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Everything posted by Heron

  1. Tora can also mean "torpedo attack", so mayhap this is Nyan Tora, is cat attack or mean the RANKA ATTACK!
  2. Damn, beat me to it! I was going to say Gubaba Over Compensates!
  3. That is why you fail! Either way, the cannon firing was epic and makes me wonder, Can the Vajra evolve to withstand its awesome power??
  4. One should not make such remarks..Don't get me wrong not trying to be rude but I appreciate the efforts of our fansubbers and so long as I get a translation, even a .txt, they will have my thanks and faith. Edit: Inaccurate quote.
  5. Thanks for the hard work whispo!
  6. Zentran Alpaca Farmer??
  7. Macrossed for Overfiend reference.
  8. Can I get a Shin Kudo where he confronts Sarah with the Marriage Stick? Please with rootbear!
  9. Exactly. Still don't see the problem myself.
  10. Take a look at the Vajra screenshot on RMC's blog (9th row, 2nd picture) http://randomc.animeblogger.net/2008/08/14...ss-frontier-19/ That is no cosplayer and the dude on the right even thinks so!
  11. Nothing to really add to this one other than I think the series as hit the next gear and I'm looking forward to the outcome and revelations.
  12. Typical Misa Reaction, IMHO!
  13. If you want to be considered a true fan, then yes!
  14. Maybe Aliens influenced Kawamori and this is his way of showing respect? *Hommage*
  15. Duke you're wrong Frontier has not jumped no damn shark. Varja maybe but no shark. I didn't see a shark. Heck in fact the only jump I saw was from Bionic Grace. Damn fine episode, more questions...
  16. Ok, I am looking to purchase the VFX games, any one? Guillermo?
  17. I rather liked Lunar myself. Nothing "didn't" make sense if that...makes any sense.
  18. Damn Shouta, that sucks about the subbing, but I do wish you good journey and success on your move!
  19. Finally, I have my PS2 modded and playing this game! So far its been fun but not being able to read the text depresses the fun somewhat.
  20. No I just save back 10.00 a week...so in a few months I have enough. Or if I do not feel like saving an extended period of time, I do weekend jobs.
  21. Too bad bro. I spent only 98.00US$ on getting the Blu-Ray, OST and Ranka's single. Not too shabby!
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