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Everything posted by Heron

  1. Because everyone will go out and have Sheryl Breat Implants if the image of the Real Deals get out on the Macronet...
  2. Hey, 1995-1996 is not that long ago, especially compared to Space Battleship Yamato (74-75)!
  3. Well the name is apt if the VF-25, through its pilot, helps to bring peace and prosperity to NUNS and human/zent-kind. Besides Jewish, Bahá'í, Christian, Zoroastrian and Islamic all teach about messiahs (the anointed ones) and so. It isn't just regulated to Christians.
  4. 1. Uhmm if they have killed two or more of them, then no they are not overpowered. Least of all uber powered. 2. Variable fighters can fold, have damn near unlimited ammo, multi-forms oh and unlike the Vajra, do have PPB, like say the Excalibur or Sturmvogel. 3. Alto was able to blast one to smithereens and Ozamu stabbity one to death. So in the end, I cannot say they are super overpowered or even overpowered.
  5. Seems the Birdman will come home soon to roost.
  6. Still no sign of a [AiA I-Z] Macross Frontier 05.mp4 sub?
  7. I agree. I still watch SDF: M, even if the anime is subpar. I watch it for the whole experience, not just visual eye candy.
  8. Hmm, true, true. I'm more leaning toward your idea that it is a scout-type vehicle. Well, whatever it is, we shall see soon enough.
  9. As you can see from the pic I posted, it has a fold booster of the same size to those in Macross plus and it's silhouette is very reminiscent of a fighter. The angles are also too short for a transport too.
  10. You made me feel old! Shame on you!
  11. Looks like a non-variable fighter to me... Does the silhouette look familiar?
  12. Looks like a non-variable fighter to me... Does the silhouette look familiar?
  13. No, but I can think of several, actually quite a few, that have similar sexual scenes, ranging from Dragonball Z all the way to Pokemon. Serious, sex is sex and nothing about it is unnatural. Especially in a military-themed anime such as Macross.
  14. Dude, that clearly was a Bacta Tank...
  15. Oh she's got HUGE alright, I just don;t think it is her fan base..
  16. If I can still stand to watch SDF:M and M7, then I can tolerate it till the end.
  17. It is a research fleet...It is possible that they expanded upon Dr. Hasford's and Aries Turner's research...
  18. Agree with the above but I have to say the VF-25~
  19. By far the best episode yet! Can't wait for the sub!
  20. O RLY?
  21. Until someone shows me definite proof otherwise, I will assume that SK has made Sheryl Nome a relative of Sara and Mao. I also will think that with Edgar and Claudia La Salle. I mean why reuse names like that over unless you trying to make a connection?
  22. Here, here! Man it was great to watch this subtitled!
  23. I have to disagree with those who are disappointed over the action-liteness of this episode. I think we saw a much more involved story, like those we saw in the days of SDF:M. Over all I think the combination of action, drama, comedy and music really set the bar high on this episode. Looking forward to the next one and the sub.
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