sheryl arrived at the Macross Frontier. Maybe they are her escort squadron or used her arrival on the Frontier as cover to gain entry into Island 3?? Perhaps Leon is a Galaxy mole?
  18. Man her poses are as fake as her silicone implants. *ducks*
  19. Oh we are going to get tribal alright. You can bet Nanase silicone implants on that!
  20. Also recall from the end of episode seven, Brera folded back to Macross F with more than one VF-27. If he is connected to Grace, then the VF-27 squadron may have arrived with the Galaxy Liner when Sheryl arrived at the Macross Frontier. Maybe they are her escort squadron? Perhaps Leon is a Galaxy mole?
  21. Almost...all "logo" evidence shows the VF-27 to be both a NUNS fighter and one from Macross Galaxy.
  22. Actually makes sense and I think episode 8 was closer to SDF: Macross than any of the previous seven of episodes. When I think of SDF: M, besides the Valkyries, it was the chemistry between the characters that I recall, not the space battles.
  23. I'd say we are more even type people.
  24. I can't recall, is tonight that Episode 9 runs or tomorrow night?
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