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Everything posted by Heron

  1. After spending the summer in Tokyo shopping and buying Walkure related Macross Delta merchandise, I have come to the conclusion Macross D is nothing more than a system to deliver an Idol Group. I am waiting for a Walkure Cafe and Theater to open in Akiba. Hopefully they will sell Pineapple Salad and Ragna Water Spiders at the cafe! ^^ As for this episode, again great idol music and I liked the stuff happening at the ruins but the mecha combat was meh. Too much flash and too little substance.
  2. Thank you, Kajinrig, for articulating what I felt about the Valk combat. All in all your comment about Itanos protégé being out explains a lot.
  3. Compared to what Chaos lost, planets, Messer, and the things in this episode, what happened to Windermere is nothing. Also if things like Messers death, the mourning may be all off screen.. :/
  4. Marzan, both of your points hit upon what bugged me about the episode. Also the action with the Valks
  5. Same Fighter Mode Dancing. Nothing satisfying for me but that's me. :/
  6. Meh...but watching it live in Tokyo is aces! But still meh and predictable.
  7. Was it me or did Roid mention a Shrine of Time?
  8. What are the titles of the Magazines the Manga will appear in? Thanks! So Freya
  9. No thoughts other than to say this was a very fun episode! Also VF-1
  10. I can't believe I'm saying this but maybe I will like マクロスD more than マクロス F. Love the new planet!
  11. He is a fresh wind, strong and powerful, blowing into our lives and as for his last name, well he will be an ace pilot, like Max Jenius before him and Max Immelmann before both of them. ^^ If you look at Immelmann's real life accomplishment and his first name's meanings, you can see a lot of that expressed in his character and his moves. Edit: Mikumo is also named after a WW1 French Fighter Ace and now that I'm looking at the Dress Uniforms of WW1 European Fighter Aces, I can see where it inspired the Kingdom of Wind outfits.
  12. Kajnrig, I was referring to Isamu flying up the building as Guld was shooting at him. You can see Hayate do the the same thing
  13. Good looking out, Seto. I never even noticed the references. Much appreciated pointing this out.
  14. Hayate can mean Fresh Breeze (Breeze is another form of wind) in Japanese and it was also a WW2 Fighter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakajima_Ki-84 which in this form is Gale, another wind reference.
  15. Taking a closer look at the episode, it seems that whomever is behind the Var song is using Fold Quartz to manipulate the personal Fold waves of people much like Ranka used Aimo to alter the reactions of the Vajra. I wonder if the Kingdom of Wind somehow managed to gain access to Galaxy's Data or perhaps one of Galaxies AI's are behind the Kingdom of Wind? It would also explain the similarity between the Drakken's and the VF-27. As well the Aerial Knights use of Ghosts.
  16. I think it's a passion of his in real life. If I'm not mistaken, he is a huge Idol group supporter,especially of AKb48 what with his focus on the anime series AKB0048.
  17. Excellent! Thanks for the info Renato. It will be interesting to see if they stay on Al Shahal or move to another location especially if the Al Shala see their city become a battlefield. How will the citizens react to the Var afflicted?
  18. While I agree with you that the original Macross embodied the Japanese spirit of bending in the face of adversity, the rest of the Macross series explored different themes. You mentioned Macross 7. While there were the Protodevelin, it really was about a rock-n-roll band who used music to end war. Nothing like the original. As for Delta, while it embraces the Moe/Idol/Magic Girl anime themes of today it also seems to be a natural evolution of Frontier with plenty of acknowledgements to Macross II. Anyway, I have been a fan since 1986 and I like Delta. But as you say each to his own.
  19. You're right, Nazareno. Better for me to say It seems to be an Arab settled world. (Most Arabs are muslim, though)....so Al Shahal is Macross Dubai then? Either way it is a great and smart acknowledgment by the Macross D team.
  20. Another note is the planet the action takes place on is called Al Shahal, which is Arabic, I think. And from the crowd shots it seems to be a Muslim settled planet. ^^ VERY COOL!
  21. Eh, I am getting AKB0048 vibes but hey I enjoyed it. As always I am interested in the direction they take Macross. Magical girls aside, I can dig it. Now was it me or were the scenes of the Var Syndrome similar to what we have been seeing on TV in real life in regards to terrorism. Is NUNS trying to take over Windemere? Is it Occupied?
  22. So awesome!
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